
The Assassins

Tarek_Benbouzid · Lịch sử
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 : The beginning

It's Friday June 1113 inside the kingdom of Naples in Italy , the people inside the kingdom are afraid , they can hear the sound of swords clashing and the screams of the soldiers rising. It is a war between two armies outside the kingdom's gates, a kingdom wants to conquer another kingdom(the kingdom of Naples against the army of France), the Naples king Henry Filser and his wife,two daughter and son( Joanna,Myrcella , Meredith and Jack) are hiding inside the castle scared alongside with his advisor and the head of the kingdom's army his father in law Edward from the house of Flanders. The Naples army is losing the war and the French army is moving towards the gates of the kingdom. Inside the kingdom of Naples there's a clan that no one messes with and every one in the kingdom is scared of,even the king and his army ,and the hand of the king Edward hates this clan and wants to end them all. The king in the other hand decided to ask for help from the clan's leader Marco Aragon to end this war. Marco refused to help the king in his war but the king begged him for his help and told him he will give him what ever he wants. Marco accepted under one condition that he becomes the king's hand and the head of the kingdom's army, Edward heard them and told the king not to do it but the king immediately said yes so Marco Aragon gathered his clan's men and his two sons (Frederic the oldest and Arthur the youngest)

Marco,his sons and his army started walking towards the gates of the kingdom, the gates were opened and you can see the Naples army being slaughtered by the French army. Arthur, Marco's son advanced by himself to the middle of the French soldiers and started fighting them. Marco and Frederic are mad of Arthur because of his reckless actions and they ordered their men to go and help him. during the war Marco Aragon's men are winning and the French men are backing away and Arthur is killing every man he faces. in the meanwhile a giant man (Jack the rock) is approaching towards Arthur who's demolishing the enemy's men, Jack the rock kicks Arthur in the chest and send him away with the French men cheering for Jack. Jack the rock starts screaming and showing off of his power and big body and challenges Arthur to a sword fight, Arthur starts smiling and feeling excited that he finally met a strong opponent. both of Arthur and Jack the rock start moving toward each other surrounded by the soldiers of the two kingdoms, the French soldiers are cheering for Jack the rock and confident that he will win this fight while the Naples soldiers are scared because the enemy is big and strong and they think that Arthur have no chance against him, Marco,Frederic and their men are watching and smiling. Jack the rock quickly attacks Arthur but Arthur avoided it and with one swing he cuts off Jack's head. The French soldiers are surprised and scared at the same time and they throw their weapons on the ground surrendered, NAPLES WON THE WAR. while the Naples soldiers are celebrating the winning of the war a man approaches to Marco telling him that the king's brother James has been kidnapped by a group of men (French soldiers) and he need to be saved. Marco, Arthur and Frederic ride their horses and go to save the king's brother. they catch the kidnapers and kill them and save James, while they were heading back to the kingdom through the forest, an arrow out of nowhere hits James in the chest and goes through his armor and injured him. Arthur immediately takes out his crossbow and attacks the mysterious assassin and kills him. while Marco was holding James in his arms he whispers something in Marco's ears and then dies, a man sees that the king's brother James is dead between the hands of Marco and his sons so he runs back to the kingdom and tells Edward what happened. Edward immediately goes to the king and tells him that Marco and his sons killed James and they will kill him too if you don't stop them, the king doesn't believe that Marco killed his brother and immediately sends Edward with a group of soldiers to go and see. Edward and his soldiers meet with Marco and his sons and they see that James is dead, Edward orders his men to arrest Marco and his sons for killing the king's son and they will be trialed for treason. Arthur pulls his sword out and gets ready to attack Edward and his men but Marco tells him to put it down he doesn't want the kingdom to believe that the Aragons killed the king's brother. So Edward and his men escort Marco and his sons handcuffed in chains throwout the kingdom to the castle while the people of the kingdom are watching,spitting and cursing the Aragon's family for killing James. one of the crowd approaches to Arthur and spits in his face so Arthur smiles and hits him with his head and knocks him out with one hit and all the people of the kingdom got scared and shut up and no one dared to talk. Marco,Arthur and Frederic enter the kings castle for trial, the king is sitting in his throne surrounded by his family and next to him his council,father in law and brother in law as judges with the crowds from the kingdom. the king asks Marco to step forward to be trialed

the king: did you kill James

Marco: you know that i didn't my king

the king: did one of your sons killed him

Marco: no they didn't

the king demands to bring the witness

(the witness is the soldier who told Edward about the death of James)

