
The Archmages Restaurant

Ellesion fell into another world and worked as a Class 9 witch. After retiring, he chose to open a small restaurant in the countryside. But everyday life at this restaurant is not unusual at all...Lurin, a polymorphic black dragon, lives in a room on the second floor of the Ellesion restaurant! "Are you ready to eat?" The joyous and cheerful relationship between the continent's most powerful ninth-grade witch and the black dragon who eats well and sleeps well... This novel is only MTL-Translation, using chat-gpt read with your own risk

AndikaIndra · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Soju with Friends (2)

Chapter 2 Soju with friends

After greeting Rurin, I dressed her up.

"Open your hands."

"I understand!"

Hearing my words, Lurin raised her hand and stopped without any discomfort. Once you install the top and bottom, they can only move. It's natural if there's not much to say now.

After getting dressed, I shaved my hair with a shave. If not peeled, the hair that grows in all directions will look like a lion's tail.

If you touch that black hair carefully, he will secretly surrender himself to you.

At first, they said it was a great creature, a dragon, and didn't even let him approach me.

Even in her shape, she looks like a beautiful dragon that will surprise other dragons, and her human being is also beautiful. Of course I feel calm now.

Because we've been together long enough.


"Why else?"

"Couldn't you be softer? "My hair is smooth."

"Oh that's true."

As requested, the sequencing proceeded very carefully. Carefully, and again carefully. Every time that happens, my black hair gets alive. Her hair is amazing. I think it's because of the dragon feathers.

Once you've peeled everything, start with a hairband. As I tie her hair well, Rurin leaned on my back and opened her mouth.

"But what is a job? Can we at least give this city fresh air? Destruction is good. Hi-hi."

Lurin emphasized the dragon's destructive instinct. Of course I'm shaking my head.

"Don't be funny and come down."


I went down to the first floor, leading the dragon to make ridiculous voices.

My feelings about Rurin?

Of course there's love. Because of that affection, I brought Lurin, who lives in the middle of the continent, near the sacred site of the Black Dragon.

But I don't know what kind of love it is.

Anyway, as soon as our dragon came down to the kitchen, he immediately opened the fridge and pulled out a can of beer.

He then took a beer and drank it at once.

"Yes! This is how it feels. Besides, beer is the best when you wake up!"

I wiped the corner of Lulin's mouth whose mouth was foaming as she drank a beer, then grabbed her hand and put it in front of me and asked.

"Okay, let's do our job. "I have something to help you."

"Then I'll have another can of beer and I'm leaving!"

"That's him."

"Wow beer!"

I dragged Rurin with me, closed the store, and went down the hill.

"Sometimes you tend to act too far. A sea demanding repairs. But they still haven't told me what happened. "It's amazing to borrow the power of Lord Lurin!"

Beautiful black-haired woman with shiny eyes and hands round her waist.

I took her through the fruit plantation at the foot of the hill and headed to the market.

According to Mr. Knoll's information, Mr. Laine said that he met the man at a restaurant called De Lant last month. Deran is located near the square where commercial and settlement areas meet.

Not only Deland, most of the city's restaurants are concentrated in the area.

Rurin screamed when she saw a crowd of customers inside the deck.

"Oh, girl! This restaurant is so crowded! "Isn't there a difference between heaven and earth compared to our restaurant?"

"I know."

"eh? Why are you feeling depressed as usual? Should we move this restaurant somewhere else?"

"I'm not trying to make you do anything ridiculous, so please shut up."

I looked around. He's still Mr. Knoll's wife, so Mr. Laine's out of sight.

"Then what are you doing?"

After telling the noisy dragon to shut up, I gave him a beer.

After looking at the entrance for a while, Mr. Laine finally entered. As Mr. Knoll said, he was with a man. He's a 40-year-old man with a tight body similar to Mr. Knoll. I shouldn't have said this, but he looks much more neat and clean than Mr. Knoll. Should I say that there is no comparison with Mr. Knoll's bearded?

"Hey Lulin."

Stretch, stretch.


I pulled the dragon's ear drowned in a beer, and then he lowered his eyebrows and cried.

"Why do you do that? Whenever you give it to me to eat!"

I looked up with angry faces and the world had collapsed. Damn it, it's funny.

No matter how mad you are, you can't be polymorphic and human. From the skin of the dragon's body, its colour, to its appearance as a dragon, it is also applied to human beings. Therefore, Lulin's current appearance is also what he has had since he was born.

So, from laughing to crying, it's all natural.

"That's not the problem, it's finally working."

"Oh? Is that so!"

It was only then that Lulin laid down his beer and his eyes were shining again. Instead of trying to wake up, sit back and drink all the beer in your glass.

