A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
"You can do it?" asks Esmeralda excitedly.
"I can." I say plainly.
Chuckling, Hendriksen says "This is more than a gift Vlad, but if it is what you want, we shall accept it humbly." and Esmeralda nods.
"Alright, but..." I say as I stare at the table absentminded, when I am really asking Archibald to search for something.
"Vlad? Is there something wrong?" asks Esmeralda.
"Hm? No, nothing is wrong. I need the both of you to do something." I say looking at both of them.
"Anything Vlad." says Hendriksen firmly and Esmeralda nods.
"A couple kilometers from the north western border of the forest, there is a camp there, a bandit camp. I need five of them, alive." I say, the last part seriously.
"We will do it... but, may I ask for what you need them, I think I know, just to make sure." says Esmeralda.
Grinning, I say "I need them to test my power, the power I talked about. It is called Vampire Lordship. Complete control of all vampires, but it isn't what it could be. Nevertheless, I know it will evolve to the fullest and even go beyond what I am currently capable of."
Esmeralda nods and says "We believe in you, we always do and we are sure you are the only one capable of doing that. No, we believe it, after all you are the Vampire King." Hendriksen nods and both of them smile at the last part, my title.
"Thank you. I can see that your belief, faith, and loyalty in me is powerful and unwavering, and that is the reason I want to give you a gift, a very important one." I say and they both smile.
{A/N: FYI, I don't mean belief and faith in a religious way.}
"I need five, five that are at their best condition, I will test these powers on them. I am cautious of using them on you the first time, I don't know what I am truly capable of, yet." I say firmly.
They both nod resolutely and say "It will be done." and Esmeralda continues by smiling proudly while saying "The mistress...Your mother would be so proud of you." I nod and say "Thank you, both of you." they nod, stand up and make a light bow and go towards the double doors.
Before they leave I speak out "Wait."
They turn and look at me confused.
"On your way out, send Volrais." I say and they nod, I continue grinning "Have fun." they smile and go out.
'Archibald...' I say.
[Yes?] replies Archibald.
'Ever since I have awoken I have been feeling something... something calling me in west, it is dark... and strange. I want to you to scan there. Is it possible? If you concentrate all of your power there.' I say.
[I wanted to tell you what it is, I felt something from you, that is also calling to you in this world, as you were talking with Hendriksen and Esmeralda, I took the liberty to scan there, it is an Island, where the last mention of the one and only Grimoire of Death. It is the equivalent of the previously known to you, Necronomicon. Nineteen years ago a sailor arrived back in Zarza, north west, in the port city of Lorke. They were on an expedition, from four galleon ships with over 200 crew members, only one ship survived with 37 crew members, including a single captain. They came back mentally destroyed, about ten of them killed themselves. However, the Captain was still sane, although very afraid, borderline scared. He said how when they arrived there, the island was scattered with undead every where, and ships as well when they tried to escape, undead ships. He said there were so many varieties of undead there, some were able to use magic. Some had powerful defense, that they were able to shrug a canon. He said as well, that an undead was a top a fortress holding the so called, Grimoire of Death.] says Archibald.
I was surprised, excited, and maybe a tad bit fearful... Why? This book contains many crazy spells, ways to summon monsters and archaic beings. The only issue is the undead there, well not really an issue... actually it might be.
[Sir, this is not exactly like the Necronomicon that you know of, it is made by pure Death Magic, it contains ways to learn, wield, and control Death Magic. As well as, summoning, resurrection, and much more. Nothing related to the Outer Beings or anything like them. Nonetheless, it is a very, very powerful Grimoire, capable of many things. About the "issue" it isn't really that of a problem, I am sure you will be able to cut of the control of some of the Undead from the Undead who wields the Grimoire, that is if you experiment with your undead powers.] says Archibald.
Sighing, I say "Good, before we continue about the damned Grimoire, what can you explain about Death Magic?"
[Unfortunately not much, but I understood many things about magic... or I think. To understand it well, I will go back to Light and Dark magic, these both have sub categories, example are like Healing Magic from Light Magic, or Curse Magic from Dark Magic. These two, Light and Dark Magic are divided in to many other categories of magic. Now the thing with Death Magic, it is a higher form of Dark Magic, there is new magic and powerful form of magic, an example would be a powerful Curse Magic, that could follow you even to the grave, and may be able to bypass protection from curses, depending on the user. Same goes for Light Magic, the higher form of it is Holy Magic, it is very, very powerful against the undead. There are undead who have resistances or immunity to light magic or can bare the pain from it, but Holy Magic is another level. That is what I know of Magic, for now. Same thing applies with the other elements, such as fire and ice. Although, they are mostly ranked by the color or aura they give of, like first ranked lightning spells, are yellow, the weakest form.] says Archibald.
Scratching my non-existent beard in contemplation, I say 'Interesting. Now, I do practice Dark Magic, well I have the power, it is also know as Dark Arts.'
[The Dark Magic you utilize is more versatile and complex. It is special to you. With the Grimoire of Death, if you use it slowly and cautiously, you will definitely be able to gain a much higher understanding of Dark Magic and become more proficient in its use. As well as gaining and insight and understanding of Death Magic.] says Archibald.
'So, I guess we will have to go and get it right? Well... since it is calling for me. It is like it is desperate to have a wielder, a user.' I say.
[It is. As well as dangerous, you will have to tame it, in the books talking about the Grimoire of Death, it is said that it heavily corrupts the user. To the point of cursing them even in the grave. Cursing everything related to them. It controls them... although there is a mention in books of legends and myths, that there were those who could control it, or tame it. One of those people was a Demon-Kin Demi-God, who tamed it and wrecked havoc in the continent of Ashladar, far, far in the west.]
'Alright... I guess it is time to test my powers, see what they can truly do.' I say, standing up and walking towards the throne and sat down.
I look towards the doors sensing someone coming. As the doors opened, walks in Volrais. He walks towards the stairs of the throne, bows and says "You asked for me Lord?"
"How are you Volaris?" I ask.
"I am fine, Lord." he says.
"Volaris, I seek some... you could say knowledge from you." I say.
Volaris looks confused and asks "What may a person such as yourself seek from me? Knowledge of what?"
I grin and say "You are after all a Fornaxeres and that is what I seek, the knowledge of it and how to wield it."