
The Badass Wife of a Hot Billionaire

There are some secrets that should stay secret. and I have plenty of them. When a hot billionaire suggested a marriage of convenience, I could not say no, who in their right mind would decline 1 million dollars for one year of fake marriage? all i have to do is show my face in some fancy events and i can live my own life away from my fake husband. but there is a problem. His parents are going to move to the same city. Trust me, it is a big problem because now we have to stay in the same house and act like we are husband and wife. we might have to....ahem.... kiss. and do other things to convince his paranoid mother that we are indeed married. -------------- Please check out my other works if you like this one. "Kidnapped by my enemy"

Slayer0 · Thành thị
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24 Chs


"No," I said firmly, rising from my seat and walking towards his room. My steps were deliberate, a reflection of my resolute stance.

"What do you mean, no?" His voice followed me, his proximity evident as I turned to find him walking behind me, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

I stopped, facing him, my gaze steady as I met his eyes. "I don't want to live with a stranger," I explained, my words clear and unwavering.

"How about I increase it five times?" he posed the question, his voice carrying a hint of negotiation that gave me pause in my tracks. The unexpected proposal hung in the air, the weight of his words sinking in.

"Fifty million dollars for one more year of being my fake wife."

The figure he mentioned was staggering, a sum that was beyond anything I could have imagined. My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the enormity of what he was offering. Fifty million—a number that represented financial security beyond my wildest dreams.

"Fifty million?" I echoed, my voice a mixture of incredulity and awe. The possibilities that such a sum presented were almost unfathomable. With that amount, I could secure a future for myself and generations to come. The thought of never having to worry about money again was tantalizing, a temptation that whispered to the deepest desires within me.

"I want my own room, and my own office in the house, and..." I trailed off, my mind racing to consider the various aspects that would make living in this house more manageable for me.

"And?" he prompted, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His eyes held a glint of amusement, as if he was enjoying the unfolding negotiation.

I met his gaze, a sense of determination taking root within me. After all, if I was to entertain the idea of living with him, I needed to ensure that my own comfort and independence were preserved—especially if I was to step out of the role of the vulnerable, delicate woman I had portrayed so far.

"Well," I began, feeling a sense of resolve building within me, "I want my maid to work here." The statement was definitive, reflecting a non-negotiable aspect of my life.

His amusement seemed to intensify, and a knowing gleam danced in his eyes. It was a recognition of my priorities, an acknowledgment of the importance of someone who played a pivotal role in my daily routine.

"Susan is a must," I elaborated, my voice firm and unyielding. "I cannot live without her. She cooks the best food and takes care of me." The thought of being without my trusted maid was inconceivable. Her presence was an essential part of my life, and I was determined to ensure that my new circumstances wouldn't disrupt that.

The look he gave me was a mixture of disbelief and amusement, his expression silently conveying his assessment of my apparent audacity.

"Do you have any more demands?" he inquired, his tone carrying a hint of incredulity.

I met his gaze with a hint of defiance, refusing to back down. "Not that I can think of right now," I replied coolly, my resolve unshaken. "I will tell you once I remember all of them."

But then, as if a missing piece of the puzzle fell into place, I remembered. Turning on my heel, I retraced my steps, closing the distance between us until we were standing toe to toe. I fixed him with a fierce glare, my determination burning in my eyes.

"And if you ever track me again," I asserted, my voice laced with resolve, "the deal is off, and you will pay me the full amount of money. If you don't agree to that, there is no need for the revision of the contract." The threat hung in the air, a clear ultimatum that held the weight of my boundaries and the limits of my tolerance.

He met my gaze, his expression a mix of acknowledgment and acquiescence. "Fine," he replied, his tone carrying a touch of resignation.