
Mysterious Person

Mason returned to his house and made pancakes...

the pancakes were ready, then he ate the pancakes.

After eating the pancakes he went straight to his living room, and sat on the sofa while watching TV. Suddenly he was transported somewhere, where all there was was programming language filling the place...

Suddenly someone appeared in a black hoodie and mask.


Mason: "Who are you? Why am I here."

The Hacker: "Maybe I should introduce myself first. My name is The Hacker."

Mason:"Are you the one who brought me here?"

The Hacker: "That's right, that's because I want to explain a few things to you."

Mason:"What is that?"

The Hacker:"You experienced a glitch before, right?"

Mason: "Yeah right"

The Hacker: "That's what I did, after I was born from the program code, your world glitched for a while"

The Hacker:"Now I want to clarify a few things with you."

Mason:"What are those?"

The Hacker: "First, I gave you a vision before about a new world emerging."

Mason: "If I may ask, what world is that?"

The Hacker: "Okay First of all There is a world full of fire, this is the lowest level."

Mason:"What do you mean Lowest Level??"

The Hacker: "I forgot to explain, that after I was born, a new system emerged, one of which was the world, where the World of Fire was the lowest level with only 1 dimension, and the Ghost World with 2 dimensions, and up to this point namely your world, the World of Life which includes 3 dimensions and there are still worlds higher than that which include higher dimensions, I will tell you about other worlds and other systems later."

Mason:"So ​​it's like that... Then how do I get there?"

The Hacker: "It's simple, I'll give you the tools to go there."

The Hacker Gives His Tools To Mason.

Mason: "Then how does it work?"

The Hacker: "It's not too difficult, you just press the button and you will be automatically teleported to that world instantly and your dimensions will be reduced."

Mason: "Then how do I return my dimension to how it was before?"

The Hacker: "Just press the button again, you will automatically return to your world with your normal dimension."

Mason: "Oh okay..."

The Hacker:"Now Go."

The hacker teleported Mason back to his house right on his sofa with the television still on.

Mason Then Comes Out Of His House And Will Try The Tool...