
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

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34 Chs

Ancestor Shi

Damn it finally, those 3 Elders left for closed-door practice, and I was scared they'd realize I wasn't normal.

Bai Jian had always felt like an outsider. Born into a world unfamiliar to him, with memories of a different life clouding his mind, he had been thrust into the realm of the Bai Clan at birth. He had grown up feeling a sense of disconnection, an uncertainty that gnawed at his core.

As a toddler, he often pondered his situation, lamenting the fact that he couldn't remember how to be a baby. He was frustrated by his inability to recollect the simple joys of infancy, like the warmth of a mother's embrace or the comforting lullabies. It was a world that seemed distant and unreachable to him.

His frustrations and sense of alienation had fueled a fire within him, and he had vowed to get back at those three Elders who had always scrutinized him with suspicious eyes. Bai Jian, now known as Yang Long, carried a determination to pay them back tenfold, a resolve that would set him on a path of self-discovery and empowerment.

But for now, he couldn't rush into cultivation. His infant body had its limitations, and he knew that he needed to be patient and bide his time. He was determined to make the most of the circumstances, starting with learning to walk.

As he grew, Bai Jian became more aware of the world around him. He realized that he was on a planet with a rich cultivation history, filled with Spirit Qi and strong cultivators. He assessed his surroundings and recognized that while there were some formidable individuals, no one in his vicinity exceeded the Spirit Core Stage. It was a realization that both disappointed him and fueled his desire to grow stronger.

Bai Jian also discovered the presence of spirit creatures in the Bai Clan, adding another layer of intrigue to his new life. Yet, what truly piqued his interest was the existence of female twins within the Clan who possessed traces of the Clan's progenitor's bloodline. This discovery presented a unique opportunity and advantage for him, which he planned to exploit in the future.

However, his young body was not equipped to handle the complexities of his newfound life. The process of Metempsychosis had taken a toll on him, leaving him feeling fatigued and weary. It was clear that he needed rest to recover from the transition and adapt to his new environment.

Four years had passed since Bai Jian's birth, and he had grown from a feeble infant into a lively and curious child. At nearly 1.3 meters in height and weighing 50 pounds, he carried himself with the air of a noble's child. His eyes sparkled with intelligence, and his demeanor exuded a sense of poise and confidence beyond his years.

He spent most of his days either with his Grandpa Huo or his parents, Bai Huo and Li Bao. These three figures had become his rock, providing him with the warmth and guidance he had yearned for. They were his pillars of support, helping him adapt to the unfamiliar world of the Bai Clan.

Of his many siblings, Bai Jian had only met two of his sisters. Although they loved to tease and playfully bully him by pulling on his cheeks and rubbing his head, they were still quite gentle and caring. Despite their mischievous antics, they displayed a genuine affection for their younger brother, often visiting him and sharing their stories.

As Bai Jian continued to grow, he would face new challenges and opportunities in this mysterious world, but for now, he relished the joy of his family's company and the experiences that his unique circumstances offered.

Bai Jian's newfound life was embodied with an enigmatic fusion of his past and present destinies, where the enmeshed memories of his previous life intertwined with his new life emergence into the Bai Clan, a burdened inheritance bearing the weight of unparalleled and profound rarity and cryptic destiny he has never heard or seen before.

His new transition from the commonplace Immortal Fire Physique of his former life to the remarkable new possession of the Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique, one of the Top 9 Yang Physiques, was a transformation that transcended the boundaries of his imagination.

It was an extraordinary twist of fate, a cosmic alignment, and some might even say, a stroke of destiny that shaped the very fabric of his own being.

This transition felt akin to achieving the improbable, like winning a cosmic lottery. Which rarity could only be compared to the near-mythical encounters some have had with meeting the Human Ancestors from the upper realms situated high above the Immortal Realm.

These were places where Humans weren't the realm's exalted rulers that extended far beyond the realms of the Immortal Realm these were places where Mortals could never think of their existence, housing trillions of inhabitants in their own right.

The uniqueness of Bai Jian's situation amounted to a chance of approximately 1 in 10 trillion, making it an anomaly even within the vast expanse of the Spirit Universe. To comprehend the enormity of this rarity, one had to envisage the prospect of encountering Humen Ancestors from the realms loftier than the Immortal Realm—individuals he had only dared to dream of meeting just once in his previous life.

