
Unexpected News Pt 3

It's been 3 days since Elizabeth known as Double E came back, to the mainland of mortals and Olivia woke up from her coma and they are getting shown around, of their new building and their manager enters holding a basket of freshly hot made hot cross buns, and the girls are sleeping until they wake up like zombies and sees their manager standing there.

"Good morning~" manager said so cutely and the girls, and giving the 'what the fuck?' look until Elizabeth stands up and walks over to her even looks into the, basket and grabs the hot cross buns' basket and goes to the table so the other girls can, grab one and eat it.

"Well, girls. I have some news, from the communication centre of the ISRCC (International Supernatural Refugee Communication Centre). You have been summoned." manager said and the girls stops eating and looks at their manager, in confusion.

"No disrespect, but you are not making sense." Christina said respectfully and the manager sighed in disbelief and knows what they are going to ask. Then the manager replied "You have been summoned by a woman on the SMC (Supernatural Mainland Council), called Maria. To discuss something about, ending the war between mortals and supernatural." But the girls looked at each other because they knew that their manager, has fallen for the oldest trick in the book.

Then Elizabeth exhales before standing up and leaving the room, but she smells the scent of blood and she quickly ran even arrived at some location, and sees a woman laying on the ground being feed upon by a woman in dark cloak and Elizabeth said "Your majesty, you are breaking your own law about feeding on mortals." Then the woman looked and said "Lizzie, you should not be here. I do not want to harm or hurt you, but if I must." But before the woman could attack her the woman was shot with a knock out dart in the neck, and the woman fell unconscious but Elizabeth hit a pole and fell into a coma.

But meanwhile on the supernatural mainland it's dark and someone, enters a cave wearing a mask and heads to the main chamber and entered, even removed his/her mask and coat. Then the person hears a voice 'You're late.' And the person replied "I apologise, Lady Maria. But, I sent your message but is it wise to bring them back here, with this toxic cloud from the volcano's ash?"

And the woman with light blonde hair walks out of the shadow, and picks up the book even whacks the person with it before replying 'I have every faith and hope, that they will come. In order to put an end to Crimson's reign for once and for all. Plus it disguises me that, he forced my mother to marry him. Even worse, to bare him a son.' Then the person is looking around trying to keep quiet while listening to her complaining before leaving, the chamber and cave.

But as the person started walking somewhere, but was encounted by a familiar woman wearing an unusual dress and hairstyle before the woman said "You have been a very, bad boy. Take him and escort him to his royal bedchamber, and keep him there until the king summons him." Then the guards bowed and escorted him away while, the woman leaves and enters the royal carriage even headed straight for the new kingdom deep within the black forest, on the other side of the island.

~Dark Forest Kingdom~

There are screams coming from outside of the kingdom and palace, but inside the palace there's guards dressed in black soldier uniforms, and the king is sitting in the dark on the throne with his blood red eyes showing and he grabbed one of the, disciples who was born on the mortal mainland and raised on the supernatural mainland by his/her father, since the mother died in childbirth and threw the disciple across the room before sitting down and the doors opened, and the queen entered.

"We welcome the queen, home." the disciples said together as they bowed in respect as she walked over to the throne were she sits and, the meeting continues. But, after hours the meeting finally ends and the disciples leaves the throne room and the king looks at her in concern. "Staring at me, is not going to get me in the bedchamber Crimson. So, stop it." The queen said so harshly before leaving the throne room and the guards tries, to hold in their laugh and the king orders them to be quiet as he leaves the throne room as well and heads to, the royal bedchamber of the prince.

~Prince's Chamber~

The prince is reading a book until he hears a knock upon, his door and said "Enter, whoever you are. I am not in the mood, for games." And as the door opened then the prince looks and bows in respect but the king said "Forego the formalities, my son. I know, you have been sending messages and seeing your older stepsister Maria. You should have told, me about this." But, the prince did not reply at all and the king exhaled as walked passed and sees, the necklace that he found 5 years ago and slightly smirked.

"Your mother and I, remember when you found this by the lava bed. It had your name enclaved on it." King said and the prince took it from, him and putted it in his pocket. Then the king sits down but then the prince walks into his room, but not long after he closed the door something happened and the king is dust on the chair.

"Now, the reign of that traitor is finally over. But, now I have to take over expect I don't want to become king. I dislike politics. I wonder if my older, stepbrother wants to become king." The prince said to himself as he is looking out the window, and at the blood moon as the ash cloud suddenly disappeared. Then the prince held his jacket because his heart is beating really fast, and he hears a voice inside his head 'Do you really think that, you are Lin'marie's and that bastard's son? You're not, did you forget who killed your mother the day she hid you? Oh, the reason why you're holding the jacket like that is because you're in heat. It's time to choose a mate, known as a wife. Otherwise you're going to die if you keep standing there like that.'

Then the prince chuckled softly before he, opened the window doors and walked towards the balcony, as he removed his jacket and shirt the moon turned him into a wolf and he running through the woods.

But meanwhile on the mainland of mortals Elizabeth is walking with the girls, into the International Airport and boarded the plane even flying in the air. "Lizzie, you have been living on the supernatural mainland for three months. Has it changed?" Christina asked and Elizabeth lightly shook her head as she is sleeping, and Jess went over and sat beside Olivia. "Olivia, you have barely said a word. What's wrong?" Jess said even asked but Olivia still didn't reply, so Jess fell asleep and Olivia is walking until she hears "Where are you going?" and she turned around and sees Elizabeth looking at her.

"I am just going to the toilet. I will be back." Olivia replied but Elizabeth didn't believe a word she said and, sent Christina with her to make sure that she goes to the toilet and back to her seat again. Elizabeth is looking at sky suspiciously as she sees no ash cloud, that she saw on the news channel anymore and after they finished what they were doing, Christina and Olivia sat back down and the manager said "Girls, we will be landing very soon. But, please be aware that the pilots have been notified that there's a wolf lurking in the shadows of the airport, so stay inside the security circle and if you see it don't panic."

To Be Continued ~

Author's question: Will they listen to the manager's warning? Or will Elizabeth save them again?

Find out in the next chapter.