
Zy-boo! Whatchu Doing?

On her way out she stumbled across all the parents. They were all sitting on a round glass table with a serious expression. They seemed to be talking about something important, therefore Zafyra didn't want to disturb them. She walked past them, towards the door and as she was about to walk out of the living room, uncle Kei spoke up.

"ZyZy are you not going to stay today?"

Zafyra turned around with warmth in her eyes and replied,"No, I think I'm going to go home today well you know after I go play soccer. The boys are knocked out from earlier so I just decided to go on my own..."

"Ok, stay safe and remember you can come back to the house here today if you want to stay!" Uncle Kei offered in a soft tone, while glimpsing at Zafyra's left cheek. Zafyra replied,"Alright I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Bye." She waved at everyone and left.


Soon enough the sun started to lower gradually. By the time Zafyra got to the field there wasn't many people left. She only saw a couple boys playing and a woman picking up soccer balls and cones. Zafyra walked down the grey granite stairs to get to the soccer field. In fact the field wasn't really a soccer field it was actually a football field with goals on the sides and markings on the floor. The boys were playing on the left side of the field so she decided to go on the right side. Before she could do anything, she needed to find the restroom to change. She looked to the side of the silver bleachers and found a bathroom on the right side of the field, right below the last row of bleachers. She walked towards it and changed. Unbeknownst that she caught the attention of the group of boys.

She walked into the clean big restrooms and changed in one of the stalls. She wore some athletic black shorts with a white and black marveled shirt. She put her hair up in a ponytail and put on a black headband on her hairline. She grabbed her clothes from earlier and shoved them in her backpack quickly. She grabbed a pair of Bluetooth earbuds and played on some trap music on her iPhone. She really couldn't hear anything around her and she liked that because it was as if she could escape reality. She grabbed her backpack and walked out of the restroom.

As she walked out of the restrooms, the woman on the field stared at her. The woman needed more players for the girls soccer team but she need to focus on the quality of the players not the quantity. She was in deep thought as she stared at Zafyra. She wanted to know badly if this girl was good or not, so she could recruit her or not. Obviously it would be hard to know how good she was if she was alone so for the moment all she could do was observe her.

Zafyra sat on the ground while taking out her red cleats. They looked old but they were still manageable to play in. She quickly changed into the cleats and put her black tennis shoes aside.

Zafyra started taking out a couple of cones from her backpack and started setting up a couple drills. She put 9 cones in a straight line making the cones be at least one foot apart from each other cone. She then created a box and that was about it. The boys on the other side of the field stopped to rest for a while and they put their attention on Zafyra. Zafyra started to warm up with a couple of dynamic[1] stretch movements. From high knees and butt kickers to grass grabbers and red army. [Authors note: 👈🏽 these are all stretches] She quickly moved back and forth and soon enough she was warmed up. She then did a couple of static[2] stretches to stretch out her muscles enough. She bend down to touch her toes and then did butterflies[3] on the floor. She was warmed up enough to start the dribbling drills. She took out a blue soccer ball from her backpack and started dribbling it to the drills she setted up earlier.

The first drill was called 9 cones. This drill was hard to do quick because it had limited space to move the ball around. It was a good drill to test your control, skills and speed with the ball. Zafyra did all the skills quick and efficient enough to impress and catch the woman on the field's attention. She has never seen any of her players go through that drill as fast as Zafyra. The boys on the other side were also impressed to see how efficient and quick she did the drill. Some of them even had trouble with doing the drill over all. The girl looked young to them so she must go to high school. The question was which high school does she go to. Obviously she wasn't from H.S.O.G because they would have probably known her by the looks of her. So what school did she go to?

The girls soccer team from H.S.O.G was really good as a team but the problem was that they needed a leader. Every single game it was just passing the ball around nothing more. None of the girls would ever take the initiative to dribble the ball. Therefore, whenever it came to time to score it was a buzzkill and everything would go downhill from there. They would climb all the way to the top but in the end that last final step to score always failed due to their fear of missing the target and failing. Actually some girls were trying to take the initiative but unfortunately they all weren't good enough to dribble the ball and push up to score. Sure passing was an important part of soccer but dribbling was also a necessity. For instance what if you get cornered and there isn't anyone nearby to pass? Any player that can dribble well could get out of that situation easily but the players on the girls team just knew how to pass, therefore they always lost the ball.

'Maybe this was actually the chance for the girls soccer team to obtain a good player? Maybe this year if the girl's soccer coach recruits that girl maybe they will probably win districts this year or more! Has she been the missing piece that our girls team desperately needs? We should see how she plays with a team!' The boys and woman on the field all thought the same thing.

Meanwhile Zafyra was done with the dribbling drills and couldn't really do any passing drills since she was alone. There wasn't a wall nearby either so she decided to skip this part of her practice and go directly to shooting. She ran to the goal but she saw that the goal itself was actually facing away from her. She had to move it so that she could shoot into the goal and not to the back of the net.

The boys on the other side of the field saw her dilemma and decided to get up and help her move it. As they got up Zafyra was already moving it by herself. It wasn't as fast as if she had another person to help her but she was still able to move it on her own. The boys on the other side of the field were shocked to see her moving the goal with what looked like ease? They're eyes widened and they're jaws dropped. They haven't seen anyone actually move the goal by themselves or maybe nobody has tried, well actually that was a lie they've seen their friend do it once as a dare. Obviously, to Zafyra the goal was actually really hard to move but her stubbornness made her want to move the goal even more. She thought the goal was going to be light but it was actually the heaviest goal she had ever moved. She was strong but moving this goal made her feel otherwise of course she didn't show if on her face.

Once she finally moved the goal she was so out of breath. Panting with her hands on her knees she looked exhausted. She turned to her backpack and laid down on the turf field. She took off her headphones while she turned off her music. She just laid there while looking at the pink and orange sky above her. She just laid there in complete silence while thinking deeply of the offer aunt May told her. She didn't know what to say at that moment her aunt May brought up that offer.

After a while, she got up again and decided to continue with her training. Abruptly she heard a faint sound of her ringtone. She quickly took out her phone and saw who the caller was, it was Adrian. She answered the call and continued walking towards her ball and the goal.

"Hey Zy-boo whatchu doing right now? Actually where are you playing soccer right now because we're all energized again and want to go play with you!" said Adrian. She looked at the time and saw that it was 7:45 pm.

"Um I went to H.S.O.G's field if you wanna come then come ima be here for a while, so I'll just wait for you guys here." Zafyra replied while juggling the ball. She hanged up the call when Adrian confirmed that they were coming and she continued juggling the ball.

Quickly after someone caught the attention of Zafyra while she was juggling. Zafyra stopped when she saw that the woman in front of her was about to say something. "Hi! My name is Natalie Williams and I'm the coach here at H.S.O.G for the girls soccer team. And I was wondering if you could actually join one of our camps that we are currently holding right now!"

1] It’s like movements to stretch your muscles while at the same time warming up. For example. Like doing high knees while moving forward.

2] These are movements that stretch your muscles while standing still. The most basic stretches that you learn in middle school PE basically. Example. Touching your toes

3] Butterflies is a static stretch that stretches your inner thigh aka your groin.

Learning 101 lol. Well that is if you don’t know ?

Love ~ ZB

Zubybabycreators' thoughts