Moreover, this exceptional twist of fate also opened the doors to the possibility of having an encounter with young masters from higher realms than he could ever envision. It could quite possibly be the difference in the arrival of meeting distinguished visitors from major Sects and prestigious ancient Clans that lorded over entire pocket dimensions and expansive territories within the upper realms in the future.

This newfound reality casts a monumental shadow over Bai Jian's previous life in the Immortal Long Clan, a life where their dominion only extended over a fraction of the entire Immortal Realm.

His new understanding of his future in the universe had expanded in unimaginable ways, exposing him to the existence of possible being able to reach realms he could only dream of in his last life. This could help him reach heights he could never have in his last life and forces beyond even his wildest fantasies.

The significance of his new life had elevated him from merely one of many in a generation to a being that emerged only once or twice within a couple of eras. He recognized that this transformation transcended mere chance; it was a profound manifestation of destiny, intricately woven from the intricate threads of karma, luck, and celestial forces that lay beyond mortal comprehension.


Authors Note - an Era is between 100 to 300 Million Years.


While pondering the prospects of his destiny and the new bloodline he now possesses, Bai Jian couldn't help but contemplate the troubles and challenges that lay ahead as the Bai Clan's young master.

His encounters with the elders and other family members, with their teasing and playfulness, would test his patience.

Every time he met them, he'd show a stern face, but their infectious smiles, giggles, or laughter would always wear him down. Even when their pranks failed, they'd stick their tongues out, further endearing themselves to him.

However, Bai Jian wouldn't venture far from his parents and sisters. His strong familial bonds kept him close, despite their teasing and playful interactions that occasionally left him flustered. His sisters might jest with him, but they remained kind at heart.

Over the past few years, Bai Jian had meticulously crafted an image of a normal child. He'd express anger when he was upset and wear a smile when his desires were met.

His aim was to avoid raising any suspicions among the elders, who might subject him to unwarranted scrutiny or surveillance.

He showed hints of intelligence to the elders, intentionally coupled with a touch of laziness when the important clan members visited. This act ensured that he didn't appear overly-gifted and avoided attracting undue attention.

In the last two years, he'd engaged in various cultural activities like playing Go, practicing calligraphy, painting, and learning music with his grandpa. These endeavors were meant to showcase his talents, but not to the point of raising red flags or suspicion among the elders and his family.

In the last four months, Bai Jian had become acutely aware of the clan's discussions about problems beyond their fief. They would speak in hushed tones, whispering their concerns in his presence, mistakenly believing he couldn't comprehend the gravity of the matters. Unbeknownst to them, he grasped the essence of their discussions and even had solutions in mind.

He knew that demonstrating power or strength might be the quickest way to solve these problems, but it wasn't necessarily the best approach. He understood that a more intricate and calculated path lay ahead and that he needed knowledge and wisdom to navigate it.

As he pondered the various possibilities and the best cultivation path for someone with his bloodline, Bai Jian decided it was time to visit the Clan's Martial Arts library. The Celestial White Sky Tiger bloodline he now possessed appeared to correspond with multiple elements, including water, wind, lightning, and possibly earth, although there was an enigmatic aspect that eluded his understanding.

Faced with this ambiguity, he realized he needed to find a cultivation manual or gain access to the family's Martial Art techniques to harness the full potential of his bloodline. His options were limited; asking his great-grandfather Yin would be challenging, as he was immersed in closed-door cultivation. On the other hand, Grandpa Huo was known for spoiling him with lavish gifts and rare items, making him the best choice to approach.

This decision led him to inquire about his grandfather's support during one of their lunchtime Go sessions.

"Grandpa Huo?"

Huo looked at his grandson, his eyes reflecting a hint of expectation, perhaps thinking that Bai Jian would finally request martial arts instruction.

"No, I wanted to know more about my clan and where we come from."

Huo's face broke into a warm grin, and he chuckled heartily at his grandson's curiosity.

"Hahaha, my grandson finally wants to know about the clan... Hahaha! Well, little man, you're part of an aristocratic clan that possesses the bloodline of the Celestial White Sky Tiger from one of the higher Realms. Although we haven't been there in a very long time, we still have connections to that realm, and, in fact, we still receive gifts from that realm occasionally."

Bai Jian gazed at his grandpa, his curiosity intensifying. His thoughts turned inward, and his expression shifted playfully, bringing a smile to his grandfather's face.

