
The Beautiful Female CEO Fell in Love with Me

A talented trader in a company and a well-known financial queen. Their first encounter was when they were drunk. He stumbled back to the company to get his cell phone and found that there was still someone in the president's office! In a drunken stupor, he staggered to the door and kicked it open! Suddenly, a drunken man and a sober woman found themselves in a unique situation, which led to an unforgettable story between them.

wu2024 · Thành thị
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39 Chs

It's only three days! Isn't there four days left?

Muge also arrived at the company.

Fortunately, due to Jiang Yanfei's prompt arrival, it was only 8:40 when they reached the company.

As Muge entered the department, all his colleagues inquired about his well-being.

Muge reassured them, saying he was fine and that it was just a minor rear-end collision.

Soon, Muge made his way to his workstation.

But he was taken aback to find Wang Wei sitting at his desk.

"What are you doing here, son? Get off my seat. I need to check the market," Muge said.

"No, Mr. Mu, my great Mr. Mu, you're the vice president now. This is my spot. Your office is over there, in the private room," Wang Wei replied.

Muge was momentarily stunned, then realized that Wang Wei was right.

But in the next second, Muge said, "Get off, get off. I still prefer our department. I'll give you this spot when I'm done with the bet. Oh, and son, buy me a Red Bull. I got up too early and feel sluggish."

Wang Wei rolled his eyes. "You're something else, I'll give you that," he said as he got up to buy the Red Bull.

Meanwhile, Chen Li and the others noticed Muge sitting at his old desk.

"Mr. Mu, just a reminder, you've only got three days left. What's your plan? Are you really going to slack off?"

"Yeah, our whole department is counting on you. Don't be a slacker. I've put together a list of stocks that might be profitable soon," Hu Fei said anxiously.

"Here, take this info too," Manager Zhang said as he emerged from his office, handing Muge a stack of papers. "Also, a few other department managers are already preparing to run for vice president in the group chat. What's your plan? You haven't made any moves yet, and there's only a week left. You've already wasted three days."

Manager Zhang secretly hoped that Muge would get promoted so that his own life at work would be easier.

"Here's your Red Bull, oh, and that file on my desk is for you too," Wang Wei said as he handed Muge the drink.

Muge took a sip of the Red Bull and addressed his colleagues.

"Don't worry, guys. I won't let you down. I've been researching for the past few days, and I have a plan," he assured them.

Satisfied with his response, they went back to their work, knowing that Muge had a handle on the situation.

Muge was grateful for his supportive colleagues. In most workplaces, there was a lot of backstabbing and office politics, but his department was a tightly knit group, and he appreciated that.

However, with his knowledge of De Ren Pharmaceutical's future performance and his Predictive Eye skill, Muge was confident in his abilities.

His plan was simple: he would use his superior abilities to silence his critics and win over the other department managers.

He knew that they were all good leaders who cared about their employees, but they were also ambitious, and his sudden promotion might have ruffled their feathers.

Without Jiang Yanfei's intervention, Muge would have been a highly sought-after asset in any department.

Soon, it was time for the morning meeting.


At 9 o'clock, the meeting began in the conference room as usual.

Jiang Yanfei's face was dark throughout the entire meeting. She had been furious for the first twenty minutes, venting her frustration on the department managers.

"What are you guys doing? How can you lose money in such a good market? You should just go hit yourselves with a tofu block and die," she screamed. "Can you all please pull yourselves together?"

The managers sat there trembling, their expressions grave.

"Is Ms. Jiang on her period today? She's so irritable," one of them thought to himself.

Finally, Jiang Yanfei checked the time and seemed to calm down a bit. "Any other business? No? Then let's wrap this up," she said.

Just then, the securities department manager, Lin Dong, stood up. "Ms. Jiang, is last week's betting agreement still valid?" he asked.

"Of course, it's valid. We all signed the agreement," Jiang Yanfei replied sarcastically. She thought they were all just eager to take her position.

"Good. As long as it's still valid," Lin Dong said with a smile, glancing at Muge. "Mr. Mu, three days have passed. You only have four days left."

He was being polite and indirect, but his meaning was clear.

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Lin. I know what to do," Muge said confidently before clamping his mouth shut.

Jiang Yanfei sighed and said, "Alright, if there's nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting." Then she added, "Oh, one more thing. I've noticed that some of you have been thinking about other things besides work. If you put as much effort into your work as you do into your daydreaming, we wouldn't have any problems meeting our targets." She gave Muge a pointed look. "I'm not naming names, but I hope you know who I'm talking about."

Muge rolled his eyes inwardly. He knew she was referring to him, even though she hadn't said it outright. He wondered if she was ever going to let this go.

"Meeting adjourned," Jiang Yanfei announced before leaving the room with a satisfied smile. But then she suddenly turned around and called out to Muge, "After you handle your business, come see me in my office."

Once Jiang Yanfei had left, the department managers turned to Muge. "Mr. Mu, you only have four days left. You need to step it up," Lin Dong said with a smile.

The other managers nodded politely and wished Muge luck before returning to their respective departments. Muge smiled back at them before heading to Jiang Yanfei's office.

"What do you want?" he asked as he entered her office.

"Here's some internal information I managed to get my hands on. Take it and see if it helps you," Jiang Yanfei said, handing him a stack of papers. "You've only got four days left, so you'd better hurry."

Muge glanced at the papers briefly before setting them down on the desk. "What's the point?" he asked. "You don't believe in me either?"

"It's not that I don't believe in you," Jiang Yanfei started to say, but Muge cut her off. "I'll handle this. Don't worry about it," he said confidently.

"How?" Jiang Yanfei demanded. "How are you going to turn every department's performance around in just four days?" She was frustrated with his stubbornness. "Let's make a bet. If you can do it in four days, I'll grant you one wish. But if you fail, you have to do whatever I say," she proposed. Muge smiled and agreed to the terms before leaving her office. Jiang Yanfei shook her head in exasperation. "What am I going to do with you?" she muttered under her breath.