
the arrival of the amazing saving grace in MHA

the daughter of the Greek Gods of War and love has fallen to earth during a meteor shower and lost her status as a goddess... she must rekindle her God-hood by becoming a true hero on the earth she landed on... which happens to have tones of heroes. will class 1a help this lost goddess return to Mt.Olympus or will some unexpected romance bloom for this lost goddess...

Scarlet_Cross · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs

a favor from brother cupid....

{Grace's POV}

     I should have seen this coming… but with mother it was always hard to predict who she would take a fancy to. My older brother Eros, intervened at the right time since mother made a grave error in crossing the lines with family and work. I looked around the room only to figure out that the arrow Eros shot was a time stop arrow. 

      I let out a heavy sigh since my brother and I were the only ones not affected by the arrow's magic, "It was the necklace… wasn't it?"

        He nods, "it sorta casts a spell on the wearer making them fall in love with the first person they see after putting it on. Seriously Rosie, I thought you would have learned after the whole Hercules incident."

       I groaned at the memory, "Do not remind me. I'm still trying to forget that asshat."

        Eros just chuckled, "Ok, but now the question is how are you going to handle this situation? You still have to worry about Mr.Dynamite-Hands… you do like him don't you?"

       I felt my face heat up and I immediately went on the defensive, "You're not going to snitch on me to Mom or Dad… are you?"

       He chuckled, "Now why would I ruin your chance at perfect happiness? It's my job to help people find true love and perfect happiness, not ruin it… let me help you little Rose bud. Plus the only way for this two toned kid to break the spell on him is to fall in love with someone else and as long as he has the necklace he will only have eyes for you sis and be immune to my magic."


      His logic made sense and if I was being completely honest with myself I did prefer Bakugo's kisses over Todoroki's kisses… though I didn't want them fighting over me like most gods in my family preferred. 

       I let out a loud sigh as I walked over to my brother who was still sitting on the railing, "I'd appreciate it if you kept the family away as I did my trials. They've already interfered enough as it was."

        He smiled, "Don't worry little sis, it will just be me and aunt Artemis visiting. Which reminds me… you better keep an eye on your guardian creature. She is a very fickle creature."

         I sighed, "Yea ok, I'll keep an eye on Luna. Which reminds me of a favor I wanted to ask…"

next chapter is super steamy so please be warned.... u were warned

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