"Hahaha, what are you thinking about so hard, little man?"

"Well, Grandfather, why do I hear that we're having problems outside of the Clan's fief in the outside world, with others?"

"Hmm, it appears that some of the visitors your parents entertained can't keep their mouths shut!"

"Well, they weren't exactly discreet. They'd blurt things out in front of me as if I were invisible. I'm not dense; I heard everything they said."

"Haha, they're like a bunch of schoolgirls gossiping about boys."

"You could say that Grandpa, but they do that even without school. My sisters gossip right in front of me."

"Haha, those little rascals indeed!"

Jian beamed a broad smile at his grandpa Huo, who ruffled his hair and returned the smile.

"So they've been chattering and gossiping about family matters around you?"

"Yeah, even a donkey would have figured out what they were talking about."

"Well, I did mention to keep the clan's and family's affairs away from the main family's manor. It seems I need to remind some people that my authority still holds around here... Humph."

Bai Jian grinned at his grandpa's words.

"It's all right, Grandfather. It adds a bit of entertainment to this tranquil place."

"Haha, you're quite the character, little one."

"Well, if you really want to visit the clan's library, you can go there tomorrow. I'm tired, so I'll rest for the rest of the day. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Grandpa Huo. Goodnight. I'll have dinner with my parents."

Jian grinned and bade farewell to his grandpa Huo.



"Hmm... Lady Li, where are you?"

"Yes, Grand Elder Huo. What can I do for you?"

"Bring the Young Master to the main villa to spend the night with his parents, and make sure he has a nice dinner. He has a big day tomorrow."

"Understood, Grand Elder Huo."


Grand Elder Huo commenced his descent down the mountain as he arrived at the heart of the Bai Clan's bustling compound in White Crane City. Here, the clan members often congregated, and the central valley on Tiger Mountain was a preferred meeting spot.

On his way to the Martial Arts Pavilion, he received a series of respectful greetings.

"Greetings, Grand Elder."

"Greetings, Grand Elder."

"Greetings, Grand Elder."

"Greetings, Grand Elder."

"Greetings, Grand Elder."

With a nod, he acknowledged their respect.

"Carry on, please."

A hushed murmur spread among the onlookers.

"Why's the elder in such a hurry?"

"Don't look at me, how would I know?"

"Look, he's heading to the Martial Arts Pavilion."

"Oh, perhaps there's an elder's assembly there."

"Humph, I doubt it!"

"You think it's something else?"

"Yes, I do."

"Whatever you say."

"Bro, let's grab some BBQ!"

"I'm craving spicy ribs."

"I want spicy chicken!"

"Let's head out before the dinner rush hits White Crane Hall, or we'll miss out on the good food again!"




As Bai Huo rapidly descended the mountain and passed through Bai Clan's White Stag town, his actions raised eyebrows and piqued the curiosity of several clan members.

Elders and Great Elders began making their way toward the Martial Arts Pavilion. Meanwhile, four out of the ten Grand Elders received the alert, prompting two of them to journey to the remote area of Tiger Mountain, where they would pay a visit to one of the Ancestors to inform them of the unfolding events.


In the back of Tiger Mountain,

Nestled at the back of Tiger Mountain, two colossal ancient Siheyuan mansions lay, seemingly plucked from the dreams of an Emperor.

They were adorned with pavilions, gazebos, serene ponds, small dojos, villas boasting vast Feng Shui gardens, and training fields enveloping the entire vicinity.

Four majestic towers, two for each mansion, stood sentinel around these architectural wonders, enhancing their awe-inspiring presence.

Ancestor Bai Shi found himself deep in meditation beneath a flourishing Cherry Blossom tree, situated next to a weathered Malachite Gazebo. His diligent servants and maids waited patiently, their presence nearly imperceptible as they stood in quiet reverence, ready to attend to his every need.

This peaceful and ancient corner of the Bai Clan's domain had become Bai Shi's sanctuary for almost three months.

Having emerged from a prolonged period of closed-door cultivation about five months ago, he now used this serene spot to reflect upon his training experiences. Since the birth of Bai Jian, he had found it challenging to maintain his concentration, often fretting about the young child's well-being. But the path of cultivation demanded unwavering focus.

