
The Angel’s love

Romantic bl fantasy harem M+ Mpreg A young handsome man ran away from home in search of adventure on a merchant ship, not expecting that he would arouse the interest of strong and influential men from the royal family who going to fight for his heart…

viola_kukh · LGBT+
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35 Chs


The sparkle of shiny emeralds and sapphires truly bewitched the young man. In a small secret room, which no one was allowed to enter, gems of different calibers and cuts were kept in locked chests and boxes. Admired by their magnificence, Ray placed each crystal in his palm, gazing at it.

"A-ah... exquisite!"

"Which ones do you like best?" The King asked ingratiatingly, sitting down on the sofa behind Ray.

"Blue... big... there are so many of them! Where do so many treasures come from?"

"I am the King! I can afford... You can choose whatever you want..."

His arms wrapped around the young man's waist and gentle kisses behind his ear caused a wave of sharp goosebumps.

"Milord... are you seducing me again? Taking advantage of my weakness for crystals? Did the Lord tell you?"

"Hmm... Rohen is not at all against our romance. Why is this so?"

"He likes you..." Ray said melancholy, continuing to admire the gems.

"Why not Arlow?"

"He doesn't consider him worthy of me and got jealous..."

"Everything among the Gods is like with people... Envy, jealousy..."

The king continued to caress him with gentle whispers and pleasant words, confusing the young man even more. Ray tried to distract Eriolan from seduction.

"Do you know what the spiritual core of being looks like? Like a rainbow gem. Rohen sees the treasure of the soul through the worlds."

"Where does it come from?"

"It's growing up! Gradually from life to life. Like this sapphire! How many years did it take the nature spirits to create it? So is the human soul. It acquires a glow very slowly. The rulers of the subtle worlds lower their gaze into the depths of dark space to see new nuggets and find them in a heap of waste rock."

The King's embrace closed even tighter.

"This is an unusual worldview! Are you also such a crystal?"

"No! My core is of a different origin. It is hard to explain."

"I am very happy that I was lucky to meet you, my beautiful angel. I want all of you."

"Milord... In this sense? You are so pushy! Still want me?"

"Yes, very... I don't know why. I can't understand... this is beyond my strength! And you're still here, you haven't run away from me... Do you like me? Like a man?"

"You're not gay... How are you going to please me?"

In response, only noisy sighs, hot kisses and the rustling of clothes falling to the floor were heard.

Carefully following the instructions of his mentor in his head, Eriolan managed to bring pleasure to the graceful, sensitive young man, although he had never done such a thing. Ray moaned softly on his knees, eyes flashing and writhing in his arms. At first, the King's body was pierced by a burning pain during intercourse, but then a stupefying euphoria set in, which he had never experienced before.

"A-ah, Ray! What happened with me?" The clouded eyes of the King closed in deep sleep and the embarrassed young duke, straightening his clothes and hair, hurriedly left the palace.

Illustrated book is available on Amazon Kindle:


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