
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The ang Lima part 1

June 7th 2024

"So what are these Gonna be meant for" asked a bored Kaksi,

"they well be outside forces of The Arthimoi in case our numbers aren't sufficient" replied a tired unu.

"I see still not done unu?" A distant voice was heard,

"almost Mefa I'm close I just need to chant the words", a women walked in with green hair, green eyes, small figure and green outfit,

"you know you really are a walking embodiment of your powers" Kaksi said while stretching,

a light flashes and a few footsteps are heard

"I give you the names of Undici number 11, Sibsong number 12, Tredeci number 13, Cardeh number 14, Quinze number 15" said Unu happily,

"wow you really did it Unu" both Kaksi and Mefa said together.

"You shall be known as The Ang Lima" stated unu following with

"I will explain to you who we are and our philosophies" said unu with a loud but toned voice "The Arthimoi is the Greek word for numbers, and each member has a name retaining his or her number, for example my name is unu which is Esperanto for 1, Kaksi over there is Finnish for 2, and each number is displayed by power"

"Hold on just cuz your number 1 doesn't mean your stronger then me" Kaksi said with a smirk

Unu laughed but continued "Mefa on the other side is 6 in Yoruba which means she is the 6th strongest in The Arthimoi me, Kaksi, and Muru who isn't here are the 3 strongest, now we must never bring harm to any regular person or persons we are merely here to protect from other worldly evils, I was created in the year zero and after the 100 year war between demons and humans and other humans I sought to create The Arthimoi to keep the world in peace, however the otherworldly beings have been gathering their power and building up to the over world and have previously promised to erase all living things and we are what stands between them and humans" unu finished explaining but continued

"oh and another thing your purpose is protect and serve The Arthimoi and protect who ever seems to be of importance in your new daily life however your powers must never be publicly displayed"

the 5 looked at each other and smiled "your wish is our command creator" said all 5.

"Now we have clothes and food here so feel free to do whatever you would like we will be heading out" said Mefa. Mefa, Kaksi and unu left.

"Well imma go exploring the place" said Undici with his hands behind his head,

"I'm coming with" quickly said Quinze,

as the 2 put clothes on and headed to explore the other 3 stayed put.


Undici realized all his powers are imprinted in his mind, he jumped and then started flying and dashed to the middle as fast as the eye can see. While qiunze created a portal to the middle

"it seems I have the map of the entire world printed inside my mind so I can go anywhere" Quinze said in a thinking tone.

"That's awesome with our powers we could be everywhere and anywhere" replied Undici, after training a bit the pair headed back to find unu inside

"okay now here are your ids and tomorrow you will be going on your first day of high school" said unu happily

"I will be going back I have a lot of work to do with The Arthimoi also you will be having family's as you can see in your memories already have some families faces" unu said while leaving

"so tomorrow we start high school" Undici said happily and under his breath muttered

"I can't wait to meet my parents"

*The next day*

June 8th 2024

"Hello class! My name is Mr.Jackson and I will be your teacher for the year" said Mr.jackson

After class

"Wow people are pretty interesting look at their anatomy" said Sibsong

"That's not that big of a deal" said annoyingly Cardeh

"We were created with the same anatomy in mind so we should probably pay attention" said Undici with his hands behind his back

"So you guys are then new idiots in school" someone said while walking towards them

"You guys need to understand who I am everyone else has to go through it and you guys aren't any special" said the same voice

"I own this school and now I own you" the voice still speaking

"And who exactly are you" said Undici annoyed while deeply staring at him

"My name is mark but you weaklings can call me master" mark replied with a cocky tone

"Who's this cutie with that you guys are hanging around with" mark said while pointing at Sibsong

Her long black hair and glaring eyes in a school uniform which pink lips

"He shes your girlfriend I'll fight you and the winner gets her" said Mark

"She isn't a play toy and she's not my girlfriend however you are not allowed to talk to her like that" replied Undici with a mad tone

"Then hand her over i doubt she wouldn't like it while dating a real man" said Mark with a cocky but annoyed tone

"I don't like brutes with no mind who can't even defend themselves against real problems" said Sibsong

"Maybe you should start walking away" continued by Cardeh

"Or maybe you'd like to lose in front of all these other people who are your so called underlings" said Tredeci who's been quite this entire time

Mark started laughing and said "oh really?" And leaves "hey babe you'll be mine by the end of the weak"

*At the end of the day*

(* signifies time)

"What a long day" said Cardeh and yawned

"Hey guys remember that idiot who said we should call him master" said quienze while laughing

"He was bothersome he ruined the day for me" said Sibsong

Walking past a shop Undici spots a watch that's

silver with mechanical timely features

"I would like to run into him again and teach him a lesson on disrespecting any of us" said Tredeci

"He's not really worth our time" continued Undici

"I didn't know you guys thought so lowly of me" a voice behind them appeared

The 5 turned around in the middle of the street to see mark and around 15 others

"Well you got your wish Tredeci" said Undici with a annoyed and bored tone but continued

"And I was so ready to see my new parents" Undici continued under his breath

Mark snaps his finger and the 15 people all surround the 5, 3 of them go after Sibsong and they start groping her and she screams, Undici activate his ability And knocks all 3 out and stared down at mark

Mark takes out a switch blade and gestures a come at me sign the other 4 take out the remaining 12 and Undici is standing facing Mark

"You weren't worth this but you've managed to piss me off" said Undici with wide eyed

Undici moved faster then the eye can see right in front of mark, mark tried swinging at him but due to Undicis ability he went right through him and Undici hit him hard but held back in order not to kill Tredeci move from person to person tapping their forehead

Then they left the group there, and the 5 left all looking annoyed and mad and when they got home the front door was open, their eyes widened and they all sprinted inside to see a figure waiting there

"So you guys already broke the rules"

In front of the five stood unu with his arms crossed On the all black marble kitchen counter in between him and the 5, a black marble table just like the kitchen counter with 6 seats, and 6 plates of tea over rice and a drink next to each plate,

"Care to join me for dinner?" Said unu as he began to sit down

The 5 sat down quietly

Undici broke the silence "We had to-"

"Relax I'm not mad if you didn't Sibsong would've been really hurt, and so would've each and every one of you except maybe Cardeh" Unu said as he cut Undici off

Sibsong said in a low voice "so your not mad at us?"