Upon hearing the news of Grand Elder Huo's hurried visit, two of the four elders from earlier swiftly arrived at Ancestor Bai Shi's residence.

A servant discretely informed them that Ancestor Bai Shi had concluded his closed-door cultivation five months ago and was currently reviewing his practice, all while working on his breath control technique under the blooming cherry blossoms near the treasured Malachite Gazebo.

When the two Grand Elders entered Bai Shi's lush courtyard, a servant approached him and whispered about their presence, handing him an Intermediate Spirit Stone. Bai Shi opened his eyes, acknowledged their arrival with a nod, and waved them closer.

"Greetings, Ancestor Shi."

"Ho Ho, if it isn't Grand Elder Shui and Dadi."

"Congratulations, Ancestor Shi, on approaching the Peak of the Archaean Stage."

"Hahaha, thank you for your kind words, but I haven't quite reached that stage."

"We're confident that Ancestor Bai Shi will soon attain it."

"Hahaha, you both seem quite enthusiastic today."

"Ancestor Shi, WE BRING NEWS!" they said in unison.

"What news have you brought to me today?"

"Grand Elder Huo has been spotted rushing to the Martial Arts Pavilion just now."

"Hmm, and what's the cause for your concern?"

"We're worried that he has reached the Archaean Realm."

"Hahaha, sigh... I doubt it's that."

"Then, what could it be, Ancestor Shi?"

"I have a suspicion, but I won't be sure until I see it with my own eyes."

"What should we do, Master?"

"Well, my boys, I've been cooped up here for a while. It's about time I stretched my legs a bit."

"Our Master is going to take action?"

"Master is making a move, yes!"

"Grand Elder Huo is in trouble!"

"Hmm, what are you all thinking?"

"Nothing, Master!" they replied in unison.

"Very well, then let's go for a walk."

Those nearby echoed in unison.

"Yes, Ancestor Bai Shi!"


Inside the Martial Pavilion,

Within the hallowed halls of the Martial Pavilion, Grand Elder Huo paced leisurely amidst countless shelves laden with an impressive array of scrolls, books, martial manuals, ornate paintings, meticulously crafted calligraphy pieces, and antique chest boxes containing sets of martial arts teachings. Each artifact held a piece of the Bai Clan's rich martial history, preserving knowledge that spanned centuries.

The pavilion, a vast structure, was divided into seven distinctive levels, each filled with the collective wisdom of generations. At the end of each level, ten small podiums proudly displayed a selection of remarkable texts, showcasing the clan's dedication to martial excellence.

Grand Elder Huo's heart was heavy with the responsibility he carried, for he sought not only to find the perfect technique for his beloved grandson Bai Jian but also to introduce him to the profound heritage of the Bai Clan. His long centuries of cultivation experience had taught him the value of precision and unwavering determination, and they would serve as his guiding compass in this crucial endeavor.

As he perused the treasured books and journals held within the pavilion, his thoughts revolved around the strategic challenge of introducing Bai Jian to this esteemed repository without causing undue commotion. Bai Huo was well aware that shutting down the Martial Hall Pavilion was not a viable option. Such an action would incite the ire of rivals and could lead to discontent among various factions within the clan, undermining his authority during council meetings.

His deep understanding of the complexities of cultivation, combined with the knowledge from ancient texts and the wisdom passed down through generations, guided him on this sacred quest. He understood the weight of his choices and the significance of the decision he would make for Bai Jian.

Shuffling through the myriad artifacts on the second floor, Grand Elder Bai Huo's discerning eyes fell upon an aged tome cloaked in a layer of undisturbed dust. This forgotten relic of time invoked a rare emotion in his venerable countenance. It was a book that held profound memories and contained the very first martial technique he had ever learned.

A grin formed on his lips, and he couldn't help but reminisce. This book held the coveted Black Tier Technique known as [Baoli Fist], a gift from his older brother, secretly liberated from the clan's library for him to study. This precious Fist Technique was a testament to his younger days, to the scuffles and brawls of youth, and the first inklings of power that surged through him.

As he stared at the book, Bai Huo's thoughts wandered back through time, retracing his journey from a seven-year-old who embarked on his martial arts path. He remembered the scuffles of his youth, the first time he caused harm to an adversary as a teenager, the weight of his first kill on his nineteenth birthday, and his unwavering commitment to mastering the [Baoli Fist] technique.

