

Ayobami_0060 · Thành thị
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2 Chs


I woke up with a throbbing headache and realised I was in an unfamiliar place and my body was sore because I fell from the bed .Then I remembered all that happened yesterday and realised that I was with a stranger.

I stood up but lost my balance and was about to fall , when a strong warm hands held my waist before I fell down and I looked up to see the most mesmerizing eyes staring down at me and I was in a trance .Then I snapped back into reality,who the hell was this man holding me .I don't know him nor his background.

I instantly pushed him away. I was about to ask who he was when he said "O, finally sleeping beauty is awake . You sleep so much".

"What do you mean, I sleep like any normal human would!" I replied in anger.

He looked amused by what I said and for some reason he started to laugh"The day you were in the forest was a day before yesterday, you dummy"after saying this he flicked my head .

I was taking aback by what he said 'I have been here for a while day, my parents must be so worried' .Then something went through my head...'what if he raped me'.

I involuntarily covered my body and when he saw My reactions , he couldn't help but laugh"You ....you thought I would do something awful to you?"he asked

"Well every men are like that".I replied

"Then why would I save you from those men in the forest?"he questioned again

I didn't look very convinced 'what if he saved me to have his own way with me' I thought.

"Where are my manners , hi I'm Henry Cobbledick but you can call me Henry, what's yours?"he said holding out his hand. I was torn in a battle with my mind and heart.

My mind was telling me not to trust him as he is a stranger to me but my heart was telling me trust him since he saved me from those men.

"Klara Afton, only child and heir to the Afton empire" I said with pride although I always wanted a sibling. 'Well aren't you the proud one ,are you hungry? I just made breakfast ' he asked.

I nodded my head shyly before looking away from his eyes. While he was gone I checked my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from my mom. Three minutes later and I saw Henry enter the room with a tray filled with food.

In the tray was a stack of pancakes. The top was covered in berries and cream with honey dripping down on the sides. there was also a cup of tea and orange juice.

"Well I didn't know what you prefered so I brought both "

he said with a smile , the smell was so good and I started eating like a beast .

' hey eat slower or you'll choke' he said .

My face felt red as a tomato when I heard his words.