
Chapter 6

Sorin Bennet sat with Damian Scarrow. They had just entered the portal, and they were completely swallowed by the crowds there.

Sorin had met Damian, not that far from home, and had apologised to him, where in return, Damian too apologised for running off. They both chatted for a bit, booked a taxi, and then headed their way towards Blenhiem, the portal of the Scarrow's. Place where it all started, and ended for a matter of fact. Where Damian had met Avyanna and Estelle, also Sorin.

Sorin wasn't a prince, his father was the captain of the soldiers of the Scarrow's, and keeper of all the magical weapons. They had met at a dinner, and after that, God is witness in how fast their friendship grew, and touch wood for that. They both grew to love each other as a brother, none of them had one anyway, so they believed they were each other's brother.

Damian sighed a breath of relief, being in this huge crowd made no one look at him, and treat him like a prince, which he was, no doubt. But staying in the human world made him hate attraction a lot, made him wish to not be a prince in his next life. But then he also loved the love he used to get when he was here, on his birthdays, huge celebrations would be done, everyone would be happy and celebrate. He loved it here, but then he remembered why he left, this was the place where murder allegations were put on Avyanna, he remembered the things that have happened. To Avyanna, right in front of his eyes. She was thrown stones on, for the accusations of harming their beloved prince, and killing Estelle, also beloved by the people of Scarrow. After that, he had never returned home until now. He had swore never to, not after what had been done to Avyanna. But that was also when he started to believe that Avyanna was innocent, seeing her not say a thing even when she was being both accused of a murder and was being thrown stones at, she was supposed to be burned that very day, even then she said nothing, but that just made his belief stronger, that day he saved her by stepping in front of her, if he had not taken a step, she would have most likely died, without even a single justification, which to everyone, seemed that she was at fault, but only Damian could see that she wasn't. Being here once again, made the cores of his heart deeply disturbed. It was weird to be back here, it has been 3 years, but it still had the feel of home, but with the worst memories he had ever had. But then also the best ones.

Sorin held his hand, and dragged him, along with the luggage, to the local town hotel. They used to sneak here when they were kids, Damian and Sorin. The lady who used to be on the reception wasn't there today, another relief for Damian. Rather there was a young girl who sat there instead. Damian went towards her and asked her for a room, she did some formalities and and then handed the keys to him. They had booked only one room, because as far as they knew, they wouldn't actually be here. Rather, they would be outside, trying to find Avyanna. The room was only to throw their baggages in. Which they did as soon as they entered in their room, after which the thoughts were mutual about taking a rest. So they did.

Leon and Cal had stepped inside of the portal, with their luggage and all, as soon as they did, Leon noticed that the crowd was less today, after all he'd been here a few times regarding Avyanna's case. The portal closed behind them, and they moved ahead. Cal was here for the very first time, and being engulfed by the crowd wasn't a very good first impression of the Scarrow for her. Cal could see that just where the portal opens, there is a market, in which there were a bundle of stores there to say the least. Away from all the stalls and stores, far ahead, she could see a castle, a castle that she had only ever heard about. It was magnimus, it was stunning, and it was beautiful. But took her hand and dragged her away from the castle, rather than taking her in it, which she knew wouldn't happen their work was not in the castle, maybe not even in Scarrow. But they were here only to join Sorin and Damian. Cal knew that Sorin wouldn't be hurt, at least she tried to convince her heart that he wasn't. She didn't even know how she started to care so much for Sorin. They started out with being friends, but what it was not, wasn't clear to her, they had not proposed to one another, which meant that they were not lovers at least not yet, and they just cared so much, that they weren't just friends too, it was confusing, this relationship that they had. But all she knew was, that whatever it may cost, she would never let Sorin get hurt. Leon had dragged Cal to a local hotel, apparently. Which she frowned upon almost instantly after seeing it, because it was, local. And she was not at all used to local, only royal, and 5-star. But it didn't bother her, as her focus was on Sorin, and him alone. So she ignored the urge to tell him to move them somewhere else. Leon could see the disgust of seeing the hotel in her eyes, but he just held her hand tightly. And stepped inside. Leon thought that this was the most famous hotel here, and wanted to check if Sorin and Damian had also checked in here, which they had. The receptionist girl had thrown some fits in telling about them, but then Leon wasn't a famous detective for nothing, he got her to show the records to him pretty easily. Seeing the records Cal shouted in, "We need to go see them right now." But Leon manages to convince her to get some rest first, as moving through the portals drain all of the energy that you have. Leon booked two rooms, and they went right into them, threw their bags and disappeared between their fluffy beds and comfy comforters. After all they had a long day ahead.