
The audacity of hope thoughs on reclaiming...


Did you know that barack Obama served two terms as a senator before .he become the president of the USA?

Do you know this stance on controversial topics such as abortion and border control. Is he a religion man? Is he more controversial or liberal ? You wil learn the answer to these questions and more from this book.Barack wrote the 'audacity of hope' when he was still a senator from Illinois. In this book he write about his family. the diveres group he advocate for and his dream from a better . American in this book .you will get to know former President Obama.as mach more than just the first African. African-American President of the United States....

Republicans and Democrats...

It may not be the most beautiful part of the capital. But the senate chamber is breathtaking. Nonetheless, it has a wide wall. And tall columns made of marbles and a creamy white oval ceiling with the symbolic American Eagle at the center..100 mahogany dicks are lined in a semicircular.

Some have been there since 1819.

If you open the drawers. you will see the name of the honorable. Men who once sat there.

Visitors can observe the official signature of famous Americans. such as Kennedy long Taft and others.

Some time i imagine the great senator who shaped our country giving. Their inspiring speeches.in this very rooms.

How ever my colleagues and i usually spend very little time in the senate chamber. This space is only briefly used for senators to cast their votes.

Before we rich the Senate chamber.

We each will have studied the details of bills to decide whether or not to pass a specific bill.

We will have discussed the amendment with the majority. Leader the committee chairman and the other personnel.By the time we enter to cost our votes.each senator has allready determined a solid position made with the halp of staff lobbyists and interest groups.

Most of the time .sanetor work form thir own office where we study the law make phone calls and meet.with our Constitution .occasionally .we goto

Television studios to do live interview

Our normal working day spends 12-13hours..i remember very clearly the day that I was sworn into the 109th congress.it was a warm sunny day. my friends and family were the to support me. my two daughters malai and

Sasha. were twirling in their beautiful.

Dresses down tha hall.i walk hand in hand wih my wife Michelle...

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