This book, with its worn pages and time-worn secrets, was not just a collection of techniques; it was a testament to his journey as a martial artist, a path marked by challenges, triumphs, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.

The memories it stirred were a tribute to his dedication, and the deep connection he had with this technique was evident in the fondness with which he regarded the tome.

The nostalgia that enveloped him was a reflection of his life's experiences. Hours slipped away unnoticed as he lost himself in the sea of reminiscences.

Grand Elder Huo's laughter reverberated through the pavilion, an echo of joy, triumphs, and heartfelt memories. He had been through countless adventures, challenged himself in unimaginable ways, and carved a legacy through his martial journey.

As he grew older, his reflection on the past deepened, revealing memories he held dear but rarely shared with others. His friends and disciples often inquired about his past adventures, but his response remained consistent, "You must go out and experience life for yourself. It's your journey to undertake, not mine."

One cherished memory was the time he stumbled upon an Earth Tier Technique known as the [Palm of White Frost] just days after reaching the Nascent Soul Stage at the age of thirty-four. The reminiscence of those early days was a testament to his indomitable spirit, thirst for knowledge, and unyielding dedication to martial arts.

With each chapter of his life, Grand Elder Huo had inscribed his own legend upon the annals of the clan's history.

Back in the sacred walls of the Bai Clan's Martial Arts Pavilion, Grand Elder Bai Huo embarked on a profound mission that would shape the destiny of his beloved grandson, Bai Jian. The weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily upon him, for Bai Jian's destiny was extraordinary. He possessed the Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique, a rare and powerful gift that promised greatness.

As he ascended from the second floor to the third and fourth floors, Bai Huo's discerning eyes scanned scrolls, books, and ancient texts. Titles like "Harmony of the White Cranes Path," "Eyes of the Wrathful Tiger," "Dance of the Crimson Spirit," and "Secrets of the Silent Clouds" reflected the Bai Clan's enduring tradition and honor.

However, Grand Elder Bai Huo knew that Bai Jian's circumstances were exceptional. The Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique was a rare and potent gift, and his foundation needed to match its potential. Haste was not an option, and nothing less than perfection would suffice.

Titles such as "Mysteries of the Whispering Winds," "Wisdom of the Enigmatic White Lotus," and "Path of the Tiger's Shadow" beckoned on the third floor. Each held unique promises, but Grand Elder Bai Huo's discerning eyes recognized that they didn't entirely align with his vision for Bai Jian's future.

As his quest continued to the fourth floor, Grand Elder Bai Huo knew that his decision would shape not only his grandson's destiny but also the destiny of the Bai Clan itself. The pressure was immense, and his approach was meticulous, even painstaking.

The ancient scrolls he had read on the seventh level of the Martial Hall Pavilion hinted at even higher realms, but that knowledge had been kept from the founders of the clan's branch, by the clan members in the higher realms.

It was a secret guarded carefully within their branch of the Clan.

Grand Elder Bai Huo's journey was far from over, but with his unwavering determination and wisdom, he was determined to find the perfect foundation that would lead Bai Jian to greatness.

However, little did he know that unexpected challenges and mysteries lay ahead, as the past intertwined with the present in a way that would test his resolve and wisdom.

The cultivation techniques in their Clan were categorized into Mortal, Spirit, Yellow, Black, Jade, and Earth Levels, with techniques beyond Earth Level promising superior foundations.

Bai Huo knew from his knowledge and experience that the Sky rank was above the Sea rank, the tier at which Bai Jian's quasi-Sea rank technique operated.

With determination etched in his heart, he sought out an Immortal-level technique, driven by the words of the immortal founder who had hinted at training in the upper realm.

In the heart of the library, Grand Elder Bai Huo knew that the decision he made would be instrumental in shaping the destiny of his grandson.

The quest was far from over, but with his unwavering determination and wisdom, he was determined to find the perfect foundation that would lead Bai Jian to greatness.

His thoughts wondered ...

 Overwhelmed with joy, he remembered the adventures, challenges, and triumphs that had defined his journey.

Bai Huo laughed out loud again.


At that moment, his laughter was a celebration of a life well-lived, a testament to his enduring spirit and his unwavering love for martial arts.

"I wonder what venture you'll go on, my little Jian. You'll meet new people, and I'll be here growing old, thinking about what I did. Did I do enough? Did I go to enough places? Did I meet enough people? Will my journey end here?"

