
what is this thing?

we were in my room, everything was quite the only sound I could hear was the hard breathing and tears that were running down Nora's face, "Liam is dead, Liam is dead!" Nelly said crying. I then looked around, grabbed my laptop and started to write, "what are you doing?" they said, I looked at them without saying anything and kept typing. I was writing about how terrified everyone was, the situation, all on my digital journal, I would love to be a writer someday, so this is what I do!

After some while we all calmed down and tried to figure out why the heck this creature was in our house in the first place, and why it attacked Liam! We stayed thinking and thinking until "I got it! we kind of did barge in there and terrify the crap out of that little thing so maybe it just felt threatened, and the reason it's here is probably that your parents are Ghostbusters!" said Jacob, everyone stayed quiet, but then burst out into laughter! I said, "Ghostbusters? seriously, Jacob, my moms scared of flies and my dad can't even talk about monsters or creepy things without having nightmares, they-" "unless it's all a set up to make you think they would not have anything creepy in there in the first place!" said Emily, i then froze, maybe she's right I thought, "now that I think about it, I have caught my parents talking about this "thing" before, they would use creepy code names and talk as if it was the end..that always gave me shivers but I thought they were just talking about taxes and bills!" they all gasped, and froze in fear, looking back it's probably not something anyone would freeze about, but if you put yourself in that situation oh boy it is. We tried looking around for clues, and we spent one hour in each room almost. In my room, we found nothing, in the kitchen nothing, bathroom nothing, living room nothing, basement well you think we would go back down there hehe, other rooms nothing,

"ughhhh we looked for clues for hours, this is pointless!" said Nora, "calm down and just keep looking besides, this is our last room," I said, and that last room was our parent's room. now that I think about it I never really spent time in my parent's room, the only thing I came in here for was leaving off clothes from the washer, getting clothes or dishes, folding their bed and a few other chores, I never really notices anything suspicious which makes this more suspicious!

"you check the drawers and its surroundings, you check the floors and ceilings, you....there bathroom got it?!" "yes sir yes sir!" said everyone. we all checked everything and everywhere and in the end, we found nothing, "Woah! guys guys look!" said Nelly, "what!" we all yelled in excitement, "well come here you idiots what's the point of saying it if you can see it!" we all rushed over and we saw a button on the side of my parents wall, it was all black and a red spot