
The Anomaly Container

In the infinite worlds in the all encompassing omniverse, there is a world that is ordinary like the rest until one day…rifts appear in every dark corner of the that world and with those rifts came out monsters…beings with great amounts power, beings that holds power of the elements, and beings with incomprehensible control and power to warp and manipulate reality itself…one day a man reincarnates into this world with the blessing of the system granted by god of creation and destruction…. Watch as that man uses his god granted gifts to contain, research, and use the anomalies of the rifts and with it watch as that man gets caught into its mystery that leads to the mysteries of the omniverse and beyond

Phantom365 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
85 Chs

Chapter 28 Reanimated Corpse

Location: Corpse Village

(Author: It's Corpse Village Now, also I decided to take off the level system for the skill [Analysis])

Kurai reaches the second house and looks around to see if there's any hostile beings

"Though this village is definitely abandoned, every house including the one in the middle is all clean like it's brand new" said Kurai "Why is that?"

Kurai opens one of the house's windows and checks the location of the corpse beings

Kurai sees 2 people sitting near a table with a dead like expression, one of them has a hole in it's chest and holding a mace while the other one has a hole in the center of it's forehead and holding a broken spear

Kurai aims SCP-127 at the first corpse being and pulls the trigger immediately killing the first corpse being

The second corpse being looked at Kurai and throws it's broken spear at Kurai

Kurai dodged to the right, puts SCP-127 in his inventory, takes out his sword and goes inside the house from the window

The corpse being runs toward Kurai with it's mouth open, aiming to bite him, Kurai thrusted his sword directly at the corpse being's mouth, retracted his sword then cutting it's head off

"These two should be the only ones in this house" said Kurai

Suddenly a drop of liquid drops above his head surprising him, Kurai looks up above and sees a corpse being in the ceiling, dressed with the same attire as the other two with it's mouth wide open and leaking with saliva


The corpse being drops down towards Kurai, Kurai dodges and cuts the corpse being in half


The corpse being upper half is still alive from Kurai's attack with it's lower half completely unmoving and growling at Kurai in anger

"Well that's just impressive" said Kurai "seems like your heads are you weak points, good to know"

Kurai stabs the corpse being in it's head, immediately killing it, Kurai uses his super hearing to detect if there's still any corpse beings in the house but Kurai hears nothing

"Okay now that should be all of them" said Kurai

Kurai looks at the three dead corpse beings with the intent of investigating their origin

"What if….i use analysis on them?" said Kurai "can that work?"

[The skill "Analysis" only works for living, sentient beings, and beings that are dead for at most 24 hours]

[The beings you have killed are beings that have already been killed for almost 4 months ago, exceeding the time limit for the skill "Analysis"]

[But i have detected a tiny bit of living intelligence in their bodies from a source not from their own, Though it's very small i can gather the remaining intelligence of all three beings and allow you to use the skill "Analysis" on one of the three beings]

"So basically i can only use Analysis on one of them?" said Kurai


Kurai looks at the three corpse beings, thinking about who will he use Analysis on

"I guess i'll use Analysis on the one with mace because it's the only one i've seen with an intact weapon" said Kurai "Analysis!"


Reanimated Corpse

Strength: Peak Stage 1

Agility: Extraordinary Stage 3

Physique: Peak Stage 1

Intelligence: Peak Stage 1 (Controlled)

Skills: [Bludgeon]

[Bludgeon: Using Blunt Weaponry increases blunt damage by 25%]

Description: Reanimated Corpse are beings that used to be alive but killed, raised from the dead, and controlled by a being with knowledge of the dark arts, a being with necromancy skills, or a being with the innate talent of [Reanimation]


"A being with knowledge of the dark arts, a being with necromancy skills, or a being with the innate talent of [Reanimation]" said Kurai "seems like i have a lot to expect with the one responsible for the reanimated corpses of this village"

"The question now is….who and where is the person responsible for this?" said Kurai "I'll probably know it soon, it's like plot, get introduced with knowledge of a boss monster then sooner or later you'll have to slice it in half"

"Well i probably should get going now" said Kurai

Kurai searched the three reanimated corpses for anything valuable and obtains nothing, Kurai then leaves and heads to the other houses

Time: 1 hour later

Kurai checks 5 other houses and killed every reanimated corpse inside them

Kurai looks at the final house in the west side of the village, he goes to one of the windows to see the amount and location of the reanimated corpse but sees nothing

In confusion, Kurai enters the house and look around for reanimated corpses, he opens almost every closed door in the house except and still hasn't seen a reanimated corpse

Kurai looks at the last closed door and opens it cautiously and finally sees a being, but this one is way different from the reanimated corpses

This being is 6ft tall with glowing drak green eyes, cracks in every part of it's body, equipped with armor chestplate and gauntlets as a weapon

"Oh...it seems like i am the one that's courting death today" said Kurai "but i ain't dying today"

Kurai tries to cut the being with his sword in full power but the being dodged his attack and punched Kurai in the chest, launching him from the wall to the outside of the house

"*groans* *deep breaths* Bloody *groans* hell that hurts like hell" said Kurai "Thank you Peak Human Physique Stage 5"

Kurai slowly stands up and sees the being staring at him from inside the house

"Analysis!" said Kurai



Strength: Peak Stage 5

Agility: Extraordinary Stage 2

Physique: Extraordinary Stage 2

Intelligence: Extraordinary Stage 2

(Author: I've decided using the human power system as the baseline for describing entities power level that's not anomalies so that there's no confusion)

Innate Talent: [Strength Boost]

[Strength Boost: Increased strength by one stage (only works below the Cosmic Realm)]

Skills: [Strike] [Powered Kick]

[Strike: Punch power and Kick power are increased by 50%]

[Powered Kick: A kick that does 70% more damage than normal kicks (Strike does not stack with this skill)]

Artifact: Ring of Punching

[Ring of Punching: Increases punch damage by 5%]

Description: Vessians are a race of humanoids with dark green eyes and cracked skin that lives in the Netherrealm

They are born with innate talent that boosts their strength by one stage but in return they are cursed with cracked bodies that gives them very weak durability, they also have have great reaction time, able to dodge arrows with only little difficulty

The Vessians are divided into two groups, Vessians and Special Vessians

Vessians are normal Vessians with innate strength and weak durability

Special Vessians are Vessians that are born with either strengthened innate talent or obtaining innate skills

Some Special Vessians are born without the cursed durability but that only happens in 1 out of 10 million


"Damn so it's powerful but also weak" said Kurai "it's basically a glass cannon but with it wearing armor it's going to be much more difficult"

Kurai takes out SCP-127 from his inventory and with his sword in his left hand and SCP-127 in his right hand he slowly walking towards the Vessian

"Hello Vessian" said Kurai "I wonder which one of us will live after this battle? Me? or You?"

"Well…that's something i am very interested to find out" said Kurai before running towards the Vessian...

End of Chapter