"This is... Hmm, a puzzling predicament. How can I navigate this without ruffling feathers?" Grand Elder Huo pondered, his face etched with concern.

Suddenly, an unexpected voice disrupted his contemplation.

"Hahaha, Grand Elder Huo, we've caught you red-handed!"

Perplexed and taken by surprise, Huo's brow furrowed as he inquired.

"Who's there?"

He inwardly lamented, "Damn it, I didn't even notice their approach. My unwavering concern has been my downfall."

"You idiot, Dadi!"

"What's the problem?"

" Grand Elder Huo knows we are here! "

As Bai Jian's grandfather turned around, he couldn't help but notice a large group of individuals dressed in pristine white robes with contrasting black sleeves adorned with the image of white tigers on their left chest.

Among them was Ancestor Shi, distinguished by his Azurite Robe, leading his entourage of servants and guards onto the fourth floor where Bai Huo was standing.

Ancestor Shi's keen gaze locked onto Bai Huo

Upon seeing Ancestor Shi in the hallowed halls of the Martial Pavilion, Bai Jian's Grandfather, Bai Huo, was flooded with a wave of reminiscences and thoughts that stretched back through the annals of time. He contemplated the history of his clan, the complex relationship he shared with Ancestor Shi, and the passing of leadership that had left a profound impact on their destinies.

Bai Huo's thoughts meandered through the years, recalling the trials and tribulations he had endured from a young age. He remembered the grueling training sessions, the relentless hours in the Martial Training field, and the endless running up the Shining Mountain Range. In his younger days, he had strived relentlessly to reach new heights in martial cultivation, but Ancestor Shi had always been ahead.

Despite his best efforts, Bai Huo often found himself looking up at Ancestor Shi, who seemed to be in a league of his own.

From the moment Ancestor Shi reached the Golden Core Stage, his ascension in the cultivation ranks had been meteoric.

He soared through the continent while at the Ascendant Stage, and even when Bai Huo reached the Archaean Stage, Ancestor Shi was already a formidable 3rd Level Spirit Body Stage cultivator.

It was a pattern that left Bai Huo feeling as though he was chasing shadows, forever trying to catch up but never quite reaching his exceptional friend and fellow clan member.

Bai Huo recognized the rich history of the Bai Clan, where numerous gifted cultivators had emerged over the years, each contributing to the clan's legacy in their own way.

However, in the last 4000 years, only a handful of individuals stood out as truly remarkable. Among them were Ancestor Shi and himself, Grand Elder Huo. Their relationship was complex, forged through a shared ambition to advance their clan's standing and marked by personal sacrifices.

Ancestor Shi, born into the Bai Clan as a clear heir, had been destined for a leadership position from a young age.

His pure cultivation talent was evident to all, and he was celebrated as the clan's pride. It was widely believed that he would rise to lead the clan to new heights of prosperity and power.

But the twists of fate can be unpredictable.

Ancestor Shi, despite his immense potential and prowess, was not a man driven solely by ambition. He was gifted with vision and wisdom, and his capabilities were evident even as a youth. Breaking through to the Dantian stage at the tender age of seven and accomplishing extraordinary feats, such as defeating a peak Golden Core Stage cultivator while being at a quasi-Gold Core Stage at the age of sixteen, and reaching the Nascent Soul Stage at nineteen, were but a few of his accomplishments. However, his unrelenting dedication to cultivation was the hallmark of his character.

Even when Bai Huo's grandfather, Bai Long, a man of unparalleled dedication, wisdom, and unyielding cultivation talent, entered the scene, Ancestor Shi did not falter.

Bai Long's meteoric rise to the Nirvana Stage at the age of twenty was a record-breaking achievement that sent shockwaves throughout the planet.

Yet, instead of allowing envy or rivalry to cloud his judgment, Ancestor Shi recognized the greater benefit of the clan and made a selfless decision. He chose to pass over the leadership position, offering it to Bai Huo's grandfather, Bai Long, as a testament to his extraordinary abilities and the clan's prosperity.

This pivotal choice, made in a spirit of selflessness and sacrifice, was a testament to the character of Ancestor Shi.

