
The Ancient Shield Warrior

Attention: It is preferable to read from your phone in portrait mode. Remember to change your favorite background for better visualization. ~Author. ----------------------------------------                         System *Forced ----------------------------------------           Level: 10=24           +HP: ====       anaM: *Broken   *Broken: *Broken         *Broken: ===== ====             Null---                                 >>Permation Inforsonal ---------------------------------------- *Examining the flawed system. The system horribly crashed. System: "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzt." *Lost signal. *I lifting Myra's body. positioned in front of a vast sea while perched on the cliff's edge. observing the enormous strange beast with its five heads and lengthy neck. "We tried everything..." *All of the warriors have died. afloat on the ocean. on the water. near the cliff. Anywhere. a collapsed building. Street. ... "Myra..." ... *Eerhrhrhh... *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!! *Beast roaring in the fog. ... ... *Place Myra's body on the ground gradually. ... *Eerhrhrhh... *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!! ... ... ... *Picking up a sword. raising it. grabbing a big shield that was on the ground and crushed. raising it. "I'm sorry..." *Eerhrhrhh... "I broke my promise." *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!!

Nine_Whale · Thành thị
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53 Chs


Suddenly, a huge personality girl calls my name. She was standing directly above the stairwell, her gaze focused on me. Her left hand rested on her waist, and her right leg was straight. She is smiling, but it appears to be a frightening smile.

Her hair was unbound and long chocolate dark. She is dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt which suits her personality. She is dressed in a short apple-red skirt that exposes most of her thigh. She is dressed in a black mule shoe. She has earrings in both of her ears. She also has a choker on. There's a tiny contour on her personality that reassembles a love. It was a dark color, and it was right over her personality. Her eyes were indigo blue up top and sky blue down below.

Why is she here? Who is she?

"Yugo? Did you prepare your finance to pay your monthly rent?"

Yugo: "Ah... Ye-Yesss... I will pay it quickly hehe..."

Rent? I'm renting this one-room apartment??

"100 VC. And this is your last day to pay, and I can see you still did not prepare it."

100 VC? What is that?

"Hmmm→↑?" As she slowly opens up her eyes and looks at me.

"Mhmhmhm..." After glancing at me, she raised her right hand and placed it on her mouth, palm facing toward her mouth, to hold her giggling.

"I never know you will be a stylist all of a sudden." She said it while walking down the stair and stop in front of me. She was tall.

Yugo: "Ahh... Am I?" As I put my left hand to my back head.

"You look cuter for some reason." She leaned her body a little bit to the front toward me, and her face got closer to me.

Yugo: "U-Ummm..." As I tried to avoid any eye contact.

"Mhmhmhm..." She giggled again. Then she walks past me.

"Alright, I'll forgive you this time since you look good today." She then came to a halt a few steps ahead. And she shifted her weight to the left, toward me, while her feet remained front. And I notice she pulls out one of her weapons. When she turned around, her aura became even more terrifying.

"But remember... You only have one week from now, okay?"

It was actually a bullwhip. She was holding the handle in her right hand and the whip in her left. She straightens the weapon as soon as she finishes speaking.


The sound made from the whip gets straightened.

Yugo: "Ye-Yes!" As I get scared with it.

"Good..." The scary aura from here suddenly disappeared. Then she turned around and walk away again.

"Have a good day." She walks away toward the little pedestrian path at the front.

Who is she?

I blink my left eye quickly. The system arose out of nowhere.


Personal Information


Name: Hirowa Jorabi

Nickname: Hirowa

Age/Tall: 32/62 inch

Rank: None

Personality: *Private

Driver's License: Type-B1

Finance: Extremely High

Class: None

Magic: None


Eh? Is there something wrong with the system?

System: "Question confirmed. No. It was a normal people without any class and magic."

System: "Ordinary person did not possess any of the power and did not have a system status information with them." The system abruptly dissolved because the girl was already a long distance away.

But how could she call the weapon? And she not even saying a word.

System: "It was a weapon item."

Weapon item?

System: "Yes. A weapon item is a weapon that can be bought with currency from a weapon item store. There's also a magic item."

System: "It can also be bought with a currency from a magic item store."

Hooo... So normal people could also use magic that has been created.

System: "Yes. You can say it like that."

I see...