"What can I do! "Will everything be destroyed?"

"Destroyer dragon base! Who says the color is not black? Don't destroy it! Did you see the couple that just got in? Men and women."

"Yes! Look."

"I want you to hear what they say."


"Is that sweet?"

"You!" "Are you telling me to ask Lurin to do something that doesn't make sense?"

"Please do something." "For dinner, your favorite hamburger steak."

"Really! Oh oh! "Where, where are those two humans?"

Lulin soon sold the dragon's self-esteem for a hamburger steak and started looking for his target. At some point, the dragon got used to my cooking and really eating it.

With eyes full of anticipation for his favorite dish, he opened his mouth and pointed to the man who came with Mr. Reine.

"It's nothing more than cheating."

Speaking of the dragon's hearing, he has an extraordinary ability to adjust the hearing range according to his wishes.

It's not too magical.

It's a dragon's innate ability.

This ability is mainly used by dragons with their own capabilities to sense the surroundings, and its reach extends to the whole mountain.

So, in a restaurant like this, one can control his hearing and hearing his voice.

With Lurin in the front line, I watched the two men carefully.

The two men sat in front of each other, and Mr. Layne folded his arms, took out a bunch of money, and gave it to the man.

Give me the money?

It's a bit of an unexpected situation, right, this is a noisy restaurant so I can't hear their conversation at all.

So I saw the dragon.

Lurin opened her mouth and started telling the conversation.

"I finally paid it all out today. "If it weren't for Mr. Ment, neither I nor my husband would be able to come back."

"He said a lot of things. I owe the man my life. "That's a natural thing to do."

"Yes." "My husband is still condemning me, saying that Mr. Ment has betrayed me because I can't even tell him how much I've helped him."

"I have no choice. "You know he's not taking my money, is he?"

Thanks to Lulin who translated the conversation as it was, I was able to fully understand the situation. From hearing the conversation, it seems he's not cheating.

But not long after that conversation stopped, it was because we started eating.

Because there's no smell of adultery or any other crime at all, I stand to judge the situation clearly.

"Where are you going?"

Of course, Lulin jumped and followed me.

"Hello, Mr. Laine?"

"Oh, my God, L?"


My name here is El. His name is Ellesion. I introduced him to others as L, and that's how I was called.

"I know this is somewhat rude, but can you forgive me for a moment? "There's something I want to tell you."


Mr. Laine stared at the man in front of him. The man named Ment seemed a little confused, but quickly nodded. So, as I guessed, I was rude, but I pulled the chair and sat in the front.

"Mr. Knoll misunderstood that you two were cheating."



The two men reacted loudly and spread their eyes. Lulin stood by my side and stared at the two men with arrogant gaze. He doesn't even want to talk to human beings except me. It's like an eye that sees insects.

Lulin's not human. Of course, to him as a dragon, ordinary man is like a very insignificant insect.

"What's that...? "

"I saw you two meet last month, and it looks like you've built a misunderstanding yourself... what happened? At a glance, it seems to have something to do with debt."

Mr. Laine put his face on anxiously listening to my words and shaking his head.

"Because it's a family matter..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm here as Mr. Knoll's representative. There's no point accumulating unnecessary misunderstandings. There's something like that, isn't it? Things happen because of misunderstandings and lead to unchangeable situations. "I've heard that this is common in relationships between men and women."

Three men are said to have escaped the murder, but many have committed murder and regretted that they could not bear it.

Per the reason why the saying pops up in my hometown is because I saw my wife seduce someone and try to get in with a knife, but after holding it three times, I realized that the person I'm goddamn under the blanket is mine. Sister-in-law and feeling relieved... Anyway, in order to avoid the calamity of such a misunderstanding, we must clearly understand the current situation.

"And Mr. Reine, this is actually a secret."

After a short break, I opened my mouth to Reine, who was still hesitant.

"Mr. Knoll, although he thinks Mr. Reine has been cheating, he cries, saying that he is unlikely to break up and he doesn't know what to do."

"Oh, my God, is that him?"

Mr. Layne opened his eyes as if he was very surprised. Mr. Knoll actually looks like someone who's not very good at expressing love in front of Mr. Laine.

Then Mr. Ment joined.

"Of course. Mr. Laine. Knoll, even when we were working together, we were just talking about Sun Raine."

"Well, like that..."

Mr. Raine bowed his head as if he was ashamed, and then he opened his mouth as though he had decided something.

"In fact, there are some circumstances."


Yeah, unless you're cheating, there's a condition. It was a scene where I couldn't understand the idea of exchanging money without any circumstances. It's not even a pillar room.