
The Confusion

"Hey Christian, can we talk?" Ezekiel said with a shaky voice. Christian, who is on the other line felt confused. 'Come on. I'm in the middle of work' He said on the back of his mind. "What is it?" Christian asked. He can hear Ezekiel's uneasy breathing and it made him unease. Finally, Ezekiel spoke. "Well, I'll be frank. I can't edit your work anymore." Ezekiel plainly said. Christian was dumbstruck. He could not process what is happening, nor what is Ezekiel trying to say. 'Yesterday, you motivated me with a freaking dictionary. Yet today, you ruined my mood working.' He talked to himself. He was silent from the whole time. It feels like the world had stopped, and as if he was struck by a lightning. On the other line, Ezekiel is waiting for his response. But, he heard a loud beep which signifies the other line was already disconnected, or ended the call. 'What?!' Ezekiel panicked. He dialed Christian's number, but unfortunately. "The number you have dialed is now unattended. Please try again later."  He just let out a sigh, and decided to explain things tomorrow at work. 'That stubborn.' Ezekiel thought. 

Christian saved his draft, feeling unmotivated to finish his novel. He felt discouraged despite the fact that the submission of entries is near. "It's freaking midnight!" Christian groaned. He was in the state of panic before Ezekiel called. Now, he wanted to procastinate. He's not feeling it anymore. "Come to think of it. Earlier, I was just overthinking. But unfortunately, it happened. Maybe he really doesn't understand me in the first place. Maybe I'm just living in a lie that he's supporting me." He murmured. A lot of negative thoughts is currently running on his mind. It is swallowing Christian's enthusiasm. He realized that his vision is becoming blurry, as well as his face is wet. 'I'm crying?' He looked to his palm, and he was surprised to see his tears dropping. He went to his bed, covering his face with a pillow, and his body with a soft blanket. Christian declined letting his emotions burst out, so he tried to just sleep, but he can't. Tears are streaming down, small sobs are uttered, and pain in his heart is felt. "Why?" He asked indirectly before falling asleep. 

Christian went to work, feeling dizzy and sleepy. His voice is hoarse and eyes are swollen. He's in a pretty bad shape but the show must go on. 'Thanks to a certain someone.' He could feel his co-workers staring at him, silently mouthing phrases such as: 'What happened to him?' He ignored the weird stares coming from his co-workers and just headed to his office. On his way to his office, he received a text from Joyce.

TO: Christian Simoune +14****** (***)

I will be coming over to get the final draft of the novel. Maybe 1PM, so we have time to discuss. I'll bring mom as well. By the way, this is Joyce Haris. I got your number from the calling card you gave me at the Tully's Cafe

FR: Unknown Number +17****** (***)

Christian let out a sigh, remebering that he wasn't able to finish revising the novel. 'Again, thanks to a certain someone.' Christian replied as the elevator door opened. 

TO: Joyce Haris +17****** (***)

I'm sorry Joyce. I'm not yet done with the revisions. I'm looking forward to meet your mom but I'm still not yet finished. I would fax it to your house instead, and send the softcopy through e-mail if that's okay. Thank you for understanding.

FR: Christian Simoune +14****** (***)

Christian walked to his desk, as his phone vibrates. He was greeted by his co-workers but he completely ignored them. "Something bad happened." One of his co-workers said. He sat on his sliding chair, and looked at Joyce's message. She said it was okay, and she included her address. Christian didn't bother to reply, as he puts his phone on the desk. He picked up his laptop from his bag, resuming his unfinished work. 

Christian just stared at his laptop screen for hours, and didn't even made any progress. His co-workers, especially Isaiah couldn't stand it anymore so he confronted him. "What's the matter?" Isaiah worriedly asked. Christian turned his gaze to Isaiah and just gave him a shrug. Isaiah sighed, as he pats Christian's shoulder. "If you are feeling pressured because the submission is near, don't be. SC-PHI chose the best author to represent our publishing, and it's you. We all got your back, don't forget that." He said trying to cheer up his colleague. Christian gave him a weak smile. "Now, don't steal my role. I should be the cold one, since I'm The Winter." Isaiah chuckled. Christian's forehead creased as if he was confused. "The Winter, what?" He asked. Isaiah showed his phone screen to Christian, specifically the article regarding The Seasons of Novelist. Christian was surprised that a certain group of novelist is existing, but he's even more surprised that he is included. "Why am I even included? I am nothing compare to you, and the other two." He said. Isaiah gave him a stern look, giving chills to Christian's spine. "I'm going to repeat what I said earlier. SC-PHI chose THE BEST author to represent our publishing in the Novel Prize Awards, and they sent you. Which means you are THE BEST author in this publishing." He said with a serious tone, giving emphasis to the word 'The best.' Christian is more pressured that Isaiah mentioned 'the best.' But he is more focused that Isaiah is giving him encouragement. Just like The Winter, He is cold but not this time. "Jokes on them, the four of us are already close friends when we were still in college." Christian chuckled. 