(a flashback Starts)

right after the war ended Edward gathered a group of his most loyal men and told them to put on French soldiers uniforms and kidnap the king's brother James while one of them hides and kills James but only after Marco and his sons save him so the entire kingdom would believe that they killed the king's brother

(back to the present time)

the king: tell us what you saw soldier

the witness: i saw Marco kill lord James while his sons stood watching

the king: are you sure about what you're saying?

the witness: yes my king

the King: do you know what will happen to you if you lie?

the witness: yes my king

Edward: i don't think he's lying my king because he knows that he will be executed if he does

and then Edward looks at Marco with an evil smile in his face

the king: yes that's right

the king: do you have anything to say about this Marco?

in the meantime Marco starts thinking, while he's thinking he sees Edward smiling and then he realizes that it's all a set up by Edward to get rid of him and remembers what James told him right before he died

James: be careful Marco, I heard that Edward is planning to get rid of you so he could control the kingdom by himself

Marco smiles and realizes that there's no escape from this and the only thing he wants is the safety of his family. Marco takes a step backward and confesses to the entire kingdom that he killed the king's brother, by hearing this Arthur gets angry and starts yelling and telling his father what the hell are you talking about you didn't do it and that's all a lie and then Marco interrupts Arthur and tells him to shut up i know what i'm doing and turns to the king and tells him

Marco: yes i killed James and my sons tried to stop me but i didn't let them

the king stands up angry: why the hell did you that?

Edward: obviously to make himself the king

the king: is this true

Marco: yes

the king: so you're saying that you're planning to kill me too?

Marco: yes

the king: do you know what this means

Marco: yes i do but my sons have nothing to do with this, all of this is on me

and then the king condemned Marco with sentence of death and orders his soldiers to take all of them to the dungeons

in the meantime Arthur speaks out and tells the king that he wishes to confess and Marco tells him to shut up but Edward asks the king to let him confess with an evil smile in his face and then the king asks Arthur to step forward to confess

the king: do you have anything to add?

Arthur: i wish to confess

the king: confess what?

Arthur with an epic voice turns to the crowd: i wish to confess, i wish to confess that i regret that we saved all of you, we should've let the French kill all of you, hell we should've helped them in killing you, that's how you reward the people who saved you? hah ,that how you repay the people who protected you? you filthy ungrateful bastards. and then he turns to the king and say: you better kill me right here and right now because i swear i will kill each and every one you. and then he takes a sword from a soldier behind him and take a step back and then he challenges every man to step forward and fight him but no one dares to, then the king stands up and start screaming on his soldiers to attack Arthur, the soldiers surround Arthur and Arthur dare them to attack him, suddenly a man from behind hits him in his neck and knock him out.

After a while Arthur wakes up and find himself chained in a dungeon next to him his brother Frederic, Arthur asks Frederic what the hell happened

Frederic: you were knocked out

Arthur: by who

Frederic: by father

Arthur with a shocked face: where the hell is our father

Frederic: they took him to his execution

Arthur: you must be kidding me

Arthur: why the hell did he say that he killed the king's brother while he didn't

Frederic: he told me everything while you were passed out and I'm gonna tell you what he told me

(another flashback starts between Marco and Frederic in the dungeon next to them Arthur unconscious) Marco tells Frederic what happened (you can't hear them) and what he and his brother should do from now on. Frederic starts crying (flashback ends)

while they're talking a group of soldiers walk in and take Arthur and Frederic to witness their father's execution. while Arthur and Frederic walk in the execution yard they see the entire kingdom is witnessing the execution with a smile on their faces. Arthur gets angry but Frederic tells him to calm down. they sit in front of their father waiting for the execution, the king orders the the executor to execute Marco suddenly Arthur and Frederic pull two swords from the soldiers next to them and start to fight their way to their father, the way they fight together is unbelievable no one can stop them,they're killing every one in their way, the king got scared and ordered every single soldier to stop Arthur and Frederic and kill them but no one could, when Arthur almost reached to save his father a man out of no where hits him in his neck and knocks him out again and he fell in the flour and watched his dad being beheaded, that man was Frederic. Arthur wakes up the next day and again finds himself in chains inside a dungeon but this time he's alone he starts remembering what happened and starts yelling and crying and he thinks that they killed his brother too , in the meantime the dungeon's door opens and Arthur lift up his head and sees his brother Frederic wearing royal clothes and becomes happy that his brother is okay and asks him what the hell happened

Frederic tells him that their father is dead and he and the king made a deal so both of them make it out alive

Arthur: are you fucking kidding me, you did what?

