
The Banished Arbitrary

A man named Zero Surimia superhuman made to kill, protect, and destroy suddenly got reincarnated and Transported into another world a double miracle that no one would've expected. But when he was being transported by a goddess to be a hero in another world he declined and got thrown away into the epitome of hell. now he's just a man trying to concur the hardest challenge he'll ever take. and the only motivation that's in his mind is Revenge.

RenerKinibara · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Fight for you're life

The phrase. Operation Zero is the biggest and most important Operation that a Superhuman like him can be missioned into.

Operation Zero is so important that once you fail. All the power and tech inside the body of that Superhuman will be lost and shut down making one superhuman die.

It's a kind of system that the likes of Zero can remove but he decided into not removing it

For PERSONAL REASONS which you don't need to know.

Well now in this moment he is serious... absolutely serious about killing a God. That this is the first time in his whole lifetime that He's gonna fight someone who transcends human knowledge limitations.

As he walked away from the pool of blood. He decided to walk passed by the darkest place he could find.

It was dark and eerie, full of trees, a lot of bushes and plants, there's no air to feel which is quite odd and importantly it's silent it's so quiet it feels strange.

His sense's has been turned up. Using echolocation,Electromagnetic and thermal senses attached to his body he detected enemies.

All into side's 2-8 o clock and 10-11 o clock. It's full of enemies 11 on the left 15 on the right. But he still walked around the forest silently and nonchalantly.

The enemies follow. They don't seem to attack for unknown reasons. But their still hiding in the bushes hiddenly to the point that a naked eye can't see them.

He intended to use all of his tech's to kill the enemies is sight but he knows the goddess is watching him every single second for it's own entertainment. So if she knows something is not right. He's done.

So that plan in his mind is. "I'll kill everything in sight just like the training in the boot camp"

He said that with confidence while walking absolutely ready on what's going to come.

One goblin jumped towards as a bait to see how strong he is and to distract him. And at the first time he saw the appearance of a goblin.

It was green and small, it's belly is big, it has a horrible face, it's body composition is just like a 7 years old child, no hair whatsoever, it has a pants like those caveman, it also has a dagger a crude one but it's sharp, it is quick and nimble accurate from it's size,flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, sharp fangs and last it's intent to kill is absolute.

The moment he sees it the moment he grabbed the goblin by its face hard really hard. Though he is weakened by the curse the power of tech is still strong. The curse only weakened his physical body meaning his muscle, skin, nerves and such thing's.

But it doesn't weaken the technology inside his body. All of his bones are covered in Flux a very highly dense Diamond. It's so though a 25 kg solid box of it can survive in a nuclear explosion.

Also it strengthens the bones and the overall power of the user. Meaning a massive strength can still be outputted even if weakened.

He dropped down to his knees and slamed the goblin's head to the ground destroying it's head and even the ground killing it instantly. Six goblins jumped the moment he slammed the head of the goblin.

Thinking that they got him... But no he expected it the moment he slammed the goblin's head. He grabbed the arm of the goblin and he positioned his feet and arms and released an enormous amout of force.

He jumped a little in Height and use all the force to make him rotate horizontally to the left very fast. As he rotate the goblin in his hands also followed along

As he rotated the goblin's body he slams it into the six goblin knocking them back for 5 meters and hitting the trees dealing a ton of damage but it was not able to kill all of them. .

He let go of the goblin he's holding on and made a perfect landing by him frog sitting from the ground. He breathes in deeply

After the hit more goblins jumped into him this time all of them 19 of them at the same time.

But what's unique about them is they look a bit bigger, stronger and they even have a proper weapon.

And he was ready for it. But there's one thing that he didn't sense... The power of Magic. One goblin is hidden in the trees Infront of him crouching using a magic skill which makes it hidden. And that goblins has a bow in it's hands and it was able to see Zero and it shooted an arrow which also have a magic spell in it making it hidden.

And he got hit in his stomach. He didn't even know something is coming into him. But it was very PAINFULL "ACH!" He grunted and tries to tense his own body to numb the pain.