The new arrivals in the Martial Arts Pavilion walked towards the Grand Elder Huo.

lost in the whirlwind of thoughts and memories that had been awakened by the sight of Ancestor Shi. As he watched Ancestor Shi approaching with his retinue, Bai Huo still couldn't help but reflect on the lengthy history of their intertwined destinies within the Bai Clan.

This act of humility and selflessness had its challenges. Ancestor Shi faced resistance and skepticism from some clan members who believed he should have assumed the leadership role himself. However, his decision remained steadfast, and it forged a bond that would forever connect the Bai Clan with Ancestor Shi and Grand Elder Huo's family.

On the other hand, Grand Elder Huo was another prominent member of the Bai Clan, known for his remarkable potential and martial skills. He was on a clear path to ascend to a leadership role within the clan, yet he, too, would follow a different course.

When the time came for Grand Elder Huo to take up a leadership position, he made a surprising decision. Driven by love for his clan and family, he chose to pass the opportunity to his exceptionally talented son, who displayed immense promise. His choice was not a sign of weakness or insecurity; rather, it was a testament to his profound understanding of the clan's needs and the potential of the younger generation.

Huo saw in his son the same spark of brilliance that had once characterized Ancestor Shi. He recognized that the clan's future lay in the hands of the next generation, and his selfless decision mirrored the actions of Ancestor Shi from years before. It demonstrated the cyclical nature of leadership within the clan, where wisdom and potential took precedence over personal ambition.

Over the years, Grand Elder Huo found pride and joy in witnessing his son's growth and achievements within the clan. His journey had taken a different path, one that allowed him to explore the broader world of martial arts, engage in adventures, and forge his legacy. The choices made by both Ancestor Shi and Grand Elder Huo were a testament to the values of selflessness, wisdom, and a profound love for the Bai Clan, values that continued to shape the clan's destiny and future.

As Grand Elder Huo stood in the Martial Arts Pavilion, immersed in his contemplation and reminiscences, a sudden disruption interrupted his thoughts. An unexpected voice had disrupted the serenity of the pavilion, revealing the presence of a group of individuals who had approached without detection.

Turning to face the unexpected guests, Grand Elder Huo couldn't help but notice Ancestor Shi among them.

The sight of Ancestor Shi, with his distinguished Azurite Black Robe and the image of a white tiger on his chest, marked him as a figure of great authority and status within the clan.

The encounter between Grand Elder Huo and Ancestor Shi was laden with history and significance, reflecting a deep connection rooted in the shared understanding of the clan's needs and a mutual commitment to its well-being.

As the unexpected conversation unfolded and Ancestor Shi addressed the issue at hand, Grand Elder Huo couldn't help but contemplate how to navigate the situation without causing unrest within the clan. The complex interplay of history and responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, and the unexpected voice that disrupted the moment revealed that a pressing dilemma was about to unfold.

Grand Elder Huo's concern for the clan's stability was etched across his furrowed brow.

The fate of the Bai Clan hung in the balance, and the ancestral legacy they carried was intertwined with decisions made in the past and the consequences that would shape their shared future.

It set the stage for the intertwining destinies of Bai Shi and Bai Jian's grandfather, who would now undertake the sacred mission of seeking the perfect cultivation technique for the next generational leader of the Bai Clan.

Amid these two's shared journey, their pasts and the threads of history wove a tapestry that would shape their clan's future in ways they could not yet foresee.

Bai Jian's grandfather, Bai Huo, stood in the Martial Arts Pavilion, still very lost in the whirlwind of his own thoughts and memories that had been awakened again by Ancestor Shi.

In the face of Ancestor Shi's unexpected showing and serious but calm demeanor, Bai Huo found himself at a loss for words and was having trouble even trying to speak. He was not only struggling to formulate a response but also grappling with the weight of his own deep concerns. The thought of losing his beloved grandson, Bai Jian, to the capricious whims of destiny filled him with a profound sense of dread.

Ancestor Shi, who had known Bai Huo for years, could see the profound worry etched in his eyes. The usual radiance that defined Bai Huo's countenance had dimmed, replaced by a somber and contemplative expression. Tear marks, like scars from a recent battle, adorned his face, revealing the depth of his inner turmoil. To Ancestor Shi, it was clear that Grand Elder Huo was consumed by fear and apprehension. Although he remained unaware of the specifics, he recognized that trouble was brewing, and it had the potential to alter the course of their lives in profound and unpredictable ways.

