
The Author's Reincarnation

Our mc dies and gets reborn into his novel. Wants to live a better life, gets stronger maybe he'll fall in love. This is my first work and honestly I write for my own enjoyment more than anything else, so if you wanna read this go for it

Ramen_Guy10 · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 - Welcome To Pendragon Academy [3]

I took a deep breath, and I remembered how my master died, 'So Andreus and master killed each other? And now, I have a body similar Andreus and I'm learning the Swordsmanship of the person who killed him? And what's with all this backstory? I didn't write about most of this stuff, so, I have an idea on where the certain cheats are along with future events but I don't know the finer details? Well it's better than nothing I suppose. Anyways, I think I'll hide my affinity with Darkness, I'd probably get a lot of unnecessary attention from it.'

I stood up, I allowed the Mana within my body to spread out. Slowly I changed the Mana into ice, and formed it into a sword, I created as many as I could, in total there were 5. I could freely move them in the air and could control all 5 individually. But I couldn't really move when I did that, although my Mana Capacity was high. My control was pretty mediocre, then again, it's not like I can do everything perfectly. And on top of my lack of control, it really tired me out when I tried to manipulate all 5 Frost Blades at once.

I decided to let go of 3 of them by stopping my Mana flowing to them, after I stopped the Mana flow they simply stopped moving. After a while they dissapeared Into nothingness. The way Mana worked in this world was simple enough, a person had a Mana heart which held their Mana, like a normal heart it could become stronger, the stronger your Mana heart the more Mana you Mana you could hold. Since we have Mana Hearts, we also have Mana veins, the better your Mana veins the better your control and efficiency was.

My Mana heart is fairly strong which is why my Mana Capacity is at [E+] , spells and magic also work in a relatively simple way. You could learn spells made by others or you could make your own. Making your own spell was the better option since that allowed you to suit it to your needs. You could use magic by simply imagining it, and using your mana to form it. The spells would usually have incantations to help with the imagination and creation.

But people who were at a certain level with magic or were highly proficient with a certain spell could simply do it without imcantations. For complex spells, a magic circle was made by your Mana. These spells would take longer to cast, but the power was incomparable to normal spells. These kind of spells were called Circle Based Spells, only a [B] Rank or higher could really use them. It was possible for [C+] ranks to do so but it would likely deplete all of their Mana.

Many mage type fighters would spend years researching what did and didn't work and developing new spells. Circle Based Spells could also be done without incantations. If you were strong enough, talented enough or If you had enough profiency with the spell.

Close combat fighters like myself preferred to enhance ourselves with Mana, S Ranks could enhance themselves to a point where cleaving a mountain wouldn't be impossible. We could also fight at mid range by using Magic,use elemental spells to enhance ourselves. For example, someone with an affinity for fire magic could shroud themselves in flames, or someone with an affinity with lighting could enhance their speed and reflexes by using lightning.

Most people didn't bother to use magic outside of their affinities, because the Mana cost and the speed at which they learnt it simply wasn't worth the trouble. Now, you could always use skills to compensate for it, but skills were rare and expensive. Even the harem members struggled to gain skills, hell even the protagonist struggled to get them. As of now, the protagonist had 2 skills. [Limit Break] which would force his body to go beyond its limits, but by the end of it. He'd be completely spent. And he had another skill called called [Perfect Mind] which would allow him to get rid of anything affecting him mentally and it would accelerate his thoughts Well right now it could only get rid of low level mind based attacks, since he wasn't very proficient with it. Both skills were [B] ranked, but they were at low profincies like I said earlier. Right now they were about as good as [F] ranked skills, which was still extremely good for most people.

Elijah had affinities with Earth, Water, Fire and Wind magic. But, since his attention was divided when learning, he wasn't as good as he could be if he focused his mind on element. But having four affinities was still borderline cheating, I mean I had to eat a God Beast for two?

After my inner monologue, I compressed a bundle of Frost Mana in to my arm. And then with a wave of my arm I released it all, after doing so. Ice was spread out almost everywhere, there was some on the other side of the room. My knees nearly gave out, I had recovered roughly half my Mana before we came here. And I had already expended all of it, even with [Monarch's Wrath] my ability to efficiently use Mana was horrible.

It was likely due to how little experience I had with Mana. I felt Mana around me slowly pour into my Mana heart, slowly replenishing my Mana stores. Another thing to note was since I was merely releasing Mana, I didn't need to chant.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, I turned my head in response and saw that everyone was staring at me. And the person who was walking towards me was none other then our teacher.