He was also surprised about it. Cause Superhumans have no Pain nerves it was already removed the moment they were created. So he didn't expect that this is happening.

Two arrows came after the shot. He was able to dodge it because of one sense's. Particle Numerator. He was able to have enough knowledge and senses to the point where he could even feel the particles. And he felt something. Something so fast and sharp so he dodges it.

And after that he looks at the trajectory of the arrows and he saw the ground being pierced by something invisible.

"Ok huh. Invisible attacks what a world"

He said full of awareness.

The 16 goblins didn't waste a time and attacked him. All of them charges forward and tried to stab him and it's also the same as that archer. It keeps shooting and shooting it's arrows.

He dodges everything with ease and ran away cause he's clearly outnumbered and a invisible enemy is attacking.

He runs fast but not that fast. He still trying to make the God's not judge him. He's only fast enough to outrun the enemies but... Running away is cowardly Zero is not build that way.

Zero is a type of a superhuman that Never gives up when he started the fight so this is all just a strategy a trap for the beast.

But... This forest is unknown to him. No one knows even him what can come in or out,what roams or what hides so an unexpected enemy came.

As he was running away finding the right timing to execute his plan. He suddenly found himself in a diffirent place

And the moment he entered all of his sense's have turned off and he stopped running quickly, the goblin's that chased after him runs away, and what came before his eyes is.

A land square in shape with barely no trees for 200m², tons of random boulders everywhere, many dried leaves and grass on the ground, the air is hotter than in the forest... And this place has quite a lot of house's or camps...

And a large, hyena-like humanoids with short muzzles, sharp teeth, and large expressive round ears.

It's skin was greenish-gray, and their furry hide are light or dark brown hue, sometimes marked with spots or stripes.

Or in shorter term a gnoll appeared Infront of his eyes. Not one, not two, not even three a whole tribe of gnolls appeared.

He was not terrified or scared but he's tensed up. He knows he can't beat those guys in his current state but now he has no choice.

The goblin's that ran away stopped at a certain distance camping and as time passes more and more of them showed up they're slowly grouping up.

The gnoll looks like they don't have the intent to fight but just by getting close to them you can feel their murder intent and their crazy bloodlust.

His choices now is To die to knoll's, To die to those goblin's or to survive but show the goddess his power.

And of course his pride could just let him die so...

An din that moment something appeared out of his body. It's started from his skin opening up to a box being released in it and it started to take form. While the other thing just appeared out of his skin and attached into him.

SW:11 -Special Weapon-

EX-911 Armalite

A gun that looks like an Armalite but it's only in disguise. It's fully made from Flux and the bullet in this is made for making a species go extinct. This gun is Zeros favorite AR

SW:27 -Special Weapon-

Flux Bladed Tonfa

A bladed Tonfa used when fighting snipers who have a great close combat capabilities. It's fully made from Flux and nothing else. Its sharpness is top tier and can even slice steel like wood. A Tonfa reaching in the shoulders and can change in certain shapes. It Zero's Favorite Melee.

SW: 1 -Main Tool-

SMW: Full body Rapid Switch Booster

A tool that is the most important and the most usefull tool he has. It boost his speed in an unbelievable extent and it can also willingly switch direction and strength to boost up. And every part of his body has four of it maximazing his speed. The top speed of this is 343 m/s and Maximum? 577 m/s

"Looks like the game is now over. My turn now" He breathes in deeply activating something in his body.

He positioned himself and aimed his Armalite to the gnolls head. All of those things happened in just 2 seconds and now the fight has started.

He pulled the trigger and started the Extinction. All of the gnolls in his sight are slowly going down one by one. It takes them 2 headshot to be killed and the ammo inside his chamber is now 350

Of course they also attacked but almost none of them can get close to him. Even of one does it is instantly killed by a slash of his Tonfas and with the help of his boosters.

He shoots his gun at unbelievable rate and accuracy and when a gnoll get closer he activates his booster and decapitates them.

