
The Awakening P1

A professional gamer is mysteriously transported into a cutting-edge virtual reality game as a low-level character. Using his extensive game knowledge, he begins his journey

Nope_Ope · Khoa huyễn
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39 Chs

1. 5 - Allies

With Roderick and the bandits subdued, the villagers began to regain their sense of security. The atmosphere shifted from tense to relieved, with many expressing gratitude to Alex and Gareth for their bravery.

"Thank you," said the merchant Alex had saved earlier, clasping his hands tightly. "You've done more for us than you know."

Alex nodded, accepting the thanks but feeling a little awkward in the spotlight. "Just doing what needed to be done," he said, his gaze drifting back to Lila. "We should make sure everyone's okay and see if there's anything else we can do to help."

Gareth nodded in agreement. "Right. We'll get these bandits locked up and take stock of the damage."

As the villagers worked together to clean up and make repairs, Alex noticed a group of players approaching. They looked like they had been through their own share of battles, with armor and weapons that showed signs of heavy use. Leading them was a woman with short, dark hair and a focused, determined expression.

"Looks like we've got more company," Alex said, nudging Gareth.

The group stopped a few feet away, and the woman stepped forward. "I'm Sarah Torres," she said, her voice steady and authoritative. "I lead this group of players. We heard the commotion and came to help, but it looks like you've got things under control."

"More or less," Alex replied, offering a handshake. "I'm Alex Mercer, and this is Gareth."

Sarah shook his hand, her grip firm. "Nice to meet you. We could use more people like you around here. The game's gotten a lot more dangerous recently."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, I've noticed. We could definitely use some allies."

Sarah's eyes flicked to Roderick, who was being dragged away by a couple of villagers. "You took down one of Kane's lieutenants. That's impressive. He's not going to take that lightly."

"Figured as much," Alex said. "But we can't let people like him run wild."

"Agreed," Sarah said, her expression softening slightly. "We've been trying to build a network of players and NPCs to resist Kane's influence. Maybe we can join forces."

Alex felt a spark of hope. "I'd like that. We're stronger together."

Sarah smiled for the first time. "Good. Let's get to work, then. There's a lot we need to do."

Over the next few hours, Alex, Sarah, and their respective groups worked side by side, fortifying the village and tending to the wounded. Sarah introduced Alex to her team, a mix of seasoned players and newer recruits, each with their own unique skills and backgrounds.

One of them, a tall man with a friendly smile, stepped forward. "Name's David, but everyone calls me Doc," he said, shaking Alex's hand. "I handle most of the healing and medical stuff."

"Good to meet you, Doc," Alex said, grateful for the added support.

Another, a woman with long, braided hair and a mischievous grin, introduced herself as Lisa, a scout and tracker. "I'm pretty good at finding things and people," she said, her eyes twinkling. "If you ever need something, just let me know."

Alex appreciated the diversity of skills within Sarah's group. They were well-organized and seemed to genuinely care about each other, which was reassuring.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the village, Alex found himself sitting around a campfire with his new allies. The fire crackled and popped, providing a comforting background noise as they discussed their plans.

"We've been gathering intel on Kane's operations," Sarah explained, her face lit by the flickering flames. "He's got a lot of resources and manpower, but he's not invincible. We've managed to disrupt a few of his supply lines, but we need to do more."

Alex nodded, listening intently. "What's our next move?"

"We need to secure more alliances," Sarah said. "There are other villages and factions that are sympathetic to our cause, but they're scattered and isolated. If we can unite them, we'll have a much better chance."

Gareth, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. "We've got a good start here in Greenwood. It's defensible, and the people are willing to fight. We can use it as a base of operations."

"Agreed," Sarah said. "But we'll need more supplies and better equipment. Alex, you've got a knack for crafting. Think you can help with that?"

"Absolutely," Alex said, feeling a surge of determination. "I'll do whatever it takes."

"Good," Sarah said, her tone resolute. "Because this is just the beginning. We've got a long road ahead of us, but together, we can make a difference."

As the night wore on, Alex felt a renewed sense of purpose. He wasn't just a player in a game anymore. He was part of something bigger, something that mattered. With his new allies by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.