
chapter 1 Interview

8" clock …...

...8 clock wake up baby

at the site of dream land came to end by crushing the alarm clock . Andy a.k.a Andrew Johnson woke up the rays penetrated through screen from window.

Shit ....shit ... today I have an interview in the so called famous , The best male and female lead actors award winning company star Entertainment .

Andy raised from bed hurriedly rushed to Bathroom while review the question .

after the fast shower took 10 minutes

now breakfast is mystery because staying alone in this studio and putting up with cooking is my hobby . for breakfast glass of milk and toasted bread finished in 30 min interview is at sharp 9 Am .

but guess what I have just 20 min to reach the company but it's just 20 min away but

I don't have a car means I need take taxi

guess for the bad luck it's high time for to grab a taxi . and Andy rushed towards street but managed to get into taxi and reached the company by time .

He is astonished by the 10 story building infront of him .

while crossing the street he had encounter

with a car he dreamt of buying that very car in his dream it never come true. it's secondary the point is who is in there in his dream car but for is luck it is the ceo of the the star entertainment young and rich business man of the year .

being not aware who is in the car Andy started a cursing show you mother f$$$$$ as@##_&_+$)$+$($(# and so on after satisfied to his extent he left the parking area .

And imaging the situation in the car secretary slightly nervous about his boss slow started to make the atmosphere eco friendly but closed her mouth the minute she opened by her boss agressive command to pull the car .

secretary has already started to make the world end by her boss.

not aware of his fate Andy entered the office and looked at the pretty lady in reception went her. receptionist how may I help you Andy explained he is been here for interview to the manager post and receptionist directed him to the interview

area and waited in long queue with candidates . on the other side ceo is throughing tantram in his office how could he curse the famous company ceo I want him to be demoted from his work and find

out is details which school he graduated and which department he is working everything everything i needed secretary thought tell her boss that he is not our employee I'd he is employee he should have known not mess with the so called arrogant ceo but she couldn't speak out loud but she told him he is not from our company boss . i guess he came here for today's interview ...

then I need him to be hired ..... secretary Lia got confused by her boss words he was a minute ago like demote him and throughout a tantram now boss want him to be hired she thought what a idiot soon she realised when she saw a small smile crept on his face but secretary Lia couldn't make out what it meant ( that her boss is arrogant but not a idiot but he is a psycho .) because he is planning how to make this arrogant brat to punish....

let's see in the next chapter (the young rich business)

little dragon