Blood spilling everywhere, bullets are fired, brain guts are flailing around constantly, constant gunshots can be heard, and the scream of the gnolls tops it all off.

And he just kills them cold-bloodedly, unhinged on what's happening, constant and quietly.

The killing lasted for about an hour and all of them are wiped out. 1 magazines are wasted, the place has now become just a land full of blood, guts and corpses of 157 gnolls and he's there standing at the middle of it once again.

But he did not just stand there. He turned around to hunt the goblin's next but their all gone now. Looks like they all got terrified and hide's away

But... What gonna happen now?

*All enemies insight have been defeated gathering the total EXP...

*2,747,536 <Decreasing by 90%>

*274,753.6 EXP gained

[Status Window]


Level 1-99

You've reached the limit!!! You need to ascend to go father beyond.

A blue screen appeared into his face saying that. And at the same time he grows a lot powerful and this is what he wanted. It is to level up

"... Status Window?" He curiosly Said the moment he read the screen Infront of him. And to a surprise a status window actually appeared and it has his information in it.. but it's not complete

[Status Window]

Name: Zero Surimi

Race: ???

Class: None

Title: (Banished Hero F-)


Strength: -Restricted-

Dexterity: -Restricted-

Vitality: -Restricted-

Wisdom: -Restricted-

Intelligence: -Restricted-

Stat Points: -Restricted-


(Curse of the Banished Hero) -Over Rank-

[Blessing] [Skills] [Main skill]

-None- -Restricted- -None-

[Supporting God] [?̴͔̰͌?̸̱̹̎͊?̶̹̟͗]

-None- -Absolutely Restricted-

"Wow... So much information to get" he was a bit disappointed. But he just stares at it not even moving or anything he just glares at it intensely.

As he reads the text over and over again trying to gather as much knowledge as possible this is what he got.

"My class is still none so maybe I can still get one. My stats are all restricted but I can feel myself being stronger the more I level up so maybe it's just hidden. My curse is there and I can examine in as much as possible right now. My skills... Are restricted? What does that mean is it hidden or I cannot get one"

As murmurs about everything talking to himself like he's talking to someone. One of the information in the status window made him curious the most.

"That thing in the end. What is that?" It's name is covered by unreadable text and boxes like it's an information never to be released.

And again something is odd. Is so quiet and uncomfortable it's like somethings wrong... The wind stopped blowing and the trees stopped moving and he noticed it he knows something odd.

As he wonder's about it thinking deeply an unexpected encounter came. Infront of him hundreds of Meters away a huge monster glares at him and screamed.

"RAHHHHH!!!" He heard in a far distance and was able to calculate the distance of it which is 400 meters as he look towards the voice but he didn't see anything cause of the trees covering the sight. And in just a blink of an eye.

9 huge trunk of trees are 5 meters Infront of him going at very high speeds going towards his face but it's slower than the speed of sound. He was shocked and intrigued.

He raises his gun and shooted the 9 trunk of trees destroying all of it in a brief second and after that 79 milliseconds later a huge trunk of tree 11x bigger than the other came towards him at faster speeds.

He opened his eyes widely as the winds hit him he dropped his gun and quickly he uses his boosters and hand Tonfa to move himself at a very quick rate and slashed the huge trunk of tree in 11 pieces and misdirecting all of it.

And he glares at the trajectory of the trunk of trees and saw 9 bigger gnolls in the middle of the forest with cut trees that they throwed at him. They have the same appearance but they all look more muscular and bigger.

And in the middle of the pack of gnolls. one enemy stands out. A gnoll with the same appearance but its color is diffirent. It has a white gray hue fur all around it's body and a light blue teary eyes.

It was 4x bigger than the gnolls around it and it's holding a huge double sided axe.

And it's blood lust is spreading across the forest.

"Ahh. So this is it their leader. The First miniboss" and the first step of killing that goddess

But little did he know the moment he released his Fang's. The goddess was entertained and shocked in disbelief that now the original path that the goddess intended for him to tread on is now destroyed. She is now making a new one. A WORSE ONE.