
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chp 7

"You fell on the floor and was mumbling something as if you were possessed or something! I glad you are alright," said Isabelle hugging me. 

I could see everyone was looking at me, so I quickly got up and headed towards our room, Isabelle followed me. My head was hurting so bad, I thought it would explode anytime soon. "So..you feeling better?" asked Isabelle. "No."

She left the room saying that I needed to get some rest. I laid there staring outside the window wondering what was waiting for us. 

*Amelia falls asleep*

["Go away, go away, go away," said a voice hissing. "I said go away, don't come back, DONT COME BACK," it started getting louder and louder. "You are making the same mistake again, DON'T COME BACK," said the voice getting mad. The hissing grew as Amelia fell in the land of dreams. Amelia started trembling while sleeping. Fogg started rising and she was deserted back on that island. The tribesmen started coming towards her and surrounded her and where ranting something in their native language. "Noe noh ga"

All of them where repeating the same phrase and moving towards her until she fell into a giant black hole which replaced the water. "HELPPPP"]

"Ahhh" I said waking up and panting and I was shocked to see that I was wet and so was the bed, as if it wasn't a dream but it was real. I got up quickly cleaned everything and changed into dry clothes. I couldn't stop thinking about the phrase that they kept on repeating. "Noe noh ga," I said faintly. I dont know why but it sounded like as if I know what that means, as if I had heard it many times. All of a sudden I felt a weird connection with the island, as if I belonged there. I tried to calm myself down as my headache was getting worse. I sat down on a chair and just then my phone rang, it was Liam. I declined the call but he kept on calling so I decided to pic it up. "Hey, before you decline the call I just want to say that I miss you very much and that you shouldn't have left us behind. Remember that we are a team?" he said with a cute voice making my heart melt. I felt bad all of a sudden. He was right we are a team, we have always been. "I know Liam...but I couldn't risk your lives too," I replied looking down. "Amelia listen, I don't know when we will be meeting now but, come home soon," he said ending the call. For the first time in my life I felt that tingling, sorta like butterflies in my stomach. I am sure you know what I mean and I don't think that I want to admit that but it was happening. I was missing Liam more then anyone, I needed him along with me but he was miles away...

"Amelia, you got to see this," said Isabelle entering. We both quickly rushed to the deck to see what was outside. The whisperings were back but not as bad as they were before. I looked around and saw Isabelle's face go pale and so did everyone else's as well. "What's wrong? Why is everyone so quiet?" I asked Isabelle. "Don't you see it?" whispered Isabelle in my ears. "See what?" I asked getting scared now. "The bodies in the water, with blood all around them," she whispered again in my ears. I went in front to get a better view but I couldn't see anything, Leyla was next to me and so I asked her, "Can you also see the bodies?" 

"No, I don't." 

That moment I was really close to her and realized how beautiful she was, the structure of her face and hair, everything looked great. 

"We are wasting our time here...we-we should get going," she said with her voice shaking, turning around to leave. I grabbed her hand which she quickly removed, "What is it?"

"Don't you realize what is happening," I asked. She shook her head.

"Leyla, we are the only ones who don't see it. There has to be a meaning behind it right? Everyone else can see them and doesn't want to move forward, maybe we shouldn't."

"You are just saying that because you don't want me to go there, because if I do no one will care about you!" she replied back arrogantly, half screaming at me. All eyes were on us now. 

"Its not like that, what I meant was-," I started but she interrupted me.

"Just stop, and -," she started. "WE ARE RISKING EVERYONE'S LIFE," I said shouting. She looked at me for a few seconds. The crew now were all worried and looking towards Leyla and she looked around at them. I knew that she was scared since the beginning, I only had to hit the spot. "Maybe, we should go alone, just the two of us," I said breaking the silence. "Are you mad? I am not letting you go alone!" said Isabelle moving forward.

I turned to her and said, "There is a reason why we both can't see it, there was always a reason and that is why I was always so ambitious to go there since the beginning. Maybe I have to do something there, like a task but with a particular person and it didn't work for the first time as only I was the one who was experiencing all those weird stuff," I said turning towards Leyla, "Tell me, did you hear any whisperings or when I fell later this morning due to what I saw...did you see it too?" She didn't say anything so I repeated myself, "Did you see it too?" 

She just stood there staring at me, completely petrified. 

"Just ANSWER!" 

"Yes I did," she said quickly and went back inside and told everyone to move and get back to work. 

I was even more scared now because we were getting all the signs that we should leave the rest behind but Leyla wouldn't do that. It was Isabelle who worried me the most, I just got her and couldn't lose her again. I swarmed my way back to the room closed the door tight shut. With my hands on my head, I sat there staring out for a long time , until sunset. 

Do you think that Leyla and Amelia are supposed to perform a task together? Why do you think they are the only ones who couldn't see the bodies? Hope you liked my story!

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