

Samuel Anderson has a dream in which he sees the resurrection of a terrifying witch. He initially wakes up believing it to be an ordinary Nightmare but when the other young members of his family begin to have similar dreams, he believes an evil plot is afoot...

Edwin_Bozie · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


"Let them go!" Sam shouted angrily.

"Surrender boy!" T-Rexus ordered.

"Sam don't!" the Andersons and Jane screamed.

Suddenly, Anne began to laugh maniacally.

"Huh?" Sam stared at her in shock.

He watched in terror as she transformed into a huge Triceratops.

"What made you think I saw you as the chosen one?" it said in a double voice.

Sam looked at her, then at T-Rexus.

"Anne?" Sam asked in a questioning voice.

"You can call me Trix" the Triceratops said. "Fits me huh? It was so easy to tricks you" it said.

"Take T-Rexus! We'll take care of this trickster!" Saurian said.

"Huh?" Sam and George gasped in surprise.

"Wow, sounds pretty cool coming from a Dragon" John said.

"Ayi-yi-yi" Sam let out a sigh.

"I've studied human interaction for the past three thousand years of my life" Saurian whispered.

"That explains a lot" Sam said.

Trix swung his tail at Saurian. Sam jumped out of the way in time. Saurian opened his mouth and took a deep breath and let the fire out at Trix. The hot fire scorched Trix's tail which fell off and regrew.

"For the last time T-Rexus, let the girls go!" Sam shouted.

"Any funny tricks and you'll never see your sister, cousins, and most importantly, your girlfriend ever again! Why don't we play a little game boy? If you win, the girls will be released and so will your friends" T-Rexus said.

"What are the rules of your game?!" Sam roared.

T-Rexus raised his hands to the sky and chanted

"With the power of the constellation reborn

Intensify my powers for to the enemy I scorn!"

Suddenly, the constellation began to glow evil red. The red light from the constellation descended upon T-Rexus and he increased in height, power and evil.

"There is one rule, rescue the girls before my sting descends upon them!" T-Rexus laughed in an evil double voice and Sam watched in horror as T-Rexus was transformed into a giant Dinobee! He raised his lethal sting and was about to sting Jane when Sam sped and pushed Jane out of the way once more.

The sting pierced through Sam's armour and came out his back.

"PERFECT CHOICE!" T-Rexus smiled happily.

Sam groaned.

"SAM!" George, Sam, Lucy, Nancy and Jane screamed.

"Sam, hang on! Don't give up!" John shouted.

Sam's head hanged limp for a second and then he raised it with a sly smile on his face and began to glow once more.

"I have a spell of my own T-Rexus, a little incantation" Sam said.

"Huh?" T-Rexus gasped in astonishment for Sam was still alive.

"With the power of nine,

I fry your intestines!"

Sam said.

The others including Saurian and Ephragon who momentarily paused from fighting Trix laughed loudly. Suddenly, there was a surge of lightning and fire that flowed from Sam into T-Rexus' body giving him the greatest shock imaginable. T-Rexus screamed in pain and shrank to his normal size.