
The Bender of Dimension and Time

Our protagonist a nobody shall rise through the ranks and become a god feared or loved. Which path will he choose?

Kaeso · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

The Reaper is sad?

Valyria was now standing right infront of the captain of the holy knights, her armour and sword full of blood.

Looking him directly into his scared eyes she asked him the only question that interested her which was the only reason the captain was alive:

,,Who sent you?''




Meanwhile in another dimension the Reaper was laughing so hard that he had both arms holding his stomache due to the pain of laughting to hard and for to long whilst rolling on the floor.

The reaper had watched Aton the moment he transported him into the game and despite the boring start he found it funny when Aton and Valyria both got lost on they're way to Breston. But that only lasted for a while as for one week nothing interesting happend and the Reaper was geting bored again.

Yet mother fortuna was on the Reapers side, as soon as his entertainment reached Breston multiple interesting events occured.

A Angel was born, followers were gained, a fan service night in a inn, that disapointed the reaper a bit, as nothing happend and a town was to be appointed to Aton.

Combining this with several people Aton met as well as items he aquired the Reaper was having a blast and found it better then pay-tv.

After another boring week were nothing happend the city should officaly become Atons and the Reaper was sitting there watching the speach of the Lord with popcorn in his hand waiting for Aton to enter the stage hoping somthing interesting might happen soon.

Never would the Reaper have thought that Aton would die so early.

Not only that, the ones that killed him were holy knights, worshippers of the gods.

Ironic... very ironic...

The Reaper loved it.

He found it hillarious.

And thats why the Reaper was now afraid that he might die of laughter if he doesn't stop soon.

After a few more minutes the Reaper finnaly calmed down enought to think straight.

Well it was fun to watch him, but I guess I will have to find another project for my entertainment, he will be sent to the underworld and thats it.

The Reaper stood up and walked towords his throne before he sat down and waited

1 minute past.

2 minutes past.

5 minutes past.

After 10 minutes the Reaper was wondering what was taking so long for Aton to reach him but he didn't pay it to much attention as he had time, alot of time.

yet half an hour past and Aton still was not there.

Wondering why the Reaper stood up from his throne and actively started looking for Atons soul in the Soul mirror, a mirror that could find the location of any soul, even that of a god.

Looking at the mirror the Reaper spoke

,,Mirror, mirror on the wall, show me Atons, soul the fairest of them all.''

Just kidding.

I mean the mirrors not even on a wall but floating mid air... aaaaaah im bored.

The Reaper rambled on talking to himself before searching for Atons soul in the soul mirror, of couse without needing to chant anything.

Hm it's taking rather long to find his soul it seems, I wonder why?

After several minutes the Reaper finnaly found what he was looking for.

Hmmmm weird.

Very weird.

I wonder why he... oh! Oh yes, yes, yes, yes.

This is great.

It seems my fun might not end just yet the Reaper wispered happily to himself.




The captain of the holy Knights was kneeling before Valyria.

He was unable to do anything whilst his troup got slaughtered in a split second without him knowing how.

But the captain was nether going to tell this failure of an Angel what she wanted to know.

He would rather die then to betray the pope.

Valyria holding back her urge to kill the bastard who had ordered to kill her father asked him several times who sent him and from where he came from, but he just wouldn't answer. She was geting anoyed, very anoyed. She was slowly starting to lose all reasoning and slaughter everyone until nothing remains as she was sure, that that way she would also revenge her father.

Just as she was going to lose all reason and go on a rampage an immortale who already thought, that she might kill everyone present if she doesn't hear what she wants to, jumped infront of her and told her what he guessed.

Honnored Angel he spoke, please refrain from punishing everyone present for I can tell you by who these knights were sent. These people are and were holy knights from the holy church that worship all good gods. I am guessing that they were searching for the angel that the world announced had arived in our realm and ended up killing your god thinking he was an impostor.

So I think that they acted alone without anyone ordering them to kill your father.

The player looked at Valyria who was not moving.

After what felt like an eternity she sheeted her sword and spoke.

Fine I shall not harm anyone ealse in this town but i shall head towords the holy church and punish them if I deem it right.

The player started breathing again as he unconsciously had held his breath.

But Valyrias revenge was still not over.

Pointing her finger towords the remaining holy knight captain she said.

For your deeds I sentence you to death.

"An eye for an eye"

activating the skill exclusiv to angels of revenge she planed to finish the massacre in Breston.

The skill "An eye for an eye" enacted the same punishment to a target, that the user saw in the last week.

She wanted the captain to experiance the same death as her father.

and so it happend in a few seconds the captain was held to the ground by an invisible force and was beheaded.

It was over.

And yet...

No Valyria did not feel better yet.

She wanted to enact punishment towords the holy church.

But before that... Valyria turned towords the player who had given her the information she wanted, she wanted to thank him in some kind of way.

immortal tell me, what is your name?

The immortal kneeled infront of Valyria and answered in a slightly exited voice:

My name is Rahel, and I am at your service oh holy Angel.

Have fun

Kaesocreators' thoughts