
The Apollo Twins

Hey there, readers! I've got something really special for you today - my brand new novel, "The Apollo Twins." This is a project that's been brewing in my mind for ages, ever since I binge-watched "Top Boy" and got completely sucked into the world of British street crime. [Yeah, I know, I'm a bit obsessed. But hey, when inspiration strikes, you've got to roll with it, right?] So, what's the deal with "The Apollo Twins"? Well, imagine this: two brothers, Ethan and Alex Blackwood, kicking ass and taking names in the gritty, neon-soaked streets of Manchester. These guys are the real deal - born and raised in the shadows of the city's criminal underworld, they've clawed their way to the top through sheer grit, cunning, and a whole lot of busted knuckles. On the streets, they're known as "Reaper" and "Snowman" - Ethan, the hulking enforcer with fists like sledgehammers, and Alex, the cunning mastermind with a mind like a steel trap. Together, they're unstoppable. But when a drug deal goes south and the twins find themselves on the wrong side of, well, pretty much everyone, things get really interesting. Suddenly, they're caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse, with cops, criminals, and everyone in between hot on their heels. And that's where you come in, dear reader. I want you to join Ethan and Alex on this wild, adrenaline-fueled ride. I want you to feel every punch, every gunshot, every heart-stopping twist and turn. [And let me tell you, there's no shortage of blood and gore in this story. If you're squeamish, you might want to keep a bucket nearby. But if you're like me and you love a good, gritty, no-holds-barred crime thriller, then you're in for a treat.] I've poured my blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe just a lot of coffee and late nights) into making this story as raw, as real, and as gripping as possible. If you're a fan of bone-crunching action, complex characters, and plots that keep you guessing until the very last page, then "The Apollo Twins" is the book for you. [And if you're wondering why I decided to write this story, well... let's just say that "Top Boy" really got under my skin. I couldn't stop thinking about the world of British street crime, and I knew I had to put my own spin on it. So, I took the grit and the grime of "Top Boy," and I cranked it up to eleven. I added more stakes, more danger, and yes, a whole lot more blood. The result is a story that's not for the faint of heart, but one that I think will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.] Writing this novel has been a wild journey for me, and I can't wait for you to experience it too. I've put my heart and soul into every page, and I genuinely believe that it shows. So, if you're ready to dive into the seedy, dangerous, and utterly thrilling world of Ethan and Alex Blackwood, then buckle up, buttercup. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Thanks for giving "The Apollo Twins" a chance. I promise, you won't regret it. And if you do, well... I guess you can always use it as a coaster for your coffee mug. (Just kidding. Please don't do that. I worked really hard on this thing.) Alright, enough rambling from me. It's time for you to meet the twins. Happy reading, folks. And remember - keep your head down and your fists up. It's a dangerous world out there. Golden Essence

Golden_Essence · Thành thị
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17 Chs


The door to Danny and Tariq's dorm room burst open, the sound harsh in the stillness of the night. A figure stumbled in, his breathing ragged, his movements jerky and uncoordinated. He fumbled for the light switch, his hands shaking.

The room flooded with harsh fluorescent light, revealing Tariq. His hoodie was disheveled, a dark, damp patch staining the fabric near his chest. He clawed at the garment, his fingers scrabbling at the zipper.

"Fuckin' hell, it's hot as balls in here," he muttered, his voice thick and shaky.

He finally managed to yank the hoodie off, tossing it aside. His skin was slick with sweat, his curls plastered to his forehead. His eyes darted around the room, wide and wild, like a cornered animal.

The distant wail of a siren made him freeze, his whole body going rigid. "Shit, shit, shit," he chanted under his breath, lunging for the window. He grabbed the blinds, yanking them closed with enough force to rattle the frame.

He spun around, his gaze landing on his desk. He swept his arm across the surface, sending books and papers flying. He upended his mattress, his pillow, scattering the contents of his bed across the floor.

"Where is it, where the fuck is it," he growled, his voice rising in pitch, in desperation.

Then he saw it. A black bin bag, tucked under his bed. He snatched it up, his fingers clumsy with haste.

He grabbed his discarded hoodie, stuffing it into the bag. His gloves followed, the latex smeared with something dark and tacky.

He kicked off his trainers, the expensive ones he'd saved up for months to buy. They went into the bag too, along with his jeans, the denim heavy with a stain he didn't want to think about.

His breath was coming in short, sharp gasps now, his chest heaving. He tied the bag with shaking hands, the plastic crinkling loudly in the quiet room.

He stumbled to the bathroom, the bag clutched to his chest. He shouldered the door open, fumbling for the light.

The fluorescent flickered to life, buzzing softly. Tariq leaned over the sink, twisting the tap on with a squeak. He splashed water on his face, the cold making him gasp.

He looked up, catching sight of his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot, the pupils blown wide. His skin was pale, almost grey under the harsh light. His curls hung limp, framing his face like a dark halo.

"What have you made me do, JB?" he whispered, his voice cracking. "What the fuck have you made me do?"

The words seemed to echo in the small space, bouncing off the tiles, worming their way into his skull. He could feel something building in his chest, a pressure, a scream, a howl of anguish and rage and fear.

It burst out of him in a roar, his fist slamming into the mirror. The glass shattered, shards raining down into the sink, onto the floor. Pain lanced through his hand, sharp and immediate, but he barely felt it.

For a moment, he stared at his fractured reflection, at the blood welling up from his torn knuckles. The world seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the drip, drip of water from the tap, the heave of his own ragged breathing.

Then something in him snapped. He lashed out again, his fist colliding with the broken glass. And again. And again. Each impact sent shards flying, slicing into his skin, but he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

He punched again, and again, the mirror splintering under his knuckles. Blood smeared across the fractured surface, vivid and red. It dripped into the sink, swirling with the water, turning it pink.

He didn't stop. He couldn't stop. It was like a dam had burst inside him, all the fear and guilt and self-loathing pouring out in a tide of violence. The pain in his hands, the sting of the glass slicing his skin, it was nothing compared to the pain in his heart, in his soul.

Finally, finally, his strength gave out. He sagged against the door, his knees buckling. He slid to the floor, his back scraping against the wood, his head falling into his ruined hands.

His knuckles were a mess of torn skin and embedded glass, the blood running freely now, dripping onto his legs, onto the tiles. He could feel the sting of tears, the burn of bile in his throat.

His pinched the ridge of his nose, fighting the tears back. "You're gonna be the fuckin' death of me, bruv," he muttered, a laugh bubbling up from his chest. It sounded wrong, twisted, more like a sob.

He sat there, his blood pooling on the floor, his reflection fractured and broken in the ruined mirror. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, lost in the pain, in the echoes of what he'd done.

All he knew was that there was no going back. No undoing what had been done.

JB had made sure of that.