
The Author's POV: Invincible from the start

Travel through the world of The Author's POV and start with the Solo Leveling system. Currently, I'm just learning to write fanfiction, if there's anything wrong, please give me more opinions.

DaoistViyIkE · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been a week since Sirius started Daily Quests. Many things have changed…

First about body. He walked in front of the mirror in the room

"Hmm. Hmm."

Sirius looked up, down, at his whole body in the mirror. But, the difference was still very clear, his body was changing.

"The muscles seem bigger than before."

That was the first thing he noticed. Some places have lost fat and replaced by muscle. His shoulders have also become wider and firmer, and his height seems to have increased a bit as well.

Muscles began to appear throughout his body. He also felt like his body even though he was a man.

"And all this thanks to..."

He opened the status window.



[Name: Sirius]

[Level 1]

[Occupation: No]

[Title: No]

[HP: 100]

[MP: 10]

[Fatigue: 0]


[Strength: 31]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Senses: 10]

[(Remaining points: 0)]


[Passive skills]

[(Unknown) (Lv. Max)]

[Indomitable spirit (Lv. 1)]

[Active skill]

[Acceleration (Lv. 1)]


Soon, he raised his "strength" score to 31. But he was still unsure if the other stat points would have the same effects as the "strength" score, so he focused only on points for now. Just "strength". After all, the most useful thing in fighting magic beasts is strength.

"But the human body can't change like this after a few days of exercise"

He thought there was only one possibility, that his body was changing with the increase of the "strength" point; Build muscle to maximize strength. He couldn't think of any other possibility than this.

However, there were times when he worried that he had put too many points into "strength". But after seeing his changing body, he became satisfied and forgot his worries.

Exit the status window and Sirius points to the backpack panel, Sirius can guess.

After clicking on it, he saw that the backpack was like the backpack in those online games. As for how many things can be placed in a square, Sirius has neither tried nor known.

This is not important, the important thing is that there is a golden key in the backpack.

Sirius holds the golden key.

The key's information appears in the bulletin board with a background of green text.

[Key to the Dungeon

Rarity: E

Type: Key

Dungeon Login Key

Can only be used at Exit #3 of Lock Train Station.]

It's one of the Random Box rewards. At first, he was quite confused by the appearance of the key. But this was the first time he saw mention of the rarity of the item, he thought it was not an ordinary item.The key to login to the Dungeon huh…

However, if he wanted to enter the Dungeon with this key, then he had to enter alone.

Sirius made a decision after thinking for a long time.

"Let's go in and see, if it's not okay, he'll let me out..."

There is always a way to escape. Running 10km a day makes Sirius confident in his ability to run…

But he didn't know that confidence was a mistake.

slam, slam!

"This is… the wall????"

He slammed into the invisible fence, then he faced the entrance he had come in and tried to scream, but there was no movement. He saw people outside passing by, but no one saw him. Occasionally, someone would go down the stairs to the train station, but the moment they reached him, they suddenly disappeared. Compared to the outside, this place seems to be a separate dimension.

When Sirius used all his strength to try to get out, a notification window popped up.


[You cannot exit the Dungeon.]

[Defeat the Boss or use "jelly regression tablets"]

The dungeon key he had just held disappeared as soon as he entered gate #3 of the train station. When he panicked and turned to leave, an invisible barrier blocked his way.

His original intention was that he would find a Gate or a hidden entrance somewhere in the station, but the truth went too far from his intentions. And now it was even worse, when he couldn't get out like normal dungeons.

"Leave me alone, it's completely different from a normal dungeon..."

With a heavy sigh, he leaned forward.

The station was transformed into a forest, the interiors turned into roots, the walls were covered in vines and the smell of rotting corpses filled Sirius' nose. He also heard the cry of some animal in the distance.


His "plan" was to find a hidden entrance at Lock Station, and now the entire station was turned into a Dungeon.

Sirius took out the sword from the inventory he prepared when he was about to enter the dungeon.


[Steel Sword: Attack +10]

If retreat can't be done, then there's only way forward

Sirius gulped and started down the stairs to go inside. He held his breath and looked around, but felt nothing. However, he couldn't relax either; and carelessness is not allowed here. Even among low level magic beasts, there are some that have the ability to conceal their presence. Normally, if they were to follow the party, all parties would have to hide their presence and ambush the demonic beasts.

He passed the restroom and arrived at what "used to be" the station's shopping mall. And now, with the shops deserted, plus the lack of any sign of humans, plus the dim light due to the lack of light source, here now it looks no different. apocalyptic movies. And it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Flashing - flashing-

The surroundings look like apocalyptic movies, but on the ceiling, the lights are blinking, it doesn't look like a ghost movie...

Stepping on the weeds growing on the broken bricks, Sirius still looked around nervously…

"Looks like something..."

The space around him was empty, but he still had the feeling that something was watching him…

"And then this classic scent..."

The strong stench of corpses came from somewhere.

However, he could not pinpoint its exact location. It was like it was lying in wait for its prey to open an ambush.

"So you're just lying there all the time?"

Well then, you'll give it a chance.

Sirius turned his back to the direction he had identified, and then began to slowly back away. Predators are more likely to attack prey that has exposed an opening. And certainly, wild animals are no exception.

And when he got to the third step,


The windows of a clothing store were broken, and something jumped out from there. It jumped once more when it landed close to the nape of Sirius .


Anticipating this, Sirius responded to its roar by swinging his sword. But it was still his impressive reflex.


The sharp sword split the beast's chin as it jumped. Being countered, the beast howled in pain as it fell to the ground.

- eh -

A large wolf with red fur. Being slashed, the wolf was thrown to the ground in pain. When Sirius looked closely, the wolf's head also had a name, just like the centipedes in the "Punishment area".

"Steel Fang Lycan"

However, unlike the centipedes whose name is red, this wolf's name is white.

"But leave her alone, I don't have time to think about why..."

The chance to take down the wolf writhing on the ground in pain was now. Sirius closed the gap, and knocked it down with a single slash to the area separating the head and body, that place was called the neck.


The Lycan let out a pitiful groan as it left the world.

[You took down the steel-fanged Lycan.]


But he didn't have time to celebrate. From the broken windows, two Lycans slowly emerged into the darkness.

"Fuck, you have friends too."

Sirius's eyes widened,


Baring their fearsome fangs, the two Lycans darted forward, closing the gap between them and Sirius in one swoop. In the excitement of defeating the first Lycan, he slashed down with too much force, causing the sword to get stuck on the ground, he frowned,

"Get off, stupid beast!"

As he struggled to draw his sword, one of the Lycans pounced in front of him.


He quickly lowered his head to dodge. The Lycan that missed his head lost its momentum and crashed into the ground.


Right where the Lycan stabbed two fangs, the ground split open.

"Looks like the name 'steel fangs' isn't for fun huh..."

But now there was no time to marvel, meanwhile, the other Lycan was approaching him. As for the sword, it looked like it wanted to lie there for a while longer.

"His mother!"

With no other choice, he let go of his sword and threw a punch at the Lycan in the air.


The punch that was directed at the Lycan was so fast that it made a sound like a wind.


When he hit his punch, the Lycan's head exploded. Its body flew up and hit the ceiling and fell to the ground.


"What the hell….?"

Sirius looked at his fist in surprise.

Its destructive power was more than he expected.