
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Mana Training

Found out out the void in his subconscious was filled with actually ravaging dark energy and could actually use Mana to sense little traces of dark energy like someone actually dropped it here.

It was what you find when an explosion occurs, pieces of energy everywhere.

"It seems I'll have to have an in depth understanding of these energies, there are still too many uncertainties and I'm still too weak"

He said to himself subconsciously and before he exited the void he tried attacking the void with energy but it just extinguished into its original form which was many.

*Tonye Exhales and breaths out*



Mana Sense (1Km radius)

Mana Breathing (Low proficiency)

Aura sense

"At least I know that I can sense Mana on a 1km radius"

Tonye said

"Ooh you even know the distance?" Teacher asked

"It's an estimate Teacher"

"You've become more humble I see"

"You praise me too much"

"That's no fun! I was expecting to hit you a few more times before you come back to your senses"


"How are you feeling?"

"My arms are healed up and I don't feel much fatigued"

"Good! Then start running without stopping again while also training your Mana and I'll keep attacking you"

"Yes sir"

"Starting now!!!"

At the sound of that I bolted off with the dagger on my waist and circulated my Mana while running and dodging ranged attacks from teacher, now I see why teachers attacks were so deadly even though he didn't aim for a vital spot on my body, it's because he infused the random objects he threw at me with dense mana.

But how could he infuse an object with Mana and throw it while it's still retaining Mana, if I run this systematically it's be that he's not actually infusing it since I can feel his energy now, though he's stronger than me, I'm not sure he's up to the expertise of infusing an object with Mana.

Rather he is coating it with Mana. softly but also solidly and about propelling it towards me, I think that's easy since a Normal person cant hit an object coated with Mana, what happens if the person coats itself with Mana.

"It's a simple theory but rather hard to practice"

"Do you feel it?...." Teacher asked

"...You've probably gotten the concept of Mana Coating but can't apply it can you.....Who told you to stop running dammit!!!"

"Since you've learnt the theory of mana coating why don't you deflect my attacks now rather than dodging them, your body has become to accustomed to dodging that you subconsciously dodged all my attack while thinking of some thing else or is it because there was no killing intent?"

he said as I got pressured by an overwhelming desire to kill me that I immediately took a step backwards from him.

"Good Good!!! my student should at least be able to stand in front of death"

he said happily like he would happy if I died like a soldier for him.

"Start Running" he said

Its been a while since teacher said I should start running, I don't know why but I can't sense him nor has he been attacking me is something wrong? Maybe I should go deep inside the forest to check on him?.


The pressure that hit made me lose all hope of fighting and made me go on my kneels shamefully as I immediately got knocked unconscious and went to subconscious void, immediately I got upset that I would fall down so pityfully and came back to reality.

It was my teacher who's pouring out alot of killing intent towards me whilst charging a ranged mana attack towards me also.

Of course I was still on my knees I needed to get out of his area of focus, I can tell that this will take a toll on him, expending this much killing intent farther than his reach must have a disadvantage, which was looking at me all along.

I obviously couldn't move as I was filled with fear and he's out of my reach to use my abilities. Think of it like your standing on the middle of a circle which everyone knows is 360°

But then how do I expand this circle further to meet my target is to send it on a straight line towards the target meaning he no longer has it around me but now on a single line and it stopped his target on its track.

So I just have to get out of his area of focus and reach but that won't be enough I need to counterattack seeing as he can just target me on a straight line.

"I have an idea...."

I said as I got interrupted by his pressure Increasing with every step he takes since he's now shortening the range between us.

A donkey roll like a coward to the sides about three times and I got on the border of his intent In that single line as I tried to run of out his reach, he then moved it towards me again

"If I get hit by this I won't be able to move for a while"

I said as I tried using my Mana to enhance my feet and repelled myself against the ground to move faster away from the intent before it fully locked on me but....







...Yeap I was in the air for some seconds and started falling to the ground from an average height, I won't die though, but master is stunned, this is the best timing.

I then waited for my foot to almost touch the ground and then repelled myself towards him this time with the dagger in my hand.

"That's the disadvantage of spreading you intent in a straight line you can't recall it quickly"

He realizes himself quickly and ready to counter attack but too late, I already took that into consideration and almost reaching him incredible speed.

I faked using the dagger to slice his throat with my left arm as he took guard and bent down about giving me an uppercut.


I said as my forcefield moved hitting him from behind causing him to lose his timing for the uppercut.


I said as my right foot immediately got repelled from the floor giving teacher a devastating kick to his left arm pushing him miles away and destroying trees.

"He's probably okay and a little bit hurt seeing as how he covered his arm with Mana at the last minute, I really hope I don't get scolded"

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