
The Beyonder Beginning After End

It tells about the life of a person called Eric, a college student who always plays an active role in organisations, has experience in reading people's characters and is a leader. But underneath it all, he's good at manipulating people's feelings for his own benefit. Just as he is about to leave for the campus to fulfil his role as a student, Eric is involved in a car accident that kills him. But it doesn't end there, Eric, without knowing what happened, is reincarnated as an elf boy, where the world has some serious problems such as racial racism, a slave trade that looks normal and politics that are evil to the lower classes. Here Eric, who thinks that modern people cannot stand these conditions, is moved to change the world, where the way to do so is like hell.

Poponioko · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Prolog : Eric

Eric has always been a prominent figure in his college. With his proportional height and handsome face, he was often the center of attention. However, it wasn't his physical appearance that made him different, but his extraordinary intelligence and ability to read other people's characters. Since entering college, Eric has always played an active role in various student organizations, leading with undeniable charisma. But behind all that, there was a dark side that not many people knew about: Eric is a master manipulator.

The morning sun shone gently on the city, penetrating the cracks of tall buildings and creating long shadows on the bustling streets. In a small apartment in the city center, a young man named Eric was getting ready to start the day. The mirror in front of him reflected the figure of a man in his early twenties, with brown hair that always looked neat, and piercing blue eyes that held many secrets.

Eric put on his favorite black leather jacket, then grabbed his backpack that was already full of books and a laptop. As a Psychology major at City University, his schedule was always packed with lectures, organizational meetings, and research projects. However, Eric was no ordinary student. He was the leader of several campus organizations, always active in every activity, and had a unique ability to read and manipulate the feelings of others.

When he stepped out of the apartment, the sounds of city life immediately greeted him. Eric walked at a brisk pace towards the bus stop, where he usually met up with his college friends. At the bus stop, he met Michael, his best friend and organizational partner who always supported him in various activities.

"Eric, we have a big meeting with the dean this morning. Are you ready?" asked Michael as he sipped coffee from his paper cup.

"Always ready, Mike. This is just one of the many meetings we have to face. The important thing is that we have to convince the dean to fund our research project," Eric replied with a confident smile.

Michael chuckled. "You and that charisma. I don't know how you do it, but people always agree with you."

"It's all about understanding what they want, Mike. Everyone has hidden desires, and if we can offer something that fits, they'll support us," Eric said as he glanced at the oncoming bus.

After the bus ride, the journey to the campus was short as they continued to discuss strategies for the meeting. Their campus was one of the best in the city, with modern buildings standing majestically amidst a vast green park. When they arrived, Eric and Michael headed straight to the administration building for a meeting.

Inside a large meeting room filled with natural light, Eric began his presentation in front of the dean and several senior lecturers. He explained their research project in detail, highlighting the benefits to students and the university. His straightforward and confident way of speaking left everyone in the room in awe.

After the presentation, the dean seemed to think for a moment before speaking. "This project is very ambitious, but I can see the potential. Eric, you always manage to impress us. I will give my approval for this funding."

A big smile graced Eric's face. "Thank you, Mr. Dean. We won't let you down."

After the meeting, Eric and Michael walked out with a sense of relief. "You did it again, Eric. I don't know how you manage to stay so calm and convincing," Michael said as he patted Eric on the back.

"Practice and instinct, Mike. We just need to know what others want, and give it to them with a little extra," Eric replied with a chuckle.

The day continued with various campus activities. Eric attended several classes, met with members of organizations, and even managed to spend some time in the library completing assignments. As the sun began to set, he felt satisfied with all that the day had accomplished.

However, fate had other plans. On the way home, while crossing the road, a car sped up and hit Eric. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as his body bounced and fell to the asphalt. Excruciating pain spread throughout his body before everything turned dark.

As consciousness began to fade, Eric's last thought was regret. Regret that there were so many things he hadn't accomplished, so many dreams that hadn't been realized. However, he didn't know that this wasn't the end of his journey, but rather the beginning of an incredible new adventure.

