
The another world

After our protagonist died in a gunshot because of his father treasure map and knowing he had died... A God Give him a chance To reincarnate on another world and create a new Life.. But before he reincarnate The God did not explain to him the consequences because of Irritation..

almodenjohnmark · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Giant tree town

While walking the soldiers did not talk much but erick is so talk active so yushiro get many information from him about giant tree town..

Erick said that giant tree town have a big tree in It's center of the town he said the tree are the body of a god that died there and yushiro look shock because erick said that the tree peak can not reach by any low ranked adventurers ..

erick said only high ranker can go there..

High ranker adventurer said that the peak are have a snow the snow there is colder than any cold place and they can't stay there for even 5 minutes.

but while walking erick said that the First person that gotten in the peak of that tree is a woman he don't know what is her name but he said she's the strongest adventurer in the world they said She found something there but they did not know what she find..

Yushiro thought " is that tree is the beans that jack plant? no its impossible its a tree and its not a vine or a beans.."

Yushiro see the healer kept looking at him he thought the healer looking in his hand but the healer thought "Is that boy demon? he have a demon clothing.. he's handsome but its looks like he's a demon.."

The healer look dissapointed she only focus at walking but when she look again at yushiro.. yushiro smile she look shock so she pretended to look at erick..

After they walk for half a day they see a giant big tree..

It's so tall that the peak can't see because of the clouds around the tree..

Erick look at yushiro and said while walking "that tree is indestructable even the sharper axe can't give it a scratch"

yushiro look amaze in the tree while looking at afar you can see that the town is so small than the giant tree..

the giant tree are so big that the houses looks ant to it that its like a giant mountain..

"The giant tree town are built in the center of that mountain mountain they said that the town exist in that mountain before the tree grew there and the rumor said the god died their is the king of that mountain long time ago" erick said his eyes became bright while saying those story its like he feel amaze in his story..

After they arrive they see some adventurers along the way..

Erick approached them and asked "Hello young adventurers, can we ask something?"

"what is it" said by adventurer she's a girl she only have ordinary clothing she don't have any armor its looks like shes an ordinary person..

When the girl look at erick and asked..

erick look shock his body froze he don't know what to say..

Yushiro thought "Is this guy know this beautiful girl?"

As Yushiro look at the girl the girl have a short hair It's color is blue and her eyes is red like a red rose her face are pretty and it blended on her white silk skin..


When the healer realize that erick Froze and can't say anything she approached him and smack his head..

"why did you do that!" erick said his face became irritated you can see the muscle of his face tremble because of irritation..

"You look a frozen fish so I break the Ice" The healer said with no emotion..

erick look back at the girl and smile he says "Is there a dungeon in the town?"

Yushiro look in disbelief he thought erick live in big tree Town and the big question is why they are asking for dungeon and what they will do there and the big question mark is what is dungeon..

In yushiro past life he hear about dungeon but he was keen to know what they will do there..

The girl thought for a moment and said "Yes, there is.. why are you asking you look strong and brave are you an adventurer too?"

"Yes, I am" erick said proudly

"We can go there together.. but do you guys wan't a tour?" the girl said..

erick blush...

"By the way Im rosy, but you can call me little pink" Little pink said..

"What a beautiful name!" said erick in front of little pink..

After that little pink look at yushiro the healer and the soldiers she said "Why is their many people in your team.. you look too strong is they all high ranker?"

"hehe, No they are not those soldiers is only have a primary body and theres no E ranker in my team only me and my healer her name is Hina she's my sister she's quite.." said his face are full of red you can even look at his eyes its like he will lost his conciousness in any second..

Yushiro thought erick will lose his conciousness he said in his mind "It's looks like love in first sight.. even so little pink look different I feel something to her.."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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