
The Angel War

In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

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22 Chs

The Eye of Darkness

Ethan followed Victor meticulously, his steps barely making a sound as they navigated the labyrinthine underground tunnels. Along the way, they encountered a motley assortment of individuals, some destitute and others engaged in illicit activities, casting long shadows in the dimly lit passages.

Their journey eventually led them to a dilapidated warehouse, where Ethan observed Victor engaging in a tense negotiation with a group of buyers. The conversation revealed the difficulty of obtaining the weapon design from Jackson Enterprise, and the buyers were haggling over the price. Ethan discreetly captured photographic evidence of the clandestine deal, documenting each pivotal moment.

Sensing an opportunity to intervene, Ethan decided to reveal himself during the negotiation. Taking a confident step forward, he casually raised his cigarette to his lips and stated, "Selling that weapon design might not be the best idea." The room fell silent as the buyers, caught off guard, instinctively reached for their weapons, their eyes fixed on Ethan.

Victor's voice resonated with surprise and recognition, "Wait, aren't you the one from earlier?" One of the buyers sneered, "You're meddling in matters that don't concern you." Their attention then shifted to a peculiar tattoo adorning Ethan's chest, resembling a black eye. A gasp escaped one of the buyers, "Look at his chest, the tattoo... The Eye of Darkness. You're Ethan Hawke!"

Undeterred by their recognition, Ethan maintained his composure and retorted, "Names aside, selling those designs will have consequences we can't foresee." The tension in the room escalated, with Victor sneering, "It doesn't matter who you are. You must die!" In a swift and seamless display of combat prowess, Ethan unleashed his unique magical abilities, augmenting his laser sword and unleashing devastating strikes upon his adversaries.

The battle unfolded in a frenetic dance of steel and energy, each clash of weapons resonating with raw power. Ethan's agile movements and honed skills allowed him to outmaneuver his foes, countering their attacks with precision. Amidst the chaotic melee, Ethan engaged in verbal sparring with the group, taunting them while strategically exploiting their vulnerabilities.

Having vanquished the last of his opponents, Ethan swiftly dialed Jackson, the CEO of Jackson Enterprise, to relay the dire situation. Panic seeped into Jackson's voice as he comprehended the gravity of the threat. "Ethan, you need to check the stolen package. It should contain the latest missile launcher system, the Cheeky Thunder," he urgently instructed.

Victor, his life fading away, interjected with a chilling smirk, "You're too late, Ethan. I've set a timed bomb. In five minutes, it will detonate, destroying the package and ensuring you never get it back."

Jackson's desperation was palpable as he implored Ethan to defuse the bomb and recover the missile launcher system, his voice trembling with urgency. "Ethan, you have to do whatever it takes to defuse that bomb and retrieve the Cheeky Thunder. I'll pay you 50% more than our initial agreement, but time is running out!" Ethan sighed, his irritation evident. "Jackson, I understand the gravity of the situation, but… Fine, we don't have time to argue now. I'll do it, but the price just went up."

With resolve in his eyes, Ethan detached the bomb from the weapon system and initiated the defusing process. His hands moved with expert precision as he carefully navigated the intricate web of wires and circuits. The countdown continued, each passing second amplifying the pressure mounting upon him.

As the countdown ticked ominously, Ethan navigated the intricate web of wires and circuits. Annoyance swirled within him, fueled by the mounting pressure of the situation. With unwavering determination, he meticulously disarmed the bomb, every second feeling like an eternity.

In the final moments, beads of sweat glistened on Ethan's forehead as he severed the final wire, diffusing the explosive threat with mere seconds to spare. Relief washed over him as he breathed a sigh of triumph, knowing he had averted disaster.

Reestablishing contact with Jackson, Ethan's voice carried a mix of accomplishment and annoyance. "The bomb has been defused. The package is safe. You owe me double the original payment, Jackson. No more games."

There was a momentary pause on the other end before Jackson conceded, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration, "Alright, Ethan. You've earned it. Meet me in my office to collect your payment."