When Eric opened his eyes again, he was no longer on a busy street in the city. He found himself in a strange place, in a different world. His body felt strange, smaller and lighter. With confusion filling his mind, he realized that he had reincarnated into a boy, an elf in a world he didn't know.

With enigmatic eyes and renewed vigor, Eric began a new chapter in his life. This is the beginning of his journey to change this new world, with all the knowledge and experience from his previous life.


The thick darkness slowly began to fade, replaced by a soft and warm light. Eric felt the pain slowly dissipate, replaced by a strange and unfamiliar sensation. His consciousness slowly returned, but when he opened his eyes, he was no longer on the bustling city streets. Instead, he found himself lying on cold, rocky ground, surrounded by tall, dense trees.

"Where am I?" he thought, trying to remember what happened. The memory of the accident came back like a flash of lightning. The loud noise of the car, the excruciating pain, and then the darkness.

Eric tried to move, feeling his body that felt different. He rose slowly, looking at his hands and feet that were smaller than they should be. He felt strange, like he was in a body that didn't belong to him. As he stood up, he saw his reflection in a puddle. The face he saw was not that of the Eric he knew, but of a boy with long, pointed ears, large green eyes, and golden blonde hair.

"What happened to me?" he murmured, confused. "Did I... reincarnate?"

Along with his confusion, unfamiliar memories began to appear in his mind. Memories of the life of an elven boy named Eryndor. He saw images of his peaceful village, his warm family, and a simple but happy life. However, the memories also brought horrors: a sudden attack by a group of humans, fires that consumed houses, screams of pain and fear, and finally, darkness.

"Eryndor... my clan..." Eric mumbled, trying to make sense of it all. "I survived the massacre."

Over time, Eric began to put the pieces of memory together. He not only reincarnated, but also brought with him memories from his previous life. With a turbulent mind, he realized that he was now Eryndor, an eight-year-old elven child who had lost everything.

"Why is this happening to me?" Eric wondered as he looked around the place, trying to find answers. "Is this a punishment? Or a second chance?"

With unbearable curiosity, Eric began to walk through the forest. His every step carried echoes of confusion and fear. The leaves that fell from the trees were like tears from the sky, telling tales of unspoken sorrow. The wind blowing through the trees whispered despair and faint hope.

After walking for a while, Eric arrived at a ruined village. The village looked like it had been swept away by a storm of angry gods. The once majestic houses were now rubble, like toys thrown by an angry child. The remnants of the fire still smoldered, like an unhealed wound, burning Eric's heart and soul.

He stood in the center of the destruction, surrounded by shadows of the past that were now only bitter memories. "This is my birthplace...," he murmured, his voice almost drowned out by the roar of the wind. "My village... my family... all gone."

Eric walked further, each step was like treading on broken glass that shattered his hopes and dreams. He saw the ruins of houses that were once full of laughter and love, now leaving only an eerie silence. The sun setting behind the hill gave the sky a blood-red color, as if nature was mourning the tragedy.

Amidst the ruins, he found something that broke her heart more than ever. A small rag doll, which used to belong to her younger sister. It was covered in dust and blood, like a symbol of shattered happiness and memories that would never return.

Tears streamed down Eric's cheeks, he couldn't hold back any longer. "Why did this have to happen to us?" he screamed in a broken voice, echoing through the rubble. "Is this punishment for a sin we never committed? Or is this a second chance to make things right?"

As he reflected, images of the past continued to haunt her mind. Memories of her family, of the love and happiness he once felt, now felt like a heavy burden binding her heart. However, amidst the deep sadness, there was one thing that remained burning within her: the determination to survive and change this world.

"I won't let their sacrifice go to waste," Eric said, his eyes blazing with renewed determination. "I will make this world a better place, even if the road is full of obstacles."

With that determination, Eric continues his journey, leaving behind a devastated village but taking with him the memories and hopes of his family. Each step brings him closer to his destiny, to a struggle that will change his life and the world around him.

