
The Beyonder Beginning After End

It tells about the life of a person called Eric, a college student who always plays an active role in organisations, has experience in reading people's characters and is a leader. But underneath it all, he's good at manipulating people's feelings for his own benefit. Just as he is about to leave for the campus to fulfil his role as a student, Eric is involved in a car accident that kills him. But it doesn't end there, Eric, without knowing what happened, is reincarnated as an elf boy, where the world has some serious problems such as racial racism, a slave trade that looks normal and politics that are evil to the lower classes. Here Eric, who thinks that modern people cannot stand these conditions, is moved to change the world, where the way to do so is like hell.

Poponioko · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Alferusia Kingdom III

Elsewhere, Eric sat in the corner of his cell, listening to the sound of footsteps echoing along the cold and damp stone corridor. The walls of the prison were covered in moss and moisture, adding to the gloomy atmosphere of the place. The dim torchlight created shadows that moved around the room, emphasizing the loneliness and despair that usually surrounded a place like this.

Eric remained calm, refraining from showing fear or panic. He knew full well that showing weakness would only make the situation worse. Stay calm, and do as you normally would, he thought. He had faced difficult situations before and knew how to get out of these. The key was to speak lightly and follow their orders.

The sound of footsteps grew closer, and Eric could hear the metallic rattle of the guards' armor moving closer. He turned his gaze to the cell door, waiting without showing any expression. After all, they certainly wouldn't go crazy to keep him here for too long. He was already exposed to the public, and holding him for too long would only create a bad opinion of these soldiers.

The cell door opened with a creaking sound, and before him stood an elven woman with a strapping posture and a sharp gaze. Captain Naura entered the cell with firm steps, her sharp eyes watching Eric's every move.

"Eric, right?" Naura's voice sounded cold and full of authority. "We need answers from you. What happened and how did you get together with princess Bella?"

Eric lifted his face, looking directly into Naura's piercing eyes. The tension in the air was palpable, like electricity flowing between them. The cell felt even more cramped with Naura's intimidating presence, but Eric remained calm, trying not to show fear.


[Eric's POV]

I held my breath for a moment, making sure my voice remained steady and calm. "Yes," I began, my voice clear despite the slight tremor, "as the princess previously said, I am a survivor of the slave hunt and the attack on my village."

Naura didn't blink, her gaze kept locking on my eyes, trying to read my every move and facial expression. I knew she was looking for signs of lies or dishonesty. In my mind, I had to make sure every word that came out of my mouth sounded sincere and convincing. The basic techniques of psychology I learned in my previous life taught me that trust is built on consistency and straightforwardness.

"At that time," I continued, "I was confused about where to run and where to seek shelter. In my mind, I had to look for another village to the west of the river that flowed near the village. It was the only path I could think of at the time." I tried not to sound too hesitant, giving Naura a logical and acceptable explanation.

Naura remained silent, listening intently. I continued, "It was there, at night when I was resting, that I met the princess. She was also in the same state, fleeing from the attackers."

I watched Naura's facial expression carefully, trying to catch every little change. The slight change in the corners of her eyes told me that she was listening seriously, even though she was still hesitant. The microexpression observation technique I learned back then really helped me read this situation.

"From then on," I continued in a softer voice, "the two of us helped each other to survive. Princess Bella is a strong and brave person, but she still needs protection. I did my best to look after her and bring her safely back here."

I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in. "The princess is an important person, and I know the importance of ensuring her safety. I hope you can understand our situation and see that I have no malicious intentions. I just want to survive and help others."

Naura remained silent for a moment, her gaze still sharp but softening slightly. I could feel the tension in the room easing a little. "We will verify your story," she said finally, her voice no longer as hard as before. "However, for now, you will remain here until we are fully convinced."

I nodded, accepting the decision gracefully. Although the situation was far from ideal, I knew that showing cooperation and honesty was the key to gaining their trust.


[Naura's POV]

After conducting the interrogation with the boy named Eric, I quickly returned to my office that was filled with various reports and maps of the region. The air in my room felt heavy, reflecting the weight of responsibility I was carrying. I opened the window to let in a little fresh air, trying to refresh my mind before continuing this task.

As I began to examine the details of Eric's story, I found myself getting more and more immersed in the reports. The report of the attack on the village near the border was particularly alarming. The ink on the paper showed gruesome details: burnt houses, missing elves, and crimes committed by slave traders.

A knock on the door broke my concentration. Izack, my trusted palace guard and subordinate, entered with a serious expression. He bowed slightly before speaking. "The Queen has verified the story about the attack on the village near the border," he reported, his voice firm yet filled with concern.

I let out a long breath, feeling the weight on my shoulders grow heavier. "That means the boy was telling the truth," I muttered, more to myself than to Izack. I stared at the map spread out on my desk, showing the location of the destroyed village.

"Yes, and given his condition and circumstances, we should not be so harsh on him. All the evidence points to the boy's innocence, it's the victim we should protect," Izack continued.

I nodded, though my mind was still spinning, trying to process everything. 'Just having him exposed to the public is already making me dizzy with repercussions,' I thought, imagining the reaction of the public who had seen Eric being herded like a criminal. 'Especially with the tension that already exists between us and the kingdom of Terra...'

I remember Eric's face as calm and mature, unlike other children his age. It was clear that behind his stern eyes was a wisdom and maturity that was unusual for his age. Then, questions began to arise in my mind, leading me to want to know more about his background.

"Thank you, Izack. You reported clearly and on time," I said, trying to remain calm amidst all the chaos. "Go back and tell the Queen that the boy named Eric will be under my protection for the time being. I'll make sure he gets the proper care."

I followed Izack's lead with a thoughtful look. "For now, that's the best decision," I muttered, trying to ease the worries that were agitating my mind. "And also I need to observe that boy. I feel like there's something different about him, other than a mature demeanor that doesn't match his age."

My mind drifted to Eric's calm face as we spoke earlier. There was an unshakable strength in him, a maturity beyond his young age. I wondered what his background might be concealing

Sitting on a chair, I pondered deeply, letting my thoughts drift freely. The wooden ceiling of the room became a silent witness to my turmoil. In that silence, my mind couldn't help but keep drifting to an uncertain future.

"Geez, I hope this all ends well," I muttered softly, voicing my deep concern. The war that seemed to be approaching would only add to the burdens and hardships of this kingdom.