Frederic: i made a deal with the king

Arthur: what kind of fucking deals?

Frederic: the king will let me marry his daughter Meredith that I've been in love with from when we were young and makes me the second man in the king's army if i accept to kneel for him and declare my loyalty to him

and then Arthur tells him: so you sold yourself for a whore and to be Edward's dog?

Frederic: don't call her that

Arthur: so what about me?

Frederic: the king wanted to execute you for threatened to kill him but i talked him out of it under one condition

Arthur: and what's that?

Frederic: if you kneel too

Arthur with a sarcastic laugh: you and you're king can go fuck yourselves

Frederic: think brother think, revenge won't bring father back

Arthur yelling at him: don't you fucking call me that, i'm no brother to a traitor.

Frederic: suit yourself, you have until tomorrow noon to think, after that there's nothing i can do for you.

and then Frederic leaves

the next day, Arthur calls the guard and tells him to go and tell the king that he will kneel for him. The guard goes and tell the king that and Frederic becomes happy that Arthur accepted. while Frederic, the king,Edward and the loyal family wait for Arthur to come, Arthur and a group of soldiers surrounding him walk from the dungeon to the king's hall, they finally arrive and all the people in the hall stand up, the king tells Frederic to go and be next to Arthur so they can kneel together, Frederic stands next to Arthur and puts his hand on his chest and says: I,Frederic Aragon son of Marco Aragon declare my full loyalty to king Henry, and then he kneels.

Arthur with and angry look on his face says: I, Arthur Aragon, the only and real son of the unjustly murdered Marco Aragon declare war on the coward who call himself king, and then takes a spear from a soldier and kills him and gets surrounded by a group of soldiers with a shocked faces on the crowd, Arthur start attacking and killing all the soldiers in the hall and kills them all, and then he focuses his eyes on the royal family and starts walking towards them with an angry face and red eyes and throws the spear towards Edward but he missed and Arthur continued fighting the king's soldiers but the fight got interrupted by Harry (Edward's son) ,he grabbed Arthur from behind and put a knife on his neck. Edward knew that Harry is no match for Arthur and with a scared face told him to let Arthur go. Harry didn't hear his father's word and tried to kill Arthur but Arthur quickly blocked him and put the same knife on his neck. Edward got scared and start begging Arthur to not kill his only son. Frederic from behind Arthur's back attacks him and a fight begins between the two brothers Arthur and Frederic, a fight no one ever saw before, they were equally strong, no one can defeat the other but Frederic because of his experience and because he's older than Arthur managed to defeat him and threw him away. after the fight ended harry once again attacked Arthur from behind but this time Arthur stopped him and when he was about to kill him Edward screamed and told Arthur if you spare my son's life you have my word no one will harm you inside this kingdom and you're free to go

so Arthur accepted. Arthur looked at Mercylla's eyes and left, she was really sad about Arthur leaving because these two were secretly in love. while Arthur was leaving the King's hall he picked up a spear and threw it towards Edward but the spear missed intentionally by Arthur and he told Edward next time we meet that spear will go throw between your eyes and left the hall.

Edward ordered his soldiers to chase Arthur and kill him but Frederic said that you promised him that you'll let him go, Edward said that i promised him that no one will harm him inside the kingdom i didn't say anything about outside the kingdom beside you're one of us now right, and then Frederic stopped talking.

in the meantime while Arthur were leaving the kingdom he saw 10 horsemen chasing him to kill him, he knew he can kill them all but one of them is too strong for him, they call him the Bear, Edward's most loyal soldier. Arthur kept running away but the bear was getting close to him, Arthur was heading towards the forest so he can lose them but the Bear was to fast for him, when the Bear was close to catch Arthur a group of strangers jumped out of the forest and attacked the Bear and his men. those strangers had hidden knifes in their hands and they were really good in sword fighting, Arthur stopped running and started riding towards the fight so he can help these strangers who saved him in fighting but one of them told him to keep running we got this but the Bear killed all of them and threw a arrow on Arthur and hit him in the back, Arthur is injured now and can't run faster, bear and his men are looking for him in the forest but its full of wild animals such as wolfs. Arthur kept forcing himself to stay awake but eventually he passed out and fell of the back of his horse.Bear and his men found Arthur's body being eaten by the wolfs, his entire face and stomach were eaten and the only proof that Bear found so he can make sure that this is Arthur is the ring that Arthur was wearing, this ring is the symbol of the Aragon's family. bear cut off Arthur's finger so he can take it as a proof to Edward that Arthur died.