
The Beast King's Bride

Book One of the Immortal Six Series- The Beast Immortal Calliope Kain Rowenys has grown up hearing stories of a world beyond her wildest imagination. Never could she have imagined that it was all true. Her fantasy becomes a reality when the being stalking her dreams comes to collect. He is the King of Werewolves, and she is his betrothed. The Natus Kingdom awaits their Queen's arrival and dark forces churn in the background- waiting to destroy her and the man she hates to love... Lucien Gray has been a recluse all his life. Despite being a King, an Alpha sworn to protect his kind, he considers himself nothing but a Beast and an Immortal one at that. He despises his responsibility and the Celestials and that granted him such a cruel fate. But then she comes into his life, and everything is shifted. She is meant to be his Salvation and although he never believed in redemption, he does now if it means staying by her side forever Together, they battle dark forces who wish to corrupt their future, fighting side by side in the wake of dark revelations and loving each other all the more- forever and always.

Carolle_N · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Five


Lucien's PoV

The stars shimmered down on the Castle balcony where they were seated, the cold breeze wafting through the two men who didn't seem to register it. Smoke billowed from their cigars, neither one of them saying much as they simply took in the landscape of Traecan, the Vampire Dynasty that was a grand Kingdom spanning across the horizon they were now looking upon.

''It seems it is almost time for you to leave and collect your bride, brother."

The crimson-eyed man spoke up, letting out a low chuckle at the sound of his friend's deep grunt and shake of the head as he took yet another large gulp of his whisky.

"Don't remind me of one of the worst decisions I have ever made yet."

Lucien murmured, turning to stare at his oldest companion, Zaros Dracul- otherwise known as The Blood Immortal and King of the Traecan Dynasty. They were an unlikely pair, prompting confusion amongst many who knew of their existing friendship that spanned over centuries. Vampires and Werewolves were famously known for their rivalry and enmity.

The war between their kinds had been subject of Lores, old and new. True enough, some of their people still held a grudge against each other but many had let the by-gones be by-gones, just as their rulers had. There was a tumultuous history between them- one almost similar to the stories.

Yes, they did dislike each other at some point but were bonded through the curse that had been bestowed upon them. It was hard to relate well to anyone who didn't know of the struggles that an Immortal being would go through. Many thought it a blessing, some even offering sacrifices for the sake of an inkling of their power.

None of them knew the burden that came with watching centuries come and go...

"That's big coming from you considering the last grand mistake you did or are we still not talking about 'Little red Riding Hood'?"

Zaros let out a loud laugh at the sight of Lucien's glare as he evaded his punch. It was a joke that had spanned years and yet it never failed to make him laugh and his best friend ready to go postal.

"You are an asshole, as always."

Lucien murmured, irritation lining his voice as Zaros winded down from his loud laugh. It was rare to see the Blood Immortal so free and expressive and it brought somewhat of a smile to his face-despite the fact that it was a jibe aimed at him.

"Always. Someone has to keep you humble. And I doubt your Elven Princess will be up to the challenge. Heck, she might spend most of her time keeping away from you. Her family has probably told them all the wonderfully dark things they say about all of us."

Zaros responded as he took a sip, earning a nod from Lucien. He knew, for sure, that Elisen and Ira Rowenys would not keep any details about him from her. And although he didn't care much for that, the thought of his new bride treating him like everyone else did brought him some sense of disappointment...a feeling he quickly stowed away and focused solely on keeping his emotions in check.

Dead and Buried...Forgotten.

"Well, I don't really give a fuck about that. I need her for one single thing and nothing else. What she thinks of me does not matter. We are using each other to get what we want and that's it. If she decides to live her own life, then so be it. I doubt I'll notice her absence in my home if she decides to live as a recluse. I have been on my own long enough and having a 'housemate' I might never see considering how massive that damn castle is doesn't change a thing."

Zaros raised a brow at that, his interest instantly piqued as he homed in on his friend's words and his body language. They had known each other long enough to be able to read each other quite well.

"You visited the Seer Witches, didn't you? For fuck's sake, Lucien. You know damn well that they have never liked us. Whatever they told you is probably not reliable. They're probably twiddling their thumbs, waiting and watching for your downfall or your torture. They enjoy our despair, just like the fucking Celestials who cursed us."

Lucien knew that Zaros was right. He understood the veracity of his words and the disappointment within them. But he refused to accept life as it was. He had been complacent for centuries, accepting his damned fate after trying every single thing he could to turn back. That is how he had met Zaros and together, they had searched far and wide for a solution to their curse.

But Zaros had given up eventually, seeing the truth that he had refused to accept. Deep in the Beast King's heart, he believed that there was a way and for a time after Zaros left him, he continued his search. A search that bore no fruits and had him eventually giving up.

Well, not until the dreams began two and a half decades ago...not until one of the Seer Witches paid me a visit in the dead of night and spoke of a solution...

Lucien voiced his thoughts, keeping out the details of the dreams. He wasn't ready to share that with him yet but the Seer Witch had known. It was the only reason he had agreed to make the trip to the edge of the Darklands to get to the bottom of everything. He didn't expect much from them. Heck, he expected nothing and spent the entire trip angry at himself for falling for their shit.

"So? Did they give you any sort of helpful information or were they assholes like last time?"

Zaros commented, fixing his otherworldly gaze on his friend's own. Lucien released a small sigh before he turned to gaze out at the two moons shining down on them.

He remembered the desperation that had flooded their beings as they went to see them, ready to beg for a solution. They knew that they might not receive any sort of solution from the beings. They, after all, belonged to the same Celestial family that cursed them. And, true enough, they were ignored and cast away. Neither one of them wanted to grant them an audience.

But this time was different... Very different...

"They claimed that everything has changed. A shift is coming, and we are integral in the outcome of it all. Our true purpose is coming to pass and the decisions we made from now henceforth will determine the future of this world...I know, it sounds like absolute nonsense, and I thought the same. I thought they were fucking with me but then..."

Lucien sighed, turning to face Zaros once more as he delivered the most important part of it all. The moment that changed his mind and had him doing the unthinkable- claiming his bride as his own.

"They showed me the vision. And all the realms were burning, Zaros. It was essentially an Apocalyptic event. Some shady shit is brewing. Someone is trying to upset the balance of power that currently exists, and the result is pretty dark. Now, I know I haven't been the best monarch of all time but...I care about Natus. I don't want my people to die if I can help. If I can stop it and I know you feel the same way about Traecan."

Zaros considered Lucien's words and the revelation he had laid bare for him. If the Seer Witches were right, which they almost always were, then a massacre was about to unfold. And although he was no stranger to death and despair, he did not wish that for his people and the legacy he had built. They had been at peace for centuries. He could not have that change, not after all he had sacrificed to ensure the same stood.

Yet, the experience he had had with the Seer Witches still instilled doubt within him despite Lucien's words. He trusted his old friend implicitly and knew he was not an alarmist.

He would not have come to him if he did not believe that there was a possibility of this future coming to pass.