"No of course not I would rather that idiot get a concussion then you 5 behind traumatized or hurt" replied unu

"You 5 are like my kids even tho in this life I am 15 years of age I still deeply care for you guys and wouldn't let anyone hurt you guys" unu continued in a comfy tone

"However I did not see how the fight concluded did you guys repair the damage done to those kids?" unu asked

"Well I mean we healed them however I only erased the memories they had of our abilities they still remember use beaten them down" Tredeci replied

"Good I would hate if your parents were to hear that their kids are taking down groups of people at school " unu said while eating

"Speaking of you guys should be heading there and this is only for group meetings only or training" unu said as he got up to clean his plate

*15 minutes pass*

everyone has finished eating and is now cleaning and ready to go home as Unu is walking out he stops

"Oh and I forgot You guys have a mission will be in 8 days sleep well and don't give your parents a hard time" unu said before he left

They all looked at each other and got real happy that they get to gain first hand experience

*10 minutes pass*

as Undici and quienze are walking home to Undici house they hear a loud bang and see a demon, the movies that have been imprinted as part of their memories

"Wow the movies were somewhat accurate" said quienze in a surprised tone

A bag hits the floor and Undici is ready to fight as soon as he gets ready to fly at it he sees 2 figures right behind the demon, Undici ignores them activates his ability and fly's straight at the demon

the demon sees him and swings in his direction the closer he got he realized that the demons huge and his hand alone is almost as big as him and the demon crushes Undici and you see a pool of blood

"You just killed an innocent kid" figure A said while fighting the demon

"You have no idea how pissed I am at you now" figure B said

The demon goes flying back from a punch delivered by Undici

Figure A and B are surprised and asked "what just happened?"

Undici replied "its my ability I can't be killed or hit while it's active"

"We will talk after" figure B said

The demon gets up and now the head is missing but as soon as they blink his head Is back and he is in the face of Undici and he just stares straight into his eyes,

Undici wakes up in his house with everyone dead and a mystery figure along with his parents

Undici regains control if himself and sees the demon has knocked out both figure A and B and is getting ready to eat them

Without thinking Undici sends a signal to the rest of The Ang Lima

He tells quienze to help and quienze was already on it he creates a multitude of portals and Undici flys through them while the demon has no idea where Undici will appear

"We leave you for 10 minutes and you got yourself in some trouble already" said Cardeh while yawning

"What a bother" Cardeh continued

"Multiply Undici strength and speed by 100" Sibsong said

Her ability being support

Cardeh moves so fast he's right under the demon and launch's him to the air, a portal is created right above the demon teleports him right in front of Undici who hits him slightly harder straight into the ground

A portal is created in front of the demon which opens up in front of Tredeci who punches the demon In the head gaining all the demons memories

Tredeci kicks the demon away and causes the demon to go back through the portal straight at Undici who kicks him up fly's up to him and grabs the demons heart and lands back down crush's it and cleans his hands

"Sibsong GO HEAL THE 2 OTHERS!" Undici says quickly

Quienze creates a portal to get Sibsong there faster and she heals the 2

The 2 get up like nothing happened and are dazed for a moment

"THE DEMON!" Figure A yells

"Dead" Cardeh says while stretching

Quienze teleports him, Undici, and Tredeci to the 2 figures,

"Who are you guys" figure A asks

"We are called The Ang Lima" replied Undici proudly

"I have not heard of you guys" said figure B

"Makes sense we were only created a day ago by our creator unu" replied Sibsong happily

"Unu?!??! You mean the leader of The Arthimoi?!!" Both figures said

"Yep Thats him" Cardeh said with a yawn

"Oh wow allow us to introduce ourselves my name is officer Felix" figure A said

"And my name is officer Maddy" figure B said

"Excellent showing that was impressive, the team work was on point" a voice behind them said

"I will take this back now" a figure covered in shadows is holding the demon

"I'll be looking forward to you 5" the shadow said mincingly

'Slash' the dead demon was split in half

"You can't hit me while I'm in this state" the shadow said

"It's the effort the counts" said unu

From behind the shadow figure

Unu appeared out of nowhere

"More playthings I see" the shadow said excitingly

"goodbye now" the shadow teleported away

"Wow what an idiot" unu said

"Septima fix the region" unu continued

"Fixed" said septima

the area was back to normal no broke streets or houses

"What a display of teamwork from you guys, I never realized the demon would target local officers" unu said playfully while tapping his sword on his shoulder

"Well you 5 need to home your parents will be worried" said septima

Quienze created a portal to each house and left

"How is the local force looking?" unu asked in a Serious tone

"Sir 5 dead, 7 injured and 2 missing" officer Felix said

"Okay then I just multiplied all your officers attributes by 15" unu said back to Felix

"That should be more then enough correct?" Asked unu

"Yessir that is more then enough, thank you sir" officer maddy said

"For the last time drop the formalities all I did was give the load force a couple power ups" unu said in a chilled tone

"You saved our lives sir we have to" officer Felix said

"If you must but next time I don't wanna hear it" replied unu as he left

"We should head back" Felix stated

"Last one there is a rotten egg" maddy said playfully