The gallery within the Martial Arts Pavilion buzzed with hushed whispers and awed murmurs as those present continued to admire the mesmerizing painting. More and more clan members gathered around, their voices a chorus of admiration. The intricate details and lifelike quality of the Immortal Tiger's feathers and the celestial clouds earned praises that filled the chamber.

However, as the discussion unfolded, a few voices began to chime in, oblivious to the growing tension in the room. Dismissing the gravity of the situation and perhaps fueled by their own lack of experience, they questioned Bai Huo's silent response to Ancestor Shi's presence.

"What did you say to Ancestor Shi?"

"Yeah, know your place, Elder Huo!"

"What's the big deal? - someone chimed in

"Why is Bai Huo just standing there?

"Yeah doesn't he know how to properly greet Ancestor Shi?"

"Maybe he's forgotten his manners. After all, Ancestor Shi's here!"

"I mean, it's just Bai Huo. He's always so quiet, so this is nothing new."

Grand Elder Huo's patience waned as these voices continued to escalate in their disregard for proper etiquette. A shadow of fury crossed his face, though he made no immediate response.

Ancestor Shi, though, couldn't help but overhear these comments, and a cold, discerning glare pierced through the crowd, settling on the individuals who dared to belittle Bai Huo.

"How dare you address him as Elder Huo? That's Grand Elder Huo to you brats!"

In that moment, the confrontation shifted from a brewing storm to an unleashed tempest. Grand Elder Shui and Grand Elder Dadi both attempted to intervene, concerned about the growing tension.But they were halted by the sight of Ancestor Shi's furious visage, his Sword Intent shrouding his figure with a deep gray aura. An imposing and oppressive pressure filled the pavilion, like the stare of an ancient tiger spirit, and sent shivers down the spines of everyone present.

The crowd fell into a sudden, uneasy silence as the weight of Ancestor Shi's anger bore down upon them.

But, his attention returned to Bai Huo, who had now turned his gaze back to the enigmatic painting of the man and tiger on the wall.

A moment of stillness followed, and the vivid eyes of the figures in the painting seemed to remain motionless as if the tension that had erupted in the room did not affect their world.

The edges of Ancestor Shi's clothes slowly started to lose his emitted Sword intent, and the deep, imposing gray aura slowly stopped surrounding him, the ancient and powerful tiger spirit visage started to dissipate.

Ancestor Shi's fierce presence still sent shivers down the spines of everyone present, drenching them in a cold sweat. As the tension in the room simmered, hushed whispers floated among the clan members.

"Who knew Ancestor Shi still knew how to show that kind of look?" someone whispered.

"Do you think because you're whispering, I can't hear you?" Ancestor Shi retorted, his piercing gaze making it clear that he was fully aware of their comments.

The room fell silent, and Bai Huo, still concerned, looked back at Ancestor Shi. The ongoing dispute within the group had momentarily set aside the purpose of their meeting.

However, Ancestor Shi's response deviated from the usual formalities. He stated, "That's not important right now, Huo."

This sudden informality signaled that Ancestor Shi had something serious on his mind. Grand Elder Huo continued to address the matter at hand, saying, "Ancestor Shi, umm, we have a problem."

Ancestor Shi's concern deepened, and he pressed for an explanation, "What is it, Huo? Explain what's wrong."

Ancestor Shi decided to dismiss the group of people around them, granting them a day off to enjoy. Their collective thanks resounded with gratitude.

At this point, both Grand Elder Shui and Grand Elder Dadi were caught off guard, wondering about the nature of this unexpected development. They exchanged glances and whispered in low voices.

"What do you think that was about?"

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Let's go inform the other two Ancestors!"

"Yes, that's a great idea. They'll be eager to learn about this information, and we might even discover the nature of the discussion between the two of them."

They realized they needed to be updated about the situation as well.

"Senior Brother, do you think it's connected to that incident from a couple of years ago when we were away on a mission?"

"You mean when our brothers mentioned that something had transpired within the Clan but couldn't divulge any details?"

"That seems impossible. How could Grand Elder Huo be involved with that?"

"You're right. Let's go. We shouldn't risk being late and missing whatever they're discussing, Brother Shui."

With determination, Grand Elders Shui and Dadi swiftly departed, leaving a trail of rustling leaves and turbulent wind in their wake.


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