
Training in Hearth

POV Julian Kingscrown

"How much longer do you think it will take us to get to Hearth, Avier?" I asked the Wyvern I was flying with through the clearings.

"A couple of hours, boy, I'm curious why you asked Mordain for this favor at this time," he questioned.

"The Vritras are preparing to make their move, the war is very close, I estimate that in a year at most they will have attacked the academy and in three more they will start their skirmishes in the clearings" I replied.

"You told me they had very powerful generals, we know that, since we saw them at some point and Yimir himself told us when he saw the attack on Silvia in the great mountains, but what level do you intend to reach" Avier asked again.

"It's very ambiguous, I think that right now I could defeat a white core mage from Dicathen if we only talk about spell power; but if they challenge me to a hand-to-hand fight or a wear and tear combat I would probably lose, so my real level would be far below that of a retainer, my goal is to reach the level of the weakest scythe or the strongest retainer in these five months", I replied.

"Why don't you stay longer with Mordain that would be beneficial for you", Avier commented.

"There are many reasons, but above all it is because the focus of the attack will be the Xyrus academy and I also think that one of the white core mages will be their target", I replied again.

"How are you so sure of all this information?", the Wyvern commented.

"You must know that there are spies in the academy, you also know that they have been strengthening a base of followers, it is only a matter of time before they move", I took a short breath and continued.

"They have also been too quiet since the incident of the Dire Tombs in the clearings, maybe you wonder why not prevent it from happening by cutting things off at the root" I turned my gaze to Avier and saw him nodding.

"Dicathen is not aware of the enemy we are facing, they do not know that we are currently nothing more than pigs in the slaughterhouse; these incidents will serve to let them know that the other side is very serious", I said in a somber tone.

"You are using the lives of the Dicatheans as mere sacrificial pieces", he replied.

"I know, but it is something that must be done", I replied clenching my fist.

I'm not going to think about whether what I do is right or wrong, I already know that I can't save everyone and it's something I have to get used to for the sake of the continent and the people close to me.

I'm not going to be hypocritical, I'll do what needs to be done and save people to the best of my ability.

"Your face completely betrays your true feelings", Avier commented.

I decided not to answer because I know myself well enough and deep down I know that it is not something I want to do, but I have to carry it out to achieve the goal I have set for myself.

After about two and a half hours we arrived at the entrance of the dungeon, the last time I came I only related to Mordain, Chul and Yimir, but this time I hoped to get to know the culture of the Asclepius clan and the other Asuras that are with them a little better.

After entering the dungeon we began to see the Ebon Scourge come out of their hiding place, I drew my sword and activated the second phase of the phoenix's will.

"Let's see how much I've grown", I said as I approached the mana beasts of class AA and S.


POV Evascir Grandus

Today I was clearing the way to Hearth because Mr. Mordain had told me that a guest would come along with Avier.

So I started from the boss of the deep chamber to the entrance of the dungeon.

When I was halfway there I felt Avier's mana signature and there was another one that although I had felt before I couldn't tell who it was.

This can only mean that Mr. Mordain's guest has been here before, cautiously I approached the two mana signatures and what I saw surprised me.

There was a boy of about twelve or thirteen years old with grayish hair and red eyes; when I saw his marks on his face I could identify the will of a phoenix and immediately connected the dots, I remember that a few years ago we were informed of Yimir's death.

Due to the damage suffered in a battle against the Basilisks, the estimated time of life he had left was very short and everyone in Hearth knew that eventually this day would come.

What no one counted on was that he had chosen someone to inherit his will and not only that, but that he was not one of the people of his clan.

He was a human, in Mr. Mordain's words the boy was an exceptional child, blessed and taught by a dragon.

Many people had some interest within the clan, others were annoyed by not being chosen, many others wanted to meet him, but Mr. Mordain did not speak out after giving us that information.

Many people over time completely forgot about this matter, but here he was in front of me reappearing like a ghost.

His control over Yimir's will was good, but his techniques were deficient, not his mana control; but his unnecessary and imprecise movements make the physical wear and tear increase, as well as the increase in mana use.

I could see that he lacked more experience and maturity, but he had very good foundations while those thoughts passed through my mind, I felt two mana signatures approaching my position, they were known so I did not turn around but continued to observe the boy in front of me.

Mordain and Chul stood on my right side; as they watched closely the movements, we saw the boy fight against several mana beasts of class AA or S, he was in trouble, but stubbornly refused to back down as he clenched his teeth and kept moving, looking for a way to defeat the dozen beasts that attacked him.

He threw orange lightning cuts as he moved quickly through the cavern mutilating the beasts, sometimes he created white or purple flames and threw them at the beasts.

Other times he used compressed wind magic to speed up his body and cut the skin of the mana beasts more easily, he also had a lot of creativity when using other magics.

He had the ability to combine, metal magic with ice icicles, he was also using plant and illusion magic to confuse the beasts.

Finally, he was using gravity magic, slowing down the Ebone Scourge's pace.

After seeing that, I understood what Lord Mordain meant when he said he received the blessing of a dragon; that body is not human and his affinity with the magics either.

It is quite amazing that the arrogant dragons gave him that, I don't know how they did it and how the boy passed their tests, but that he is here shows how irregular his existence is, he is a mass of pure coincidences and coincidences.

"He has grown a lot since the last time he came he couldn't even hit the Scourge properly", I heard the voice of the young Chul

"You're right, he's come a long way to get here", Lord Mordain said in a satisfactory tone.