Eric walked into a future full of uncertainty, but with the belief that he could make a difference. He knows that his journey has just begun, and although the road will be difficult, he will not give up. The world needs change, and he will be the one to bring that change.

With a heart filled with determination and vigor, Eric stepped forward, ready to face any challenges that would come his way. His journey had just begun, and he promised himself that he would take each step with courage and conviction. The world was going to change, and he was going to be the agent of that change.

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

Author note:

Eric Character Description

Name:Eric Anderson

Age:21 years old

Profession:Student majoring in Psychology

Appearance:Eric is a young man around 180 cm tall, with brown hair that is always neatly styled and piercing blue eyes that exude intelligence and calmness. His face is handsome and stern, with a strong jaw and a smile that often reflects confidence. His dressing style tends to be casual yet neat, often wearing his favorite black leather jacket and jeans.


Smart and Analytical: Eric is known as a very intelligent student, able to understand and analyze situations quickly. His ability to read other people's characters and understand human psychology makes him an effective leader in various campus organizations.

Charismatic and Manipulative: He has charismatic abilities that make people interested and willing to listen to him. However, behind that, Eric is also good at manipulating other people's feelings to achieve his goals, often using his skills for personal gain.

Leadership Spirit: Eric has a strong leadership spirit. He knows how motivating and inspiring others can be to work together and achieve a common goal.

Ambitious: Eric is very ambitious and always strives for the best in everything he does. He has clear goals and a strong determination to achieve them.

Limited Empathy: Although good at reading other people's feelings, Eric often lacks genuine empathy. He tends to focus more on the results rather than the emotional process that other people experience.


Eryndor Character Description


Age:8 years old (in the new world)

Appearance:Eryndor is an elven boy about 130 cm tall, with silky golden blonde hair and large green eyes that radiate both innocence and depth. His ears are long and pointed, typical of the elven race. Her skin is pale with a reddish tinge on her cheeks, adding a sense of purity to her appearance. Her clothing is simple, made from natural materials that are comfortable for life in the forest.


Innocent and Innocent: As a child who is only 8 years old, Eryndor has the innocence and innocence that is normal for a child his age. However, because of the memories from his previous life, there was an unusual maturity in his eyes.

Brave and Resilient: Despite being a child, Eryndor displays incredible courage and resilience. Losing his family and seeing his village destroyed made him stronger and more determined to survive.

Empathetic and Compassionate: Eryndor has a big heart and deep empathy. He cares deeply about the people around him and always tries to help them.

Wise for His Age: With Eric's memories within him, Eryndor has unusual wisdom for his age. He was able to see the world in a broader and deeper way, understanding the social and political complexities that existed in his new world.

Burdened by the Past: Memories of his murdered family and his destroyed village continue to haunt Eryndor. This deep sense of loss becomes a strong motivation to change the world and protect the people he loves.

Transformation from Eric to Eryndor

Knowledge and Experience:

After being reincarnated as Eryndor, Eric brought with him all his knowledge and experience from his previous life. This makes Eryndor a very intelligent and strategic child, able to think of solutions to complex problems despite being so young.

Motivation and Goals:

While Eric used to be motivated by personal ambition and often used manipulation to achieve his goals, Eryndor now has more altruistic motivations. The loss he experienced made him determined to improve the world and ensure no one else suffers like he did. However, Eric's intelligence and manipulative abilities remained within Eryndor, used now for nobler purposes.

Emotional Changes:

Eric, who previously tended to be less empathetic and more focused on results, now as Eryndor, has become more empathetic and compassionate. The pain and loss he experienced made him appreciate other people's relationships and feelings more. His growing empathy became a strength he used to lead and inspire those around him.

Through this transformation, Eryndor grows into a leader who is not only intelligent and strategic, but also full of compassion and determination. He combines Eric's strengths with an empathetic heart, ready to face the challenges of the new world and turn it into a better place.

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