

Samuel Anderson has a dream in which he sees the resurrection of a terrifying witch. He initially wakes up believing it to be an ordinary Nightmare but when the other young members of his family begin to have similar dreams, he believes an evil plot is afoot...

Edwin_Bozie · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


The next scene that appeared was of the wrestling contest. Trix stood there all innocent but serious and Prince Fiarius stood as well with a spiky tail and back lined with an exoskeleton; with a horn on his snout and two horns, one on either side of his head. Then the fight began. Prince Fiarius leapt at Trix but Trix was quick, he evaded and knocked Prince Fiarius with a blow from his tail right under Prince Fiarius' chin. Fiarius became furious and then he struck Trix with his heavy tail attack. He knocked Trix to the ground by tripping him with his tail. Trix was up in a moment. Prince Fiarius slashed with his claw but Trix jumped back and with a three sixty degree jump spin knocked Fiarius' right cheek with his tail. Trix landed and knocked Prince Fiarius with a low three sixty degree turning tail strike. Now Fiarius was mad, he pounced at Trix and slashed him across the chest. Trix tried to claw Fiarius across the face but Fiarius was quicker, he dodged and somersaulted backwards. His feet would have caught Trix right under the chin but Trix leaned backwards and gave Fiarius a spin kick to his side. Fiarius fell to the ground and opened his mouth momentarily. Trix ran towards him but slipped on the ground and fell hard.

"Whoa! That has got to hurt!" Sam said.

"That slimy weasel cheated!" John roared.

"What do you see John?" George asked.

"He iced the floor!" John said.

"THAT WEASEL!" Trix exclaimed.

The scene slowly faded and Trix was in a field. The field was vast and mainly covered with grass. Sam noticed that Trix sat there sadly tossing stones about in boredom and defeat. Suddenly, Sam noticed that there were dark clouds approaching from quite a distance.

"Hmm, looks like there's a storm brewing" Trix said.

Sam looked closely.

"There's something strange about that storm. I can't see any clouds, it's just plain darkness" he said.

Lightning struck and thunder rumbled only where the darkness was and then Sam saw something frightening. A tall figure in a black cloak and a hooded face with gleaming red eyes was walking slowly towards Sauradise, home of the Dinosaurs.

"Huh? I've got to warn the others!" Trix said and he quickly ran towards Sauradise.

Sam noticed that the grasses entered the ground when the shadow passed over them. The next scene that appeared was of Trix screaming.

"No! Set my people free! Give them back their freedom mother of shadow!"

"Mother Of Shadow? Is that as good a title as she could come up with?" John teased.

Sam examined the hooded figure closely. T-Rexus and the other dinosaurs were bound by spells cast by the hooded figure. The hooded figure moved slowly towards T-Rexus. She or it examined T-Rexus closely and entered his body slowly in the form of thick black mist through his nostrils. There was a brief struggle and T-Rexus shut his eyes. When he opened them again, they were gleaming red.

"Perfect" the creature living within him said.

"No!" Trix screamed and the scene faded.

The next scene was of a family tied together, a family of dinosaurs.

"Let my family go, mother of shadow" a huge dinosaur said.

"There it goes again, mother of shadow!" John sighed. "She couldn't, that thing in the cloak couldn't find any constructive title like Shadow Mum?"

Sam looked at him sarcastically.

"What of Shadow Mama, Sam what do you think?" John asked.

"I think you should shut up!" Sam said finally fed up of John's sarcasm.

John pretended to be angry.

"Okay but you've got to admit it's a whole lot catchier than mother of shadow" John said.

Sam sighed and threw his arms into the air.

"You want to give it, that thing a better name?! Try Tarantella! Oh God John! You can sometimes be so annoying!" Sam blurted out.

Everyone turned to look at him. That is everyone who was observing the scene.

"What did you just say?!" Lucy said not quite sure she had heard Sam right.

"I'm saying that T-Rexus and all those dinosaurs are most probably possessed by some dark entity" Sam said.

Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Specifically Tarantella? What's your point anyway? We all know Tarantella was destroy…" Lucy was saying when Sam interrupted her.

"No no no, we don't know for sure that she was destroyed. She could have been sealed away" Sam cut her off.

Lucy kept silent. She knew that Sam was probably right. The scene had already faded and another scene was slowly beginning to materialize. It showed tortured dinosaurs and humans lying injured on the ground within the Caves, hopelessly.

"I can't believe Jesse is actually dead! He was the only form of resistance against she who must not be named" a dinosaur said sadly.

"Hahaha! That sounded like a Harry Potter joke!" George laughed.

"Yeah!" John laughed too.

Then they turned to look at Sam but when they saw the expression on his face, they both stopped laughing and cleared their throats.

"Come on dude, loosen up. I've never seen you this tensed. I mean…" John was saying but Sam raised an eyebrow and he gave up.

"Didn't you two just hear what that Dinosaur said? Jesse is dead. Now how am I going to find out how he sealed Tarantella away?" Sam said.

Sam turned to look at Trix, then at Ophiacodon hopefully.

Suddenly, the scene was ripped apart and rope like bands of energy flew around them binding them together. Lucy, Nancy, and Jane were bound by one energy band. George and John were bound by another. Ophiacodon, Saurian and Ephragon were bound by yet another leaving Trix and Sam standing unbound.