POV Julian Kingscrown

"Ha, ha, ha, ha", these things are fucking tough and their vitality is amazing.

I'm very close to reaching my limit and I've barely killed half of the beasts in the room, not to mention that we're not even close to the door to Hearth.

"Enough kid, you've done a great job getting to the middle of the dungeon. Most humans don't even manage to set foot here without being on the verge of death, be proud of that," I heard Avier's voice next to me and he stepped forward.

But before he could even do that, I saw Chul approaching from the opposite side of us and he began to slaughter the beasts with the weapon in his hand.

After checking the surroundings a bit, I felt Mordain's signature and someone I don't remember seeing.

I looked in that direction and I saw the leader of the Asclepius clan accompanied by someone else, Mordain made a short salute with his hands, which I returned.

After a few more minutes, Chul had finished with all the beasts and I had recovered enough to be able to move.

"It seems you've been through a lot if your skills have grown so much kid," Mordain said.

"I've been constantly testing myself to reach new heights," I replied.

"From what I could see, you need more experience in hand-to-hand combat and strategies to keep yourself in an optimal state for much longer," he commented.

"I think he's more of a glass cannon," Chul said.

Sylvie, who had climbed onto my shoulder at some point, also spoke, "my brother needs to refine his combat form for attrition fights, with his physique maturing day by day his endurance will increase naturally; I'm more worried that there's a gap between his body and his mana core."

Mordain opened his eyes slightly at Sylvie's words and said, "you've also grown a lot, as for the concern you have if there's a gap I also noticed it and there's only one way to close it, do you know what it is Julian?"

"White core," I answered.

Because my core is still in silver medium, I can't use the power of the legacy without restrictions and the amount of spells comparable to white core that I can cast has a maximum of fifteen; after that I'll suffer a backlash and be out of combat.

"Correct, but even with that you'll have your limit, the stage you should aspire to is integration," he spoke again.

He's right, to be able to carry the power of the legacy to the maximum and fight on equal terms against the Asuras I have to reach that point, but the white core would allow me to be above the scythes.

Since they had already cleared the entrance to Hearth we arrived quickly and I could see again a beautiful mystical forest of gray tones with orange.

It's a sight I'd never get tired of, I wonder if the landscapes of Epheotus will be the same.

As we walked along the carefully paved road, I felt the stares of the people of the Asclepius clan.

There were some filled with surprise, others with palpable hostility and some with genuine interest.

Avier had told me something about this on the way, but I didn't expect it to be, to this point, that some members of the Asclepius clan had animosity towards me.

I saw some approaching Mordain with their eyes on me, but he made a gesture with his hand to stop them and said, "you'll be able to meet him another time."

They all seemed reluctant, but they gave in and moved away from the road, then I followed Mordain to a relatively large space the size of a soccer field in my previous life.

"This would be a good place for your training, but I don't know how much this will help you due to the short time we have."

"For that I have a solution," I took out of my dimensional ring, something similar to a giant egg with intricate engravings of purple tones.

Mordain approached his face to see better what I had in my hands and said, "It looks like a very complicated device, what is it for?"

"Do you know about the Ether orbs of the dragons?" I asked.

"Do you really have one of those?" He asked surprised.

"It's much bigger than theirs and it can't speed up time, its only function is to take whoever uses it to a spiritual world for training purposes" I answered.

"That means I shouldn't hold back" Chul said.

"If you hit me too hard, it will return us to this physical plane," I told Chul.

"Well, we should try it, what are we waiting for?" He said enthusiastically.

I placed the egg in the center of the field, turned it on, walked away a few steps and then a purple dome was generated.

I signaled Chul to follow me and apparently Mordain was also curious, as he followed us a step behind.

After entering, a change in the atmosphere was felt, it was a feeling of absolute calm as if there was nothing at all, it was a somewhat creepy feeling.

Looking around I saw a vast ocean with no end in sight and a blue sky with clouds, it was something spectacular, but strangely it showed no change, it was as if it was frozen in time, the only thing that could be deformed were the slight waves that my steps generated.

"It's a good place, can you give it other shapes?" Mordain asked.

"No, this is the most I can do with my skills," he nodded and looked at the other Phoenix that accompanied us.

I did the same and saw Chul hitting the ground with his feet, he had a curious face, "it feels a bit weird to walk like this on the water," he commented.

"Chul, initially he will give you physical combat lessons, depending on your progress more people will join," Mordain commented as he gave a salute and left this space.

I'm sure I didn't explain to him that by just thinking about it I could get out, so how did he know what to do to get out?

"Well, let's start," Chul said

I took off some of the clothes I had for training, but it was a weird feeling, was it really taking them off the right term?, after all it was my soul that did it.

"Don't get distracted," Chul said

After that I felt a strong blow to my face that sent me flying several meters; the pain was unbearable, I felt like they had broken my neck and the bones of my skull, but fortunately they didn't break anything, even so the shock made me leave that world.

I got up from the lying position I was in, holding my neck with my heart racing, confirming that nothing had really happened to me.

"Wow, it works just as you said," I heard Chul's babble.

I felt like hitting him, but I know he would beat me up if I tried, so I just clenched my fists with frustration and reluctantly continued.

"Let's do it again," I said, taking off the coat I was wearing and entering the Ether egg

That's how my five-month training in Hearth began