Christian told Isaiah that he will leave early. He had something to submit to his Grammar Analyst tonight, and wind up a bit after. Isaiah just nodded and waved at him. 1:48PM. The time when Christian left, is also the time when Ezekiel's shift will start. Christian looked at the ground while walking outside the building. In result of his action, someone bumped into his shoulder. He was about to apologize but when he looked back, he saw the person running as if the person is up to something important. He shrugged and continued to walk towards his condo.

Ezekiel rushed on the street, hoping that he would meet Christian so that he could explain what he meant on the phone call. On his way, he bumped into someone but he didn't bother. Instead, he ran inside the building. The staffs were giving him a weird stare but he ignored them. He reached Christian's office and saw Isaiah. He approached Isaiah immediately. "Where's Christian?" Ezekiel said while catching his breath. "He just left few minutes ago. He said he had to do something." Isaiah responded while looking at the papers he was holding. He felt that something is going on between the two of them. 'Christian was acting weird earlier. And now, Ezekiel is ten minutes early from his shift, and rushing just to find Christian. Suspicious.' He thought to himself. "What happened?" He asked concerned. Ezekiel let out a sigh before answering Isaiah's question. "I may have said something bad to him." He chuckled nervously. Isaiah just laughed to his sentiments. "Well, aside for your issues with Christian, the boards had sent something for you. A new big project." He said while looking at below his desk to find the file. "Oh, there is it." He took the short black envelope and handed it to Ezekiel. "Make sure to submit a report immediately. I know you knew this already." He added while chuckling. Ezekiel just walked away and went to his desk. "You are unlucky today." Isaiah said to himself, as he lets out a chuckle returning to his work. 

'I completely forget about this.' Ezekiel thought. Recently, the boards promoted him to be the new editor-in-chief. His new position made his life even more harder. He was obliged to also check his co-editors work and give feedbacks and comments.  It is also the reason why he seldom use his phone, his work is piled up. Giving Christian a Grammar Analyst is his plan because he can't give his 100% focus to Christian's work anymore. He doesn't want half-assed work when it comes to his author. Now, he forgot to construct a written report regarding to the weekly perfomance of his co-editors. 'Why did I even agreed to this!' He slammed his keyboard, resulting to his co-editors looked at him. "What?" He gave them a fierced look that made them go back to their work. 'Damn it.'

Christian finished the revisions earlier than he thought, as he sends the softcopy through e-mail. He also faxed the hardcopy to Joyce. He sent a text message to Joyce, informing her that he is finished with the revisions. Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at who's the caller and realized it was Ezekiel. He felt the sudden anger arising from him, but he calmed himself. He answered the phone call. 'I'm not immature to reject his call, even though I'm mad.'

"What's up?" Christian asked with a serious tone, while gritting his teeth. "I'm coming over." Ezekiel just plainly said. Christian raised an eyebrow before he complained. "Maybe next time, I'm going out for a walk." Christian said as he took his scarf from the closet. "Too late, I'm in front of your unit. Open the door." Ezekiel said. Christian was stunned. 'Are you freaking serious?' He sighed in defeat and went to the doorway to meet Ezekiel. 'I planned to unwind, but you freaking showed up.' He thought in dismay, as he opens the door revealing a smiling Ezekiel. 'Are you here to mock me?' He said behind his back. "Come in." Christian said coldly, walking towards his living room. "Make it quick, I'm unwinding tonight." He added. Ezekiel took a deep breath before explaining things. "Regarding to what I said in the phone call, I--" He was cut off by Christian. "No worries, it's alright. I'm doing actually fine. To be honest, a lot better with--" He stopped when he saw Ezekiel's furious face. "That's why you misunderstood things, you never let people have a chance to explain." He said. "The reason why I said that because, I was promoted. I am now the new editor-in-chief. So, I can't focus on editing your work. I know it's a stupid move of me to tell you I can't edit your work anymore but that's not what I mean. I can't just give you half-assed work, especially it is for the Novel Prize Award. That's also the reason why I am not picking your calls and hiring a grammar analyst for you. I became so busy." He explained. Christian jaw dropped, not because of the information he said but the thought that Ezekiel explaining himself. Christian just clapped his hands. "What? You are now mocking me?" Ezekiel raised his voice. Christian chuckled and shook his head. "It is an appreciation clap because you are now the editor-in-chief, and you learned to explain yourself" He said, as he laughs. "Yeah, that's what I get." Ezekiel responded. Christian patted Ezekiel's shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "Congratulations, Mr. Editor-in chief. The night is still young, let's celebrate." He offered. Ezekiel accepted Christian's offer as they decided to eat in a fancy restaurant. 

On their way to a fancy restaurant, Christian spoke. "By the way, I'm finished with the whole novel. I can't wait to submit it." He said. "Let me read it first before you submit it. I'm still your editor, Dummy." Ezekiel responded. "Fine, here you go." Christian chuckled as he handed his hardcopy of the novel he wrote. When Ezekiel was about to take it, a blinding light caught their attention. The loud noises of the car horn made them realized that they were about to crash to a truck. Christian screamed, until his vision turned pitch black. 

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