
The Angel War

In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

KageOng · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Commotion in Kent

Ethan and the group spent the next day driving towards Arcadia, finally arriving in the town of Kent late at night. As they entered the town, exhaustion evident on their faces, Jessica suggested finding a place to rest for the night.

"We can rest here for the night and continue our drive tomorrow morning, right?" she proposed, hoping for a brief respite.

Ethan, his eyes scanning the surroundings warily, shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea. Kent is still under Jackson's jurisdiction. It won't be long before there's a warrant for our arrest here. We can't afford to stay too long. We need to pass through Median Mountain soon. Let's just quickly refill our supplies and get going as soon as possible."

Just as they were discussing their next move, the group noticed a gathering of people nearby, engaged in an urgent discussion. Intrigued, they decided to approach and seek information.

Jane, stepping forward, asked, "Hi, what's going on here?"

One of the townsfolk turned to them, concern etched on his face. "Some time ago, a villager from Arcadia was attacked by a monster in Median Mountain."

Another townsperson chimed in, uncertainty in their voice. "They couldn't identify the creature responsible for the injuries."

A third individual added, "We heard strange animal sounds coming from Median Mountain last night. It was an unsettling howl, like the scream of some monstrous being."

Ethan's interest was immediately piqued. "Where is the victim now?" he inquired, hoping to gather more information.

"They've taken him to the hotel for now," a villager responded. "I suppose Jackson Enterprise will send someone to investigate soon."

After expressing their gratitude to the townspeople, Ethan and the group exchanged glances, their decision made. They would head to the hotel to check on the victim, hoping to unravel the mystery surrounding the attacks in Median Mountain. With a sense of urgency, they made their way towards the hotel.

Entering the hotel, they approached the reception desk and Jane spoke up. "Hi, is there an injured person from Arcadia staying in this hotel?"

The receptionist nodded with a sigh. "Ah, the victim. If you guys are his friends, can you please take him away? You know, with this situation, it's not really good for our hotel's reputation. He's in room 225 upstairs."

The group swiftly made their way to room 225. As they entered, a scene of devastation greeted them—a man lay on the bed, his body covered in blood, unconscious and bearing multiple injuries.

Jane's voice quivered with emotion. "Dean! Ethan, it's Dean!"

Jessica, perplexed, turned to them. "You guys know him?"

Ethan's eyes filled with sadness. "He's our childhood friend. But... what kind of monster could inflict such injuries?"

Jessica examined the wounds with a somber expression. "It's a tragedy... His right hand and left leg have been nearly torn apart by some tremendous force. His stomach has also been ripped open. Judging by these injuries, it's hard to imagine the size of the creature responsible. I don't think he'll make it..."

Jane, tears streaming down her face, could hardly speak through her sobs. "Not long ago... Not long ago, Dean was still fine. It's because of him telling me the news about Ethan that I went to Jackson City... but now..."

Ethan, his voice filled with determination, interrupted. "Now is not the time to mourn. The people from Jackson will be here soon. We need to leave quickly."

Jessica expressed her concerns. "But we have to pass through Median Mountain on our way to Arcadia... What if we encounter some kind of monster there?"

Ethan, his resolve unwavering, replied, "We have to go and find out. If we don't go now, a group of soldiers will be waiting for us. We can't afford to be caught."

Jane, her composure regained, spoke calmly. "I want to go back to Arcadia and investigate. I can't just sit here."

Ethan chuckled darkly. "Who knows? Maybe some of those foolish villagers have also been attacked."

With their minds set, the group swiftly purchased supplies and prepared to venture towards Median Mountain, ready to confront the unknown and uncover the truth that awaited them.