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ThePhone · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


The city lay in ruins, its once bustling streets now filled with twisted wreckage and debris. Roars echoed through the desolate streets, a chilling reminder of the devastation that had befallen the metropolis. A mysterious dome enveloped the city, cutting it off from the outside world, isolating it from the chaos beyond.

A weary figure trudged through the wreckage, a burden on his back. His body bore the marks of a fierce battle, his torn clothes and battered frame telling a tale of struggle and survival. But the person he carried was in an even worse state, a deep, gaping wound marring their back, stretching from the right shoulder to the lower left side.

Gasping for breath, the burdened man fought to put one foot in front of the other. Every step grew more laborious, as if the weight of the world rested upon his weary shoulders. Doubt began to creep into his mind, threatening to sap his resolve. "I don't know if I can make it," whispered the guy on his back, his voice strained.

"Don't you dare give up on me," he responded,his voice filled with urgency and determination. It was a voice that resonated with unwavering loyalty and unwritten promises. The man pressed on, his body growing heavier with each passing moment, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. But he refused to falter. "No, I can't stop now," he muttered through gritted teeth. "I promised him... I will save him, even if it means my life!"

With every ounce of strength left within him, he urged himself forward. "Just a little bit more," he silently implored, his mind ablaze with determination. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he reached the inner wall of the dome. Completely exhausted, barely able to stand, he stumbled through the wall's threshold

To his astonishment, a wall of blinding lights and flashing cameras greeted him on the other side. A swarm of journalists had gathered, their cameras capturing every detail of the mysterious dome. The police attempted to contain the chaos, but their efforts were futile. The man turned his gaze and saw a group of armored individuals, armed with an array of swords, axes, bows, and shields, preparing themselves for an imminent assault on the dome.

"Let's go!" cried their leader, his voice infused with resolute bravery. The group moved forward, fearless and undeterred. As the leader's eyes scanned the scene, he noticed the weary man approaching. Confusion clouded his face as he wondered, "Where did he come from? Wait! Did he get out of the dome? If he got out of the dome, it means..." His realization trailed off as he turned his attention back to the dissipating barrier.

A hush fell over the crowd as the dome began to fade away, leaving everyone bewildered and speechless. The burdened man suddenly remembered the person on his back, his eyes widening with concern. He tried to shout for help, but before the words escaped his lips, his body gave way, collapsing onto the ground.

Desperation washed over him as his body refused to respond, limbs growing heavy and unresponsive.Panic filled his mind as he questioned himself, 'What's happening?' 'Why won't my body move?' 'Is this the end?' Acceptance washed over him, preparing him for the embrace of death as his vision blurred and darkness encroached. Accepting his fate, he closed his eyes, prepared for the final release of death.

But then, a strange voice pierced through the silence, an ethereal whisper inside his mind. "Giving up already?" it taunted. The voice carried a mixture of mockery and sympathy. "You're so weak," it continued, as if observing his struggle with disdain. "I guess I don't have any choice but to save you..." Those were the last words he heard before succumbing to unconsciousness, his fate now intertwined with forces beyond his comprehension

Hello! If you read this far nad still doesn't know if you are going to read more please consider giving a chance to this novel maybe until the thrid chapter and never hold back on feedback cause i need as much as you can give me.

**don't forgot voting and adding to library as it helps a lot**

Thanks for reading :)

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