

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Kỳ huyễn
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132 Chs

Kadin's Death

Kadin, with a sinister smile, continued, "You seem curious, little guy. Let me enlighten you. The artifact I possess was given to me by my Aunt also known as the queen of the Hell Kingdom"

He continued "That artifact could absorb the strength of cultivators, and my aunt utilized the defeated warriors from other kingdoms who dared to challenge the might of the Hell Kingdom in the last few decades and I also did the same when that artifact was given to me. Every warrior who fell on the battlefield against us contributed to the power that now protects the Hell Cage."

Kallu's expression turned grim as he comprehended the scale of sacrifice involved. The lives of thousands of cultivators had been consumed to charge an artifact to create this impenetrable barrier.

Kallu said, "You are really cruel, aren't you?"

Kadin replied, "I am not that cruel. The cultivators I sacrificed to charge that artifact would have died anyway, so why not use them and make their deaths worth it? Isn't it a good idea?"

Kadin said that much and didn't pay any attention to Kallu anymore, fully focusing his mind on maintaining and strengthening the Hell Cage. He knew Kallu couldn't or didn't have the ability to break the barrier around him.

Kallu remained silent for a moment, then his mind lit up, and he said, "This is a one-time use artifact, isn't it?"

Kadin, who had just decided not to pay attention to Kallu anymore, turned his head towards Kallu with a surprised face and said, "You figured it out, haven't you?"

He continued, "Yes, that artifact could only be used one time, and now I have used it. That artifact is now completely lost."

Kallu was not surprised by Kadin's answer and again asked, "This barrier can't be maintained for a long time, can it?"

Kadin, again surprised, paid some of his attention to Kallu and said, "You are correct. The barrier can't be maintained for a lifetime, but I am sure it will remain until Princess Moon dies inside the Hell Cage. And when she dies, the next number will be yours."

He said the last sentence with a murderous face and cut off his senses of listening and focused all his strength on maintaining and strengthening the Hell Cage because the attack of the Golden Sparrow had become more ferrious, and if he got distracted anymore, the Golden Sparrow would get the chance to dominate over the Hell Cage and could even break it. So he decided not to pay any attention to Kallu anymore in any circumstances, even if kallu had some more unexpected things to say.

Princess Moon, determined and resolute, continued to use her royal blood power to command the Golden Sparrow. The giant golden sparrow relentlessly struck the Hell Cage with its golden balls, each impact resonating with immense power. The cage, despite its resilience, exhibited signs of strain with every hit. The minor cracks appeared again and started to expand, and the malevolent aura around it flickered.

Kadin, on the other side, was burning his royal blood power at an accelerated rate, fortifying the Hell Cage. He poured every ounce of strength into the barrier, countering the relentless assault. The cracks again healed by the power of his royal blood.

As Princess Moon intensified her attacks, burning her royal blood power at an alarming rate, the Hell Cage started to weaken. The once impenetrable Hell cage now showed visible signs of vulnerability. However, Kadin, driven by desperation, continued to strengthen it, preventing the Golden Sparrow from shattering the cage completely.

The battlefield was a clash of wills and power, the echoes of each strike reverberating through the air. Princess Moon's golden aura flared brighter, and the Golden Sparrow responded with a ferocity unmatched. Kadin's eyes glowed with determination as he strained to maintain the weakening Hell Cage.

In a final, desperate move, Princess Moon, with tears streaming down her face, roared with a mixture of sorrow and anger. The Golden Sparrow, fueled by her unyielding spirit, formed a colossal golden ball. The ball, shining with an intensity that surpassed anything before, hurtled towards the Hell Cage.

Upon impact, shockwaves reverberated across the battlefield. The Hell Cage quivered, its malevolent aura dimming with each passing moment. The barrier that was protecting the hell cage from outside attacks also got affected and was struggling against the colossal force of the golden ball, cracks spreading like a spider's web.

Kadin, realizing the imminent danger, pushed his royal blood power to the brink. He poured everything he had into the Hell Cage, attempting to counteract the force of the golden ball. The ground beneath them trembled as the clash reached its climax.

But Princess Moon, fueled by her burning resolve, pushed the Golden Sparrow further. The golden ball, an embodiment of her sacrifice and determination, broke through the weakened Hell Cage with a resounding crash. The once formidable Hell Cage shattered into countless fragments, dissipating into the air.

The barrier protecting the Hell Cage also started to dissipate into thin air, but it weakened most of the energy of that giant golden ball.

When the remaining energy of the giant golden ball was released, it was blinding, a burst of golden light that momentarily engulfed the battlefield. As the light faded, Princess Moon, exhausted and weakened, fell to her knees. The Golden Sparrow dispersed, its purpose fulfilled.

Kadin was in shock, unable to believe that he had lost to Princess Moon. His body started to dissipate into thin air just like his Hell cage, and he died with a shocked expression on his face.

Princess Moon, though victorious, struggled to rise. Her golden aura flickered weakly, and she gasped for breath. Kallu, reappearing from the shadows, rushed to her side.

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