
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 130: Performance Appraisal (Bonus Chapter)

After giving Ivan Vanko a few instructions, Ginny and her group also successfully arrived at the doorstep of the New York Continental Hotel.

A doorman opened the car door, and Ginny was the first to step out. Wesley and Ivan Vanko followed suit.

Winston noticed that Ginny had arrived in those two cars. He was a bit surprised, thinking, "No wonder I didn't see this secretary earlier."

"Secretary Ginny, Lord Adjudicators, the Elder is waiting for you in the upstairs meeting room."

Ginny didn't immediately lead the group inside but said, "Winston, please help me arrange Ivan Vanko for now. I'll send you a message later. Can you take him to the meeting room?"

Ivan Vanko stepped closer and extended his hand for a handshake. "Hello, I'm Ivan Vanko."

Winston looked at the rugged Russian brute in front of him, shook his hand briefly, and said, "Hello, I'm the hotel manager."

After temporarily arranging Ivan Vanko with Winston, Ginny and Wesley, along with their entourage, proceeded directly to the hotel's meeting room.

Winston, seeing that all the Adjudicators under Charles had arrived, did not wait at the hotel's entrance and entered the hotel.

"Mr. Ivan Vanko, please follow me to the lounge for now."

In the meeting room, Charles sat in the first seat. On his left were the five ninjas, with seats assigned to Shizune, Iruka, Rock Lee, Uchiha Sasuke, and Naruto Uzumaki.

Originally, Iruka was supposed to sit in the first seat, but he felt that his strength was not on par with Shizune, so he invited Shizune to sit in the first seat.

On the right side were Ginny, who took the lead, and her group. They included John Wick, Cross, Wesley, and each of them had four subordinates standing behind them.

After Ginny entered, she noticed one more child wearing a ninja headband, and her anxiety increased. 

However, she didn't immediately inquire about Naruto's background. She wasn't about to underestimate him because he appeared to be a seven or eight-year-old child. After all, she had witnessed the power of Sasuke and Rock Lee.

Charles saw that everyone had taken their seats, so he began the meeting without further delay.

He first turned his gaze toward John Wick and said, "John, you're responsible for the Moroccan Continental Hotel. Tell us about your progress there."

Hearing the Elder single him out to report first, John Wick opened his notebook and began reporting, "Elder, I'm in charge of the Moroccan Continental Hotel's Recovery Room."

"Over the past month, we've successfully promoted the reputation of the Recovery Room in Morocco. It has gained considerable recognition locally." 

"Currently, the Recovery Room isn't just used by the Continental Hotel's assassins. Some individuals who have been injured for other reasons also come to our hotel's Recovery Room for physical repair."

"Due to the pricing of the Recovery Room, which is set at 2 gold coins plus $100,000, we've received 180 visitors in the past month. On average, each visitor pays around..."

"After deducting the hotel's share of the gold coins, we've made a total profit of 180 gold coins and 1.8 million dollars," John Wick reported. 

"Due to the presence of the Recovery Room, the overall business at the Moroccan Continental Hotel has grown by ten percent compared to before. Many assassins from other cities come to Morocco for treatment after being injured."

After his report, John Wick placed a suitcase on the table and opened it. Inside were 180 gold coins and a bank card.

Charles observed the gleaming gold coins and the bank card in the box, nodded, and said, "Hand everything over to Secretary Ginny for processing."

Upon hearing this, John Wick closed the suitcase and placed it next to Ginny.

Charles then inquired about the upcoming move, stating, "I'm planning to reassign you. As for the profits, you can receive them once a month. You can assign the operation of the Recovery Room to your subordinates."

Without displaying any emotions upon hearing about the reassignment, John Wick calmly replied, "I'll follow the Elder's orders."

After John Wick's profit report, Cross, Wesley, and Iruka, who was responsible for coordinating with the New York Continental Hotel, each reported on their respective areas.

The London Continental Hotel brought in 150 gold coins and 1.5 million dollars.

The Moscow Continental Hotel earned 160 gold coins and 1.6 million dollars.

The New York Continental Hotel made 210 gold coins and 2.1 million dollars.

The Recovery Rooms in the four continental hotels directly generated a total income of 700 gold coins and 7 million dollars for Charles.

For Charles, gold coins weren't crucial, as he had facilities under his control to mint gold coins. He could mint as many as he wished. However, he was very satisfied with the 7 million dollars that had been deposited.

Charles also recognized that 7 million wasn't a fixed value, and the specific income would fluctuate—perhaps more or less—depending on the development of each market.

After listening to the reports from his subordinates, Charles spoke, "John Wick, Cross, Wesley, starting today, you'll be reassigned to New York." 

"You'll still be in charge of the Recovery Rooms you've previously managed, but you won't need to be stationed at the hotels. Just coordinate with them once a month to receive the profits."

"Understood, Elder Charles!" they replied.

Once the profit reports were finished, Charles mentioned some plans for base construction, agency reconstruction, and the recruitment of security personnel. Then, he concluded this performance appraisal meeting.

Ginny spoke up, "Boss, that mechanic Wesley recommended is here. Would you like to meet him now?"

Charles, surprised that Ivan Vanko was brought in by Ginny. Nevertheless, since he was here, Charles said, "In that case, Ginny, please have him come in."

Instead of asking everyone else to leave the room, Charles decided that everyone in the meeting room should meet the future Whiplash—Ivan Vanko.

Ginny took out her phone, sent a text message to Winston, and informed him to bring Ivan Vanko in.

Winston, who was chatting with Ivan Vanko in the rest area, noticed the message on his phone. He told Ivan Vanko, "The Elder wants to see you now. Follow me."


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