
The Ascended Nobody

This story takes place in a world were rifts start to appear on the world, ascended are the people who defeats/fights monster in the rifts. and in this world who is strong only matters. This story is about a Kim Kazuki who had nothing but achieved God hood.

PurpleVoid · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

S2 Chapter-34: Demonic Form

"So, what are you going to offer me if I join your side in the war."

About that, let me ask you what you would like to have as your reward for helping me.

"You are really cocky; do you think you can give me what I want."

I believe I can.

"If you are so sure, I want you to defeat Lucifer."

Just that, I thought you will ask something much greater than this like my soul or something.

"Oh, Iam not that evil or am I, but yes I just want you to defeat Lucifer, and that is all I want as a reward to see that f****** angelic devil to be defeated by someone."

"It will make my day."

You know you are kind of a freak.

"Yeah, everyone says that."

Then it seems like we will be working together.

"Looks like that."

(Hand raise)

"How about a handshake for our deal."

Why not.

"Now that you and I are working together will you tell me what your plans are for the war."

Oh, about that I don't actually have a plan.


"What have I got myself into."

"Are you a f****** idiot how are you going to win the war without a plan."

I just need to beat the seven sins, it's enough for me to know that.

"How much do you know about the sins."

I know their names.

"Are you serious you don't even know their abilities or how they fight."

No is that important.

"Oh yes, it is, how are you going to fight an unknown enemy."

"What are you a musclehead who thinks only about fighting."

Kind off.

"Iam regretting my decisions."

After a long conversation Alastor told Kim about the seven Sins ability and how they fight.

Kim returned to the palace with Alastor after Kim understood everything.

"Master you are finally back."

Yes, Diablo how is the preparations going.

"Its going nicely, by the way master who is him."

Oh him, he is Alastor in his normal form.

"Nope he looks too good to be that psychopath."

"Looks like I need to introduce myself properly, (transforms) Iam Alastor the demon of contracts. and the one you called psychopath."

"Master you were serious."

Who do think Iam, I don't joke about these things.

"It looks like you convinced Alastor."

Yeah, I did, now that we are ready for war we just need them to start from attacking.

"By the way what should I call you Kim."

You can call me whatever you like.

"Ok then Lord Kim."

Hey Al, I need you for something come with me.

"Alright my lord."

(Walk aways.)

"That Alastor he is calling Master-lord just to irritate me, I will kill him if he does anything weird to Master."

"What did you need me for Lord Kim."

I needed you because I need you to teach me Demonic transformation.

"But aren't you a human Lord."

"I don't think a human can use that skill."

Iam asking if you can help me learn this skill or not.

"Okay I will help you but don't say that I didn't warn you."

"Demonic transformation as you know is a skill that let you transform into your true demon form which increase your power."

Yeah, I know that much.

"To activate the skill, you will need to at least have a great amount of demonic energy to begin with."

Oh, that won't be a problem.

"If you are that sure I will tell you how you use the skill."

"To use the skill, you need to gather your demonic energy into your heart and pump it into your body."

I have to pump the demonic energy all over my body.


"After you have done that, you have to slowly let your body get comfortable with the Demonic Energy so, that it can use it to transform easily."

What do I have to do I have master that.

"You just need to transform yourself the demon that resides inside you."

What do you mean resides inside me.

"Everyone in this world has a demon and also angel inside them, you just need to find that demon inside you so that you can transform."

So, it's like I have to find him inside me.

"Yeah, that's basically it."

That sounds easy.

"It sounds easy but if you fail to connect with your inside demon, you will lose control and become a real demon, and if that happen you won't be able to return to your senses."

Which means either I die, or I live.

"Yes, that is correct."

"Do still want to do this."

Yes, I want to because it won't be easy to defeat them without mastering this.

"Then lets began with the first step for the training."


"Lucifer when we are going to attack those bastards."

We will proceed with the attack in some time tell the army to start preparing we will launch the attack once we have prepared.

"Fine, I will prepare the army."

(I hope I have given you enough time to prepare Kim.)

Back to Kim,

"My lord doesn't haste it do it slowly."

We don't have that much time left; they should have started to prepare to launch a attack.

"Even if you are right, you shouldn't just force yourself."

"What would happen if you died before the war even begins."

That won't happen don't worry.

"Master, I have gotten the message that the Seven Sins are starting to reach the palace."

Ready the army tell them the war is starting.

"What about you master."

I will join you guys shortly.

"Understood Master."

"Are you sure about this my lord."

Yes, Iam sure about this Alastor, now that I have completed the first step its time for me to start the next and final step.

"But it's too dangerous."

Don't worry I will be fine and if lose my control be sure that I don't hurt anyone on our side and kill me.

("What the heck is this guy is he seriously ready to sacrifice himself for demons while he himself is a human, he is crazy up there.")

"Alright but don't you dare lose control."

"I am going in the frontlines you better come as yourself."

I sure will.

("I don't know what this is but, I have a feeling to put my trust on this guy, he really got something in him. now that I have said that let's win this war while you are still a human.")