
The Awakening P1

A professional gamer is mysteriously transported into a cutting-edge virtual reality game as a low-level character. Using his extensive game knowledge, he begins his journey

Nope_Ope · Khoa huyễn
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39 Chs


The village of Greenwood was a flurry of activity. The news of the approaching force had sent ripples of unease through the alliance, but it had also ignited a fierce determination. The artifact, now stabilized and glowing steadily, was both their beacon of hope and their greatest weapon.

Alex stood at the heart of the village, his core team—Sarah, Gareth, Doc, and Lisa—gathered around him. The leaders of Woodhaven, Ironridge, and Ravensburg were also present, their faces grim but resolute.

"We need to understand what we're up against," Alex began, his voice carrying the weight of their collective resolve. "This new threat could be anything—from Kane's remaining followers to an entirely new enemy. We must be prepared for all possibilities."

Sarah nodded, her eyes steely. "Our scouts are already in the field, gathering intelligence. We'll know more soon. In the meantime, we should fortify our defenses and prepare for a siege."

Gareth added, "We need to coordinate with our allies and ensure that our supply lines are secure. If this turns into a prolonged engagement, we'll need every resource available."

Doc spoke up, his tone thoughtful. "We should also set up medical stations throughout the village. If the enemy breaches our defenses, we need to be ready to tend to the wounded quickly."

As they discussed their plans, a scout returned, breathless and wide-eyed. "Alex, we've identified the approaching force. They're heavily armed and organized, but they're not Kane's men. They're something else."

"Who are they?" Alex asked, his heart pounding.

The scout took a deep breath. "They call themselves the Northern Coalition. They're a confederation of warbands and tribes, united under a single leader. They're fierce, disciplined, and they've come to claim the artifact."

A murmur of concern rippled through the group. The Northern Coalition was a name shrouded in legend—a formidable force that had rarely ventured this far south.

"Why now?" Lisa wondered aloud. "Why have they come for the artifact now, after all this time?"

Lila materialized, her holographic form flickering with urgency. "The stabilization of the artifact likely triggered a surge of energy that they detected. They must believe that the artifact holds the key to their own ambitions."

Alex clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "We won't let them take it. This artifact is our responsibility, and we will protect it at all costs."

As night fell, the alliance forces worked tirelessly to reinforce their defenses. Watchtowers were manned, barricades erected, and every able-bodied person prepared for battle. The air was thick with anticipation and a sense of impending conflict.

In the predawn hours, Alex and his team stood atop the fortified walls, peering into the darkness. The faint glow of torches appeared on the horizon, growing steadily brighter as the Northern Coalition approached.

"They're here," Gareth muttered, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "We need to hold them at the walls. If they breach our defenses, it'll be chaos."

Alex nodded, his mind racing with strategies. "We'll use the artifact's power to bolster our defenses. Lila, can you help us channel its energy?"

Lila nodded. "Yes, but it will require precise coordination. The artifact's energy can create barriers and enhance our weapons, but we must use it carefully."

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the Northern Coalition came into view. Rows of warriors, clad in furs and armor, their faces painted with war markings, advanced towards Greenwood. At their head rode a tall, imposing figure, his eyes gleaming with fierce determination.

"People of Greenwood!" the leader's voice boomed across the battlefield. "I am Ulfgar, Chieftain of the Northern Coalition. We have come for the artifact. Surrender it, and we will spare your village."

Alex stepped forward, his voice strong and unwavering. "This artifact is under our protection. We will not surrender it to you."

Ulfgar's eyes narrowed. "Then you will face the might of the Northern Coalition. Prepare yourselves for battle."

With a roar, the Northern Coalition charged, their war cries echoing through the valley. The alliance forces braced themselves, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

"Hold the line!" Alex shouted, raising his weapon. "Protect the artifact at all costs!"

The clash of steel and the cries of battle filled the air as the two forces collided. The Northern Coalition fought with a savage intensity, their warriors skilled and relentless. But the alliance held their ground, their unity and determination giving them strength.

Alex fought at the forefront, his weapon a blur of motion as he struck down enemy after enemy. Beside him, Sarah and Gareth fought with equal ferocity, their movements precise and deadly.

As the battle raged, Lila guided them in channeling the artifact's power. Barriers of shimmering energy sprang up around the walls, deflecting arrows and absorbing the impact of battering rams. Alliance warriors found their weapons imbued with a strange, ethereal glow, each strike delivering a powerful burst of energy.

Despite their efforts, the Northern Coalition pressed on, their numbers seemingly endless. Alex knew they needed to do something drastic to turn the tide of the battle.

"Sarah, Gareth," he called out, his voice carrying above the din. "We need to take out their leader. If we can defeat Ulfgar, it might break their resolve."

They nodded, understanding the gravity of the task. Together, they pushed through the enemy ranks, their focus on reaching Ulfgar. The chieftain fought with a brutal efficiency, his axe cleaving through the air with deadly precision.

Alex and Ulfgar's eyes met across the battlefield, and in that moment, Alex knew this was the pivotal clash. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance, his weapon clashing against Ulfgar's axe with a resounding crash.

"Your reign of terror ends here, Ulfgar," Alex growled, his muscles straining as he pushed against the chieftain's strength.

Ulfgar sneered, his eyes blazing with defiance. "You are a fool to stand against me. The artifact will be mine!"

The battle between them was fierce, each strike sending shockwaves through the air. Ulfgar's strength was immense, but Alex fought with a determination fueled by the need to protect his home and his people.

Sarah and Gareth flanked Ulfgar, their coordinated attacks forcing him to divide his attention. They fought as one, their unity giving them an edge over the chieftain's brute force.

With a final, desperate effort, Alex channeled the artifact's power into his weapon. The blade glowed with an intense light as he struck, the energy coursing through him and into Ulfgar. The chieftain let out a roar of pain and fury as he staggered back, his grip on his axe faltering.

"Now!" Alex shouted, and together, he, Sarah, and Gareth delivered the final blow. Ulfgar fell to the ground, defeated, his eyes wide with disbelief.

The Northern Coalition faltered, their resolve breaking as they saw their leader fall. The alliance forces pressed their advantage, driving the enemy back and securing their victory.

As the dust settled and the battlefield grew quiet, Alex stood over Ulfgar's fallen form, his heart pounding with a mix of triumph and exhaustion. They had won, but at great cost. The artifact's power had saved them, but it had also shown them the immense responsibility they now bore.

"Let this be a lesson," Alex said, his voice carrying across the field. "We are strong because we stand together. We will protect our home and our future, no matter the cost."

The alliance forces cheered, their spirits lifted by the hard-earned victory.