
The Angel War

In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

KageOng · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Tremors of Fate

The group in Arcadia finally found a moment of respite after their arduous journey. Ethan had managed to steal a few moments of much-needed rest, the kind he hadn't experienced in a long time. He could hear Jane faintly calling out his name.

Jane: "Ethan! Ethan..."

Ethan slowly opened his eyes, greeted by Jane's worried expression. They were still in the hidden storage room atop the church, with Jessica busying herself in a corner, organizing supplies.

Ethan: "It's been a while since I've slept this long. How long have I been out?"

Jane: "You've been asleep for two days, Ethan."

Ethan rubbed his eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion still lingering.

Ethan: "Two days? I must have been more tired than I thought."

Jane's concern grew, and she offered him some food.

Jane: "Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Ethan shook his head, declining the offer.

Ethan: "No, I'm okay. Thank you, Jane."

Jane took a deep breath, gathering her courage to share something important with Ethan.

Jane: "Ethan, I've made up my mind. I've decided to follow you to the Taira Trading Company."

Ethan's eyes widened in alarm, realizing the dangers that lay ahead.

Ethan: "No, Jane! It's far too dangerous. It's better for you to stay here, where it's safe."

Jane opened her mouth to protest, but Jessica intervened, drawing their attention.

Jessica: "Ethan, think about it. Do you really want to leave her here alone? She'll be vulnerable without our protection."

Ethan pondered Jessica's words, realizing the weight of the responsibility he had towards Jane.

Ethan: "Okay, Jane. If you're determined to come with us, I won't stop you. But promise me you'll stay close and be cautious. Maybe we can also try to gather some information about Jack along the way."

Jane nodded, a mixture of determination and fear in her eyes.

Jane: "I promise, Ethan. I won't be a burden, I'll do my best."

Jessica interjected, urging them to prepare for their journey.

Jessica: "Alright, let's gather our supplies and get going. Time is of the essence."

The group quickly gathered their provisions, readying themselves for the perilous road ahead. As they stepped outside the church, they were met by Xavier, who had been waiting patiently.

Xavier: "Greetings, everyone. It seems it's time for us to bid each other farewell."

Jane looked at Xavier with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Jane: "Xavier, where are you planning to go?"

Xavier smiled mysteriously, his eyes glistening with a touch of sadness.

Xavier: "Ah, my dear Jane, the path I choose remains uncertain. I've been a lone traveler for quite some time."

Jessica, always perceptive, suggested Xavier join them on their mission against the Jackson Enterprise.

Jessica: "Xavier, why don't you accompany us to the Taira Trading Company? Together, we can fight against the conspiracy and expose the truth."

Xavier's smile widened, but his response held a tinge of melancholy.

Xavier: "As intriguing as that proposition may be, Jessica, it doesn't quite align with my style. Fate will guide us, and if it permits, our paths shall cross again."

Jane sighed, realizing she couldn't persuade him otherwise.

Jane: "Alright, Xavier. Stay safe on your journey. Thank you for everything."

Xavier: "Thank you, Jane. It's rare to come across someone as kind-hearted as you... but... alas. Alright, I'll be on my way. See you!"

Xavier bowed courteously before turning away, his figure disappearing into the distance.

With their group now determined and resolute, Ethan, Jane, and Jessica set off from Arcadia, venturing southwest towards the Taira Trading Company. The road ahead was fraught with danger, but their determination burned bright.

Just a few hours into their journey, as they ventured through a treacherous mountainous region, a sudden tremor jolted the earth beneath their feet. The ground shook violently, rocks tumbled down the slopes, and the air filled with a deafening roar. Panic and fear gripped the group as they struggled to maintain their footing.

Ethan: "Hold on!"

The temblor intensified, causing a massive landslide to cascade down the mountainside, cutting off their escape route. The group's vehicle was helplessly swept away in the torrent of debris, leaving them stranded and disoriented amidst the chaos.

A thunderous rumble echoed through the mountains as a massive landslide cascaded down, sweeping away their vehicle in its relentless path. The group watched in horror as they, along with their vehicle are being push into the depths of the dense forest below.