While the system explains everything, I take the stair in front of me to the second floor. Then I recall where my room is located. It turns out that this apartment is quite long. The second floor most likely has 5 rooms. The flat has only two levels and no door on the first level. I'm now standing in front of my front door.

Yugo: "Eh? Where is my key?" As I searched it in every pocket in my pants. But did not find it.

Yugo: "Wait... I did not lock it..." As I realize it after a moment.

Then I try to open up the door. It does not open up.

Yugo: "Huh? I remember I was just quickly leaving this place without thinking to lock the door before."

But then I realize something was off with the door knob.

Yugo: "Wait... The door does not have a keyhole on it..." As I look closely at the door knob.

System: "It must be a fingerprint door. You need to put your thumbs or any of your fingers in the middle of the doorknob and hold it for a second."

Yugo: "Fingerprint?" Then I put my right thumb to the middle of the door knob as the system said to me.

After a brief moment, a blue light appeared. The light reconstructs a fingerprint image. Following that, I could hear something. Simultaneously, the blue light in the middle of the door handle is switched off.


The sound of the door.

Then I tried to open it again.

Yugo: "Hooo... You're right..." As the door successfully opens up.

I returned to my flat and discovered that my room is rather large for a single person. Just gazing at it makes me feel at ease.

I closed the door as I entered the room.

Yugo: "Haaahh..." As I sit on my bed and take a deep breath.

In front of me, it was my cabin that has been opened up before.

Yugo: "I remembered that girl... Ummm... Hirowa? She said 100 VC before. Is it the thing that makes me in debt?"

System: "Question confirmed. By the data, yes. VC is a currency of this world. It stands for Virtual Credits."

System: "Virtual Credit is a card that provides a bank account and personal information in it, including how much money you had in the bank."

Yugo: "Hooo... A card?"

Yugo: "Where is my card then?"

System: "It should be around your room somewhere. The memories data of your previous body said it was still in your room."

Yugo: "Around here?" As I tried to find it in every corner including in my wardrobe.

Yugo: "Ah... Is this one?" As I found it inside the wardrobe, in one of the pants pockets. I pick it up and the card is shining silver glossy.

Yugo: "Vleley Bank Corp." As I read the front of the card. The card's edge is curved, and it contains plenty of random numbers, just like a regular bank card. In the lower right corner, there is a white capitalized word in italics that says VC.

System: "Vleley Bank Corp. is a bank company in this city."

Yugo: "Do you know where is the nearest bank from here? I want to check my current money."

System: "There's nothing that can do such thing like that in here as you did in your previous world."

Yugo: "Eh? Then how did I check my money?"

System: "Simply just blink your left eye to open your own system. Then press the personal information button. And then press the word in the finance row."

The device then instructs me to blink my left eye quickly. A new system came out of nowhere.


Vleley Bank Corp.


Name: Yugome Shakumi

Money: -100 VC

Status: Public *Change

PIN: *Hold to show.

<< Personal Information


Yugo: "Hooo... Uh, -100?"

System: "It seems like you were in debt because paying up this apartment room forcedly in the previous month before."

Yugo: "..."

System: "It means your money could be -200 after this."

Yugo: "You are so noisy. I know that."

Then I lay down on my single bed after looking at it. The system is closed since I moved too much.

Yugo: "*Sigh... One week... How do I find that much money only for a week..."

System: "There are two ways to get money in this world. Either by working like a normal person or by utilizing your class and magic."

Yugo: "Hm? How?"

System: "There's a dungeon in the middle of the city that is connected to a monstrous territory. By killing it, the monster will drop some of an item that later can be sold for money."

I quickly woke up again after hearing that.

Yugo: "Then why did not we just go there immediately."

System: "Well... You can do that though... But firstly, try to observe the place first before deciding."

I quickly blink my left eye while gazing down while the system speaks. The system arose out of nowhere. Then I swiftly pressed the personal information button.




Level: 3

HP: =====

Mana: ==

Strength: =

Def: =====

MT: Normal

>>Personal Information



Personal Information


Name: Yugome Shakumi

Nickname: Yugo

Age/Tall: 20/59 inch

Rank: Academy-Student


Personality: Thug

Driver's License: None

Finance: In Debt

Class: Shield Warrior

Magic: Conjuration of Summoner (N)

<< Status
