
the beginning after the tip

a fanfic between arthur leywin and agrona

DaoistvDSHBT · Khác
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the big black cock

arthur leywin POV:

it was a rainy night and grey was out drinking when he saw him it was agrona qickly arthur tried hiding but just as quickly agrona found him "what do you want" i asked agrona "your cock" he answered "what" i replied confused "your cock i said i want your cock" i was shocked was this the only reason he wanted to capture me all this time i spent training in the relictombs was all wasted.

No it couldnt be true what about my dad he died just because agrona wanted my cock.

" why do you want my cock" i replied "well i dont know i think its love at first sight" he said "what do you mean love at first sight" "well ever since i saw that little cock of yours when you were just a small child ive fallen in love" he said

"wait so youre a pedophile" i replied shocked "yes arthur i am".

I was shocked how could he do all this just to get som of this dick "what about the war. was that just for my cock?" "Yes arthur it was all just to get some of your cock" he said. So if i give you some cock will you end the war?" i replied with a sliver of hope "yes arthur i will" i was shocked "fine if its to end the war ill give you some cock".

And so i followed him to a nearby inn where he bought the most expensive room. And when we entered the room he said "take off your clothes" as he was taking off his own clothes "fine" i replied. as i was taking off my clothes i got a glimpse of his cock and i said worried "that wont fit" "its fine" he said as he pulled out some lube "strawberry flavor huh" i replied. At least he has good taste in lube.

we went to the bed and he laid on top as he started sucking it "ahh not so hard" he apologized and went softer but still it was enough to make me cum in under a minute "youre good at this" i said "thank you ive practised with nico" nico huh what a lucky guy " shall i try aswell" i said

"please do" agrona said as we switched sides i gave him a little kiss on the lips as i could see him blush so i started blushing aswell.

then i went down on him aswell and started sucking but i couldnt fit it all inside my mouth. but it was way to big even bigger than virions which was atleast 30 inches.

"ahh" i heard a soft moan from him and his cock started having a spasm and then he came i started chocking on all the cum he released but i managed and i swallowed it all.

"shall we get started on the main course" he said sith exitment in his voice "yes please i said while blushing. and so we switched sides again." are you ready" he said "yes i said while covering my mouth then he started moving "ahh" "ahh" "ahh" he moaned while i released moans of my own then i started thrusting on my part aswell and then he started masturbating and i could see it comparing it to virions cock was an insult it was alteast 40 inches long and it was still growing. "is this what you wanted fate for" i asked.

"yes arthur since the start i knew i had no chance of fucking you so i had to change fate itself thats how my cock is so big. "how did you learn it" i asked. "you need to have sex with 1000 men" he said "1000!!!" i said "yes arthur 1000" he said "is that why it took so-" i was interupted by agrona cumming all over my and even filled my mouth and thats wehn i realised i had came over 5 times already and when he lifted his fat ass of my cock it came dripping out.

"shall we switch sides arthur" he said "yes please" i replied and thats when i saw her tessia had walked in on us having gay sex "what are you doing" she said in shock "its not what it looks like2" i said "then explain arthur" she said still in shock. but i couldnt find an answer then agrona said something "he is having gay sex with me woman dont interupt" he said