

Both of them were getting the required things to go to college that's when Weiwei phone ringed, she picked up the call and a male's voice was heard saying "Emergency boss! the little young master, son of the eldest child in wang family was found injured after we invaded the child traffickers he is badly injured we handed over him to the Wang family after treating him in our hospital"

"okay leave it to me" she hanged up the call after she replied and went to Xuan to explain the condition "jiejie I think I should go to China immediately, a child in the wang family is injured since they are close to our family I should definitely visit him"

After explaining to Xuan, she went to pack luggage and immediately left for the airport and boarded her private jet to go to China. when she was traveling to the airport she already called the tang family to inform them that she is gonna come to china in few hours, they were on cloud nine that she finally came to China after a long time, she was in France for two years they used to talk in a call from time to time and the family visited her many times like on Christmas and her birthday

As soon as she reached it she immediately called tang long to pick her up when she got down she was greeted by four bodyguards that were assigned to her from Zhao company for security as they got informed that her fans knew she was gonna come to china that evening she was accompanied by the bodyguards to the entrance of the Chinese international airport, she greeted her fans and got into the BMW iX3 that she recognized as her brother's car. As soon as she got in she bid her farewell to her fans and turned to her brother as soon as the car started moving

"Big brother!! I missed you so much" she jumped on him and hugged him tight, tang long wrapped his arms around his little sister as she jumped onto him for a hug and caught her tight "I missed you so much more.." he whispered as he held onto her for a good 10 minutes and finally settled down

"How was your flight princess?"

"It was tiring brother" she replied as she laid her head on his shoulder exhausted

They finally reached the Tang family house it was already midnight due to the time difference and the long flight from France to China.

"My baby!!" mother Tang shouted in delight on seeing her dear daughter after a long time immediately went forward and took Weiwei in her arms and hugged her tight "I missed you so much mommy" Weiwei replied her mom while hugging her back all the family members hugged her one after another and they finally settled down.

"it's already very late princess did you have dinner?" someone spoke with a little hoarse voice but it held affection and warmth

It was her eldest brother Tang hao, although he was strict with her it was always about her health, weiwei started skipping meals frequently when she was 14 years he even saw her staying up all night often so he made sure she always ate at least two meals every day. this routine didn't change when she went aboard he always calls her once every two days and visited when he was on business trips.

"yes, big brother hao" she smiled and lifted her chin up.

"Why are your eyes so red..?" father Wang asked her when he noticed that she was looking extremely exhausted

everyone looked in her direction and noticed the same thing.

Weiwei smiled awkwardly and replied in a small voice" that...I didn't sleep properly so.."

They can sense guilt in her voice, she didn't want her family to worry too much about her.

"your sleeping habit hasn't changed a bit, do you know how bad it is to have such a small amount so sleep" her second brother chided at her

Mother Tang made her go to her room and strictly instructed her to sleep immediately, before going to sleep she told her about visiting the hospital the next morning at 8 a.m and all of them went to sleep since it was already late night.

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