
The Awakening P1

A professional gamer is mysteriously transported into a cutting-edge virtual reality game as a low-level character. Using his extensive game knowledge, he begins his journey

Nope_Ope · Khoa huyễn
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39 Chs

2.4 - First Conflict?

Back in Greenwood Village, the newly arrived players from Viktor's group began settling in. Alex noticed the wary glances exchanged between the original villagers and the newcomers. Trust was something that needed to be built, and Alex understood the importance of unity in their growing community.

He gathered everyone in the village square, standing on a makeshift platform to address the group. "Everyone, listen up," he called out, his voice carrying over the crowd. "We're all here because we believe in the same thing: a safe place where we can thrive. But to make that a reality, we need to work together. That means trusting each other and pulling our weight."

He saw nods of agreement and a few skeptical looks. "I know trust doesn't come easy," he continued. "But let's start by showing what we can do. We're going to build something amazing here, and we're going to do it together."

The crowd murmured in response, the tension easing slightly. Alex jumped down from the platform and made his way to the blacksmith's forge, where Gareth was already hard at work.

"Nice speech," Gareth said, not looking up from his work. "But words only go so far."

"I know," Alex replied, grabbing a hammer and joining him. "That's why we're going to back them up with actions."

The day passed quickly as everyone pitched in, working on the palisade wall and other fortifications. The sense of purpose was palpable, and Alex felt a growing sense of camaraderie among the villagers and players. They were making progress, and it felt good.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, a sentry's shout broke the evening calm. "Incoming! We've got incoming!"

Alex and Gareth exchanged a glance, immediately dropping their tools and rushing towards the village entrance. The sight that greeted them made Alex's blood run cold. A large group of armed men was approaching, their intentions clear from their aggressive stance and drawn weapons.

"It's Kane's men," Gareth muttered, his expression grim. "They must have gotten wind of what we're doing here."

Alex felt a surge of determination. "We're not going to let them tear this place down."

He quickly organized the villagers and players, positioning archers on the unfinished palisade and forming a defensive line at the entrance. "Hold the line," he instructed, his voice steady. "We don't let them past this point."

The attackers advanced, their leader shouting orders. The first wave hit the makeshift defenses hard, and the sound of clashing metal and shouting filled the air. Alex was in the thick of it, his hammer swinging with deadly precision. He focused on protecting the villagers, using his knowledge of the game's combat mechanics to outmaneuver and overpower the attackers.

"Keep them back!" he shouted, his voice hoarse. "We can't let them break through!"

The battle was fierce, but Alex's strategic mind and the resolve of the defenders held strong. They fought with everything they had, using the terrain and their makeshift fortifications to their advantage. The attackers were relentless, but Alex noticed they lacked the coordination and determination of his group.

At one point, Alex found himself facing off against a particularly brutal opponent. The man was tall and heavily muscled, wielding a massive axe with terrifying strength. Alex dodged the first swing, feeling the rush of air as the axe missed him by inches. He countered with a quick jab of his hammer, aiming for the man's unprotected side.

The blow connected, and the man grunted in pain, staggering back. Alex pressed his advantage, delivering a series of rapid strikes that left his opponent reeling. Finally, with a powerful overhead swing, Alex brought the hammer down on the man's head, dropping him to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Alex glanced around, taking in the battlefield. The attackers were starting to falter, their resolve breaking in the face of the defenders' tenacity. "We've got them!" he shouted, feeling a surge of hope. "Push them back!"

The defenders rallied, their spirits lifting as they drove the attackers back. One by one, the invaders began to retreat, their morale shattered. Within minutes, the remnants of Kane's men were fleeing into the forest, leaving the village in relative peace.

As the dust settled, Alex took stock of the situation. There were injuries, but thankfully no fatalities. He felt a deep sense of relief and pride as he looked at his comrades. They had stood their ground and protected their home.

Sarah approached, a fierce grin on her face. "We did it, Alex. We held them off."

Alex nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Yeah, but this isn't over. Kane's going to keep coming, and we need to be ready."

"We will be," Sarah said, her tone resolute. "We're building something strong here. And with you leading us, I know we can face whatever comes."

Alex felt a swell of determination. "Then let's get to work. We've got a lot to do."

As the villagers and players began to tend to the wounded and repair the damage.