
Away for the hunt

Mi Young woke up the next morning and found Sung ho not in bed and thought he had already left.

"I hope he'll be fine, I can't imagine a life without him." she said to herself

"Really? You can't imagine a life without me in it?" said the voice

"Sung ho you're still here I thought you left already." she said

"You thought I would leave without saying bye to you. " he said.

She hugged he and he kissed her, they pulled away from each other and he finally left. She was sad that he left but she knew she had to be strong for him. A few hours later she heard a knock on the door Mi Young wondered who it was and opened the door. She found a tall beautiful tiger woman with long beautiful sliver hair and silver eyes outside.

"Is everyone taller than me here? Now I know how Haw felt when I called her short." she thought to herself.

"Are you Mi Young?" asked the woman.

"Yes I am and you are?" she asked

"Park Bong Seon, Yun Ha Joon's father sent me here." she said

"Oh please come in. Welcome to my home." said Mi young joyfully

"Thank you, you know Jeong told me that you were small but I never thought you could be this small." she said.

She was annoyed that she was the smallest of all the villagers but she wasn't upset about it she was just happy to have Sung ho in her life. It was hardly a day since Sung ho left and she was already missing him.

"So have you and Sung ho mated already?" she asked.

"NO?! Why would you ask something like that?" exclaimed Mi young

"Sorry if I was too forward but I couldn't help but pick up his scent on you." she said calmly

"You know him?" asked Mi young

"Well yes who doesn't know him? I know what you're gonna ask, How do you know him? Right?" said Bong Seon

"Well yes." answered Mi young

"Am sorry I can't tell you, you'll have to ask him yourself." said Bong Seon teasingly.

"Oh come on why would you talk about Sung ho and not want to talk about him." she angrily thought to herself. "Okay I'll ask him when he comes back. Do you want something to eat?" said Mi Young

"Am not hungry I just ate." she said

Bong seon and Mi Young had a great time together they talked and found they had allot in common.

"So you made these beautiful clothes? " said Bong seon while exploring Mi Young's creative room.

"Hey can you exchange this dress for a blue stone?" she said

"Blue stone? What's a blue stone?" asked Mi Young

"You don't know what blue stone? Where are you from because everyone knows what blue stones are?" said Bong Seon

" We use it to exchange things with it we have five groups of stones. The first group is the black stones they are the lowest stones and you can only exchange a small animal skin and if the Snake tribe come the are highly valued in they tribe the next group are the white stone it's abit more valuable than the gold stones the third are the silver stones this stone is highly valued in ten tribes out of eighteen tribes the fourth is the red stone but the red stone is very rare and only found in the phoenix tribe the last are the blue and green stones these are very highly valued by all tribes. And they present the five most powerful tribe. The order of the most powerful tribe is;

(1)The blue and green stones= presenting the God and Dragon tribe....."

"Are dragons one of the two most powerful tribes? " she asked

"Yes and you're lucky to have a dragon as your mate dragons rarely have mates outside they tribe and by rare I mean this has only happened twice since the beginning of time." said Bong seon

"WHAT THE?? Seriously but why?" said Mi Young surprised

"Something to do with keeping the dragons bloodlines clean. Now let's go back to the listing now, can I continue?" she said

"Yeah, okay." said Mi Young

" (2)The red stones = The Phoenix Tribe

(3)The silver stones= The Tiger Tribe

(4)The white stone= The Merfolk Tribe

(5) And lastly the black stone=Present the snake tribe we know very little about them. They're a little like the dragon tribe but are known for their violent behavior. " explained Bong seon

"Sooo, can I exchange the blue stone for the dress?" said Bong seon

"Such." said Mi young

The moment she held the stone in a her hands.

"Congratulations you have collected a stone and now you can buy two things which have been unlock and available in stock." said the voice

"Ahhh, who are you?" she said terrified

"Am your system help assigned to be with you by the goddess of reincarnation." said the voice.

"So do you mean am dead?" said Mi Young sadly

"Yes, the goddess had pity on you and brought you here." said the voice

"Oh, okay. I have a question, can I call you anything? And why were you not active when I arrived here?" she asked.

"Yes you can call me anytime anywhere. And I just recently activated." said the voice.

"Ok bye, you'll hear from me soon." said Mi Young and went back to her reality just where it was.

Mi young was happy to learn more about the beast world but sad to know she was dead. It was getting late and she started to cook dinner using a stone pot she had Sung ho make. But it took a bit longer to cook that's why she wanted the clay pots. She cooked a turkey she added a few spices to she picked up in the forest. She took three plates and divide it in three one for her, one for Bong Seon and the other for Ha Joon.

She knocked on Ha Joon's door when he didn't answer she wanted to leave but hesitated to enter but she did anyways. "Hello, Ha Joon are you home. Ha Jo...." called out but was cut off by Ha Joon as he pinned her against the wall. Looking at her every inch of her face, he grabbed her breasts and kissed her then snapped back to reality and pulled away from her stood upright and folded his arms.

He stared at her coldly and asked "What are you doing here?"

"I...I.....I...I brought... some food I thought you might like." she said terrified. He moved in closer leaned down licked her lips.

"You do know that it's dangerous for females to be near a tribe beast gods on the full blue moon, right?" he coldly said.

"No....I..... didn't know." she shakingly said.

He took a long sniff of Mi Young's hair. And said

"Do you know that I can't resist you? From the very first day I saw you I have wanted to.... good before I change my mind."

"O...okay but here's the food I brought for you." said Mi Young sweetly

She handed he the plate and left. Ha Joon was left wondering why and what made her so brave.

"You're a weird little female, and I will make you my mate. I wonder what she this is?" he thought to himself. He took a bite and jumped for joy

"Why do I feel this way I have never felt like this for anyone. I might be under a spell, need to get myself checked." he thought to himself.