Me and Aurora had a quick conversation, apparently it wasn't safe for me to use magic like that again. Not because of my power, although it would've felt really cool to be told that I was too strong. It was because most of us weren't capable enough to dodge my attack if I messed up.

I say most because there was someone who could dodge my attack, Elijah Hunter. With the system, his stats grew explosively, his speed was currently at the same level as mine, [E+]. His Strength and Stamina were also at [E+] but his Intelligence was at [E-] while his Mana capacity was at [E] his Mana control was rather good though. Since he had to switch between elements often, he had to be efficient with switching between them. This lead to him becoming so efficient with Mana to the point where he was wasting almost no Mana when using Magic.

In terms of fighting ability and battle IQ, he far surpassed me. But I'd probably win in terms of raw power, not that it would be of much help in a real fight. But with [God Speed] and [God Step] I was far more mobile than him. If he used [Limit Break] and I went into Phase 2, I not sure who would win or wether or not our bodies would be able to handle aftermath. After all, going into Phase 2 was essentially forcing my body to change on a molecular level as it brought my body closer to that of a God Beast's.

I was hoping to never need to use it, since I wasn't sure of the after effects. And the same went for Phase 3. After the teacher headed off, I looked towards Elijah. He was conversing with Angelica, Elizabeth Ardor along with Arden Stafford.

Elizabeth was a God Blood who was in possession of the Dragon's bloodline. Arden was a prodigy who was born into the prestigious Stafford Family. He had the bloodline of a Raiju, which was basically a phoenix but with thunder isntead of fire. Arden of course had an affinity with Lightining whilst Elizabeth had an affinity with something called 'Soul Fire' which was a black flame that was many times stronger than normal fire

Quite a few people were staring, after all they all looked extremely good. They were all at [A+] ranked charm. Arden was around as tall as I was, he had a larger build than Elijah but it was still smaller than mine. He had had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes that you could stare for a rather long time, his face was really just way too handsome. Why did i make these guys so good looking anways?

Moving on, Elizabeth had hip length black hair along with an above average sized chest, but it was smaller than Angelica's and Aurora's. But the rest of her was nothing to scoff at, I'll leave it up to your imagination but just know that she was even more curvaceous than Angelica from the back. Her eyes were a pretty shade of silver, and she had this presence that made you want to kneel, it was as if she were an empress.

I then felt Elizabeth's eyes fall on me, she seemed to be having quite a bit of fun. But as soon as her eyes fell on me, she glared at me for a bit. Perhaps she noticed I was staring at them, well I could simply feign ignorance and I'd probably be fine.

Then some random people made their way towards me, they were full of confidence. And the way they moved made it look like they owned this place. The person leading them was a boy, he was of average height and build. His looks were maybe a bit above average?

"Oi, who do you think you are, you've been staring at Lady Angelica and Elizabeth as well as Lord Arden. They're all in different worlds compared to you, stop staring at them with those eyes, they're disgusting."

I wasn't bothered by what they said, but they talked about my eyes. They didn't say I was looking at them in an impure way or anything, just that my eyes were disgusting. What on earth did that even mean?

I didnt have the energy to refute their words, having exhausted my Mana twice in one day so I simply nodded and walked away. Normally a person would faint after exhausting their Mana, but my body wasn't fully human and my skill [Monarch's Wrath] meant I could 'Rule Over Mana' which made it so that my Mana accumulated at a monstrous rate. Although the skill helped with efficency, it didn't seem to make a huge difference due to my lack of understanding with Mana.

But honestly, without the skill I doubt that my magic would be worthy of being called magic at all. Because even though my body was powerful, my mind wasn't actually aware of how Mana worked in conjunction to the body. So it'd take a while before I could cast a spell without wasting most of the Mana.

I borrowed one of the testing weapons and got into a stance, it was probably okay to practice my swordmanship here. Since there was lots of room and no one would notice any of the Mana fluctuations that could be caused if I summoned Ragnarok.

The stance I was in was for the first form of the [Dragon King Style] it was simply drawing my sword at an incredibly high speed. It was a simple way to end a fight, and it would scare an opponent even if they could manage to block it. I used Mana to reinforce my body, I drew my sword. I repeated this process nearly a thousand times before the class had ended, the first form needed to be absolutely prefect. Because if you fumbled with the blade it would cost you your life against a strong opponent.

After the thousandth movement, Aurora told us that class was over and told us to head to the dorms. But for whatever reason, she held me back. Maybe it was because of huge release of magic earlier? I couldn't be sure.

But whatever it was, she really didn't look happy. Honestly I was a bit scared, I mean who wouldn't when the person angry at you could kill you without even needing to look at you?