
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
127 Chs

Junior High Athletics Meet 1


"That damn Tsutomu I told to go to sleep early since we have a tournament tomorrow and he goes ahead and starts texting and calling me at 3 in the morning. Why was he asking me if I packed all my stuff that early in the morning, what is he my mom or something."

Walking towards the entrance of a Junior High, a youth was walking and grumbling to himself about how blasphemous it was to interrupt a person's night sleep. He stood at about 5'11 with a lean but muscular build. He had dark black hair, strong sapphire blue eyes and handsome features that was able to attract the attention of girls that passed by. Holding his hot chocolate he entered the gym of his school.

"Akane seems to have leveled up her choco skills. I wonder if it was because of that anime I showed her.."

"Good morning Haruto! Are you all set and ready to go? We just need to wait for a few more of our members and we can start leaving."

"Good morning coach, I am okay for now since I had some sugar right now since some bowl head for whatever reason started to wake me up so early in the morning for whatever reason" Haruto started to hatefully glare at the person walking towards him. He was about the same height albeit a little shorter and had his signature bowl cut. He was smiling sheepishly.

" I just wanted to make sure since you are horrible at taking care of yourself. Remember the last time at the other tournament you forgot your shoes in your locker and you had to get Akane to bring them for you. Luckily you got them just in time before our match began."

"Ugh don't remind me I still get the chills remembering the look she gave me after she had to miss the first period in order to give me my shoes."

That day I swear the way she glared at me the temperature around me started to go down and I was able to see a demon appear behind her.

"Alright everyone gather up we're going to start and leave so get all of your important belongings and don't forget to check if you brought your gear" The coach stopped and turned to me "Haruto you do have your shoes this time right."

My teammates started to laugh and I sheepishly smiled " Yes coach this time I have them on me."

He nodded and started to lead us to the buses that were ready to take us.

"Haruto! Good luck on your tournament!" "Yea make sure to win okay!" I looked to the side and saw some guys and girls yelling across the road cheering. "Sure I'll try my best, make sure to tell me what happens in class today!." I told them, smiling back.

"Scoff, even if you missed a whole month of class you would still be able to rank first. Are you some kind of freak? How are you able to rank first when I never ever see you study a single moment in my life." Tsutomu looked back at the group of girls cheering us, he slightly blushed and whispered to me.

"Didn't that girl with the short hair confess to you? Is she your girlfriend now?"

I looked at him strangely. "No, I didn't accept her confession since I just thought of her as a friend."

(Plus I never really had any thoughts on dating anyone right now.)

"You know that if you get rid of your bowl cut and a better haircut you would be pretty popular."

Tsutomu looked back at me in shock and stared at me as if I said the most blasphemous sentence in existence. "I can never get rid of this! This is what makes me Tsutomu and losing it means I lose my whole existence!"

I stared at him not knowing how to react and just sped up to board the bus

"Hey! Haruto don't go so fast"


At the town gymnasium the sound of shoes squeaking and balls being hit can be heard as the gym started to prepare for the tournament welcoming various schools.

Rushing towards the entrance of the gymnasium a short person being around 5'4 having messy orange hair can be seen gasping excitedly while grasping the bags over his shoulder.

"The gym is huge! And the air smells just like salonpas.. Finally.. after 3 years of only watching, I can finally participate in a tournament!"

"Well until now you were the only member in the club so you weren't allowed to participate Shou-chan.."

"Yeah I can't believe he persevered for this long.."

"Err captain do you know if we'll be up soon"

"Yeah captain can you take command since we were dragged here do you mind showing us around since we don't know the rules or how any of this works."

"I know that okay!" After a slight pause he looked towards the two boys near him. "Izumin, Kouji, thanks again for coming and helping."


"Stop that it's giving me the creeps when you say something like that"

The orange haired kid then went towards the 3 people in the back " And you 3 first years thank you so muchhh for joinninggg!"

"Ah yes b-but we're still basically newbies"

"Alright team, let's win this whole tournament. Since we're participating, let's win the whole thing!"

"I don't think we can do that with this type of amateur team Shou-chan…"

While they were speaking with each other some people behind them started to whisper.

"Hey you see that team over there?"

"Hmm? Yukigaoka Junior High.. What about them"

"What an unlucky team facing Kitagawa Daiichi from the start."

"Yikes, what bad luck. Facing one of the two champion favorites must be rough. Oh speaking of them here they are."

Walking towards the entrance various tall players started to arrive. They were wearing a dark blue and white jersey and had an intimidating air around them. One particular player had black hair and dark blue eyes. He seems to wear a scowl on his face scaring off various players who looked at him.

"Hey look it's Tobio Kageyama the "King of the court""

"Huh what's with that nickname of king?" "Well they say that he is an amazing setter who has great senses and leadership"

Hinata Shoyo saw this scene and started to feel slightly intimidated.

"But when do you think Takaoka Gakuen is going to arrive? I heard that they have the best chance in winning compared to Kitagawa Daiichi "

"Oh them I heard the same thing. They have that guy with really strong straights and don't forget their ace. He seems to be able to get past blocks no matter how tall they are." While they were chatting a bus stops near the front of the entrance and players start to walk out. They also carried this feeling of intimidation but amongst them stood a guy with black hair and strong sapphire blue eyes. He saw the gym and started to smile with eyes that seemed to carry endless excitement.

"Haruto calm down a bit man. We just arrived and you look like you're going to burn a hole through the building with that look." A guy with a bowl cut and brown eyes seemed to smile while also putting his hand on his shoulder.

The guy shook his head "I can't help it. There seems to be some strong people that I can finally play against" He started to look back towards the person who seemed to stare at him. He had his usual scowl on his face and after a few moments turned away.

After he left the guy turned towards a short guy with messy orange hair. He looked like a deer in headlights as he froze as he was being stared at. The guy chuckled at his reaction and turned away walking alongside his teammates into the gym.


Hinata stood frozen for a couple of seconds until his friend started to shake him.

"S-shou-chan don't stand there all silent, you're going to make me even more nervous than I already am!"

"But I can understand his feelings though.."

Hinata looked at his teammates and shook his head. "Don't worry guys no matter how tall they are I am confident in my jumping! We will smash right through them!"

"Ooh your jumping really is incredible! You sound like a proper captain just now."

"YESS!... but let me go to the bathroom real quick.. getting stared at by that guy seemed to upset my stomach…"


Well Hinata's bathroom adventures start to begin. Although Haruto was only mainly seen at the beginning and somewhere near the end I wanted to properly introduce Hinata and Kageyama since those three will be like a trio in the series…

Anyways thank you all for reading and see ya in the next chapter Peace!