
The best thing happened to me

[ This novel contains mature content. Read at your own risk. Please don’t blame me for your nosebleed :)))] This is the story between two people who had experienced heartbreaks and know the value of love. Li Jie- the guy who is super busy ruling the country’s economy , the dashing CEO, and a ruthless underworld emperor. Zhang XiaoXi- A beauty worth drooling at, a kind hearted, A goddess model and an actor. After being deceived by their loved ones and decide not to fall in love again, fate brings them together with an arranged marriage. Getting married to an unknown person and staying under a same roof - seems to be awkward but what will happen when they both fall in love with each other unexpectedly. what happens when all the unexpected things come their way from the initial days of their marriage? This story contains all those small small mushy, romantic, sweet and heart warming scenes that happens between a newly married couple. P.S. The cover photo doesn’t belong to me:))

sarah09 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
83 Chs

vote for wife!!

After the event was finished, Uncle kenneth went on to the stage and took the mic from Mc.

"Thank you everyone for accepting this old man's invitation and coming this far to make the event successful"

Looking at the audience, uncle kenneth continued

"you all know that the money from the auction goes to the charity, but what you people didn't know was this is not the only charity event but also something very important event for the future of our brand"

Everyone who were present there were all confused by uncle kenneth's words. Looking at their confusing expressions, uncle kenneth announced,

"Todays ramp was not simply for charity but the audition for 2 models who are going to be our brand ambassadors world wide"

Everyone gasped at his words. Kenneth has been the popular personality worldwide with his work of art. He was also a person who would go to any end to get what he really wants.