
The Author is an Extra? [DROPPED}


Sithuka_Ravihara · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A Whole New World [2]

i leaned against the wall beside me while holding my head, countless number of memories flooded my mind these were alex's memories, it felt like i had lived another life. The amount of memories entering my suddenly stopped but the pain still remained but one thing was for this world is definitely the same as my novel. i learned about the past of this world through alex's memories and sure enough its the exact same story i wrote.

The Year is 2100 and Earth is divided into 4 parts One part was ruled by demons one was ruled by dwarves and another one was ruled by elves and finally there was the part that was ruled by humans. back in 2065 gates started forming around the world and there were 3 types of species that appeared through these gates Demons, dwarves and elves and because of these we were also introduced to an new found energy called "Mana". with the appearance of mana humans started to become stronger and they also found that Mana existed inside their bodies and by using that mana they were able to control different types of elements like wind, water, fire, earth and darkness. with these power we tried to fight the demons and were utterly defeated more than half of the human population died later with the help of elves and dwarves we were able to push back the demons and the world was divided into the above mentioned 4 parts.

and now for the story of the protagonist

The protagonists parents were killed by demons and he was also on the verge of death but before that happens he was saved by heroes who appeared after the world was divided into 4 parts. then he wakes up in a hospital and sees a weird screen floating above his head and yes it is indeed an system and there were different tasks written on it at first he found it fishy but after remembering how his parents were killed mercilessly he vowed to himself that he would kill all the demons and he needed to be strong for it and he started doing the tasks given by the system little by little he could see himself improving and after training like that for 3 years he decides to enroll into the best hero academy located in the human realm and then the usual stuff happens he enroll there gets some character development graduate at the top of his class and joins the hero association and finally after 500 chapters or so he fights the demon king.

but because i didn't finish the novel the winner was never decided. although in other stories the hero becomes victorious with the power of friendship or whatever i ain't gonna believe in that because in this world one wrong move can lead to death so i need to be strong the only problem is that my potential is D rank which mean no matter what i do i won't be able to break past D rank

Although there are ways to increase your potential it would only be by 1 rank which would give me C rank potential at most.

While thinking about what to do about my potential an idea dawned on me. There was an item which i could use to completely remove the limitations of potential and to my luck the item only ever appeared in a side story so even if i do take it it probably won't effect the main storyline but before that i need to write down all the main contents of the story before i forget

I walked around the apartment before i found an empty diary i wrote down all the main contents of my story and put it back in the drawer where i found it and decided to take a walk but before i went out i saw a smartwatch sitting there but it was no ordinary smart watch i picked it up and turned it on and sure enough i was right it wasn't just an normal smartwatch it was an item given to the students who attended "union" the best hero academy in the human realm as an item to prove their identity. it also stated that the 1st year hero course would start in a week's time.

and with this new found information i decided to go and get the item to